Meshing trailing edge of aerofoil in Gambit

In summary, when using the boundary layer tool in Gambit to mesh the near wall region of an aerofoil, there may be problems at the trailing edge where the x-direction cell size is equal to the y-direction size along the surface. This can lead to poor resolution and skew angles at the interface of the boundary layer and outer region in an unstructured mesh. To address this, you can try using a hybrid mesh, refining the mesh in the near-wall region, or adjusting the growth rate and stretching parameters.
  • #1

when using the boundary layer tool in Gambit to mesh the near wall region of an aerofoil I experience problems at the trailing edge.
The x-direction size of the first cell downstream of the trailing edge appears to be equal to the y-direction cell size along the surface. For y+<5, the latter is very small, i.e. 1e-5, which means that the spacing of the cells in the x-direction downstream of the trailing edge is equally small. This, in turn, renders problems at the interface of the boundary layer and the outer region when using an unstructured mesh - the resolution is poor, skew angles etc.

Does anyone know how to change the configuration, so that the x-direction size of the cells downstream of the trailing edge can be increased (and is not equal to the y-direction size of the cells along the aerofoil surface)?

Many thanks for your comments in advance,

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  • #2

Hello CC,

Thank you for sharing your concerns and issues with using the boundary layer tool in Gambit. The problem you are experiencing at the trailing edge is a common issue that many researchers have encountered while using unstructured meshes.

One approach to address this issue is to use a hybrid mesh, which combines the benefits of both structured and unstructured meshes. With a hybrid mesh, you can have control over the cell size in the near-wall region while maintaining the flexibility of an unstructured mesh in the outer region.

Another approach is to refine the mesh in the near-wall region by adding more nodes and increasing the number of layers in the boundary layer. This will allow for better resolution and can help improve the overall mesh quality.

Additionally, you can also try adjusting the growth rate and stretching parameters in the boundary layer tool to see if that helps with the cell size at the trailing edge.

I hope these suggestions help in improving your mesh and resolving the interface issues. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if these solutions work for you.

FAQ: Meshing trailing edge of aerofoil in Gambit

1. What is the purpose of meshing the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit?

The purpose of meshing the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit is to create a finite element mesh that accurately represents the physical geometry of the aerofoil. This mesh is used for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to analyze the flow characteristics and performance of the aerofoil.

2. How do I create a mesh on the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit?

To create a mesh on the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit, you can use the "Edge Meshing" tool. This allows you to specify the number of nodes and intervals along the edge, as well as the type of mesh (triangular or quadrilateral).

3. What factors should I consider when meshing the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit?

When meshing the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit, it is important to consider the desired level of accuracy and the computational resources available. A finer mesh will provide more accurate results but will also require more computational power and time to solve. Additionally, the geometry and boundary conditions of the aerofoil should be taken into account when determining the appropriate meshing strategy.

4. Can I refine the mesh on the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit?

Yes, Gambit allows you to refine the mesh on the trailing edge of an aerofoil by using the "Edge Meshing" tool and selecting a smaller interval size. You can also use the "Refine Mesh" tool to locally refine the mesh in specific areas, including the trailing edge.

5. How can I ensure the quality of the mesh on the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit?

To ensure the quality of the mesh on the trailing edge of an aerofoil in Gambit, you can use the "Check Mesh Quality" tool. This will identify any elements with poor quality and allow you to make adjustments to improve the overall mesh quality. You can also use the "Smooth Mesh" tool to improve the mesh quality in specific areas.

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