Metaphysics is Art: Exploring the Boundaries of Science and Invention

In summary, in the future, only philosophy will remain to be studied as science will come to an end once all practical problems have been solved and we have the ability to manipulate matter and ourselves infinitely. This will lead to the invention of arbitrary science and art forms as knowledge. Philosophy, in its most abstract sense, questions and demolishes all assumptions and logic, making it a purely aesthetic and artistic pursuit. It has no given goal and can even seek to decrease understanding rather than increase it. In this future, science and art will merge as we will have the ability to manipulate our own neural networks and create any combination of emotions, thoughts, and senses. At this point, science itself becomes a pure invention and even the most basic concepts, such
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The only thing that will be left to study in the future is philosophy. It is science that will end. Once all our practical scientific-technical problems have been solved, and we can manipulate all matter and ourselves infinitely, then only philosophy-metaphysics-art will be left, and that study will last forever.
This study will lead to inventing any arbitrary science and art form as knowledge. Any sequence of signs and pictures can become an invented irrational mathematics-physics.

Trying to understand metaphysical problems in philosophy always ends up questioning more fundamental assumptions as it proceeds. Why "understand" more or less ? Why use any form of logic ? What exactly are we trying to reach ? These ideas go on forever and as you proceed you slowly disassemble all thought processes, logic, reason, all intentions and you end up with everything and/or nothing. The end result is mostly aesthetic or artistic. Just invent arbitrarily anything etc.

Philosophy has no given goal. It doesn't necessarily want to increase our understanding, some philosophers may want to decrease our understanding as "understanding" may not be such an interesting goal. Some philosophy likes the purely artistic view of things hence there is no relationship with science. Some philosophy likes to be completely wrong on everything because they are not using right and wrong concepts or non contradictions as taken for granted.

Philosophy, in the wider sense, is very much more general and abstract than science, it questions every conceivable assumption, demolishes every conceivable logic and thought process. Real philosophy is truly non social and has no use whatsoever. It is this that makes it so much grander than science.

One could say why search for the "truth" ? Why not search for the best lies, non-truths or try to get as far away as possible from the truth ? After all, searching for the truth is one of the assumptions we take for granted. Why not invent better and better lies ? why not contradict ourselves more and more ? Why is truth assigned a higher "value" than that which is "false" ?

Let's play a game of demolishing all possible assumptions:

1) why ask why ? so my philosophy doesn't ask why anymore it just assigns arbitrary false facts...

2) why execute any thought ? So my philosophy doesn't contain any thought anymore

So I can say the mind is a car tire and it's thoughts are a light bulb in your house. You can assign anything, any idea, concept; it becomes more and more an aesthetical - artistical construction. You can even go full circle and watch TV as that is the maximum philosophical achievment.

We are talking about science as an expired process. After which only pure invention will reign. There are no constraints, anything can go. What is the square root of multiplication ? An invented symbol as an infinite number of others to create a purely invented science. So any image can be a language and can associate to any meaning-operation much like art. Even the most fundamental logic of dividing things up as separate or as one can be manipulated. 2 apples can be grouped as one and further grouped with the table on which they lay and this can be considered one unique object and manipulated with any kind of invention.

When science will have reached the point of manipulating our own neural networks, this will become apparent since then we will invent our own mind, emotional systems, thought structures etc. Art and science will become one and the same. Imagine a modified mind where all the information paths can be changed and all the associated emotional structures can be manipulated in billions of combinations, the space-time references can be changed, enhanced, new sense organs can be mixed and created since all the information in our minds is only electrical signals.

So then we would be using science to produce Art in the form of modified brains. But all we will ever perceive is extracted properties from objects. It is how you extract a given value or what given value you choose that makes an object perceivable, so science itself is always a pure invention. If you decide to measure the mass of a particle compared to another, you already simply invented a number since that given choice of property compared to another reference is a pure invention. We decide that that measurement is significant and important whereas objectively speaking, for the physical universe, there is no difference between that choice and any other such as the distance between 2 rocks on mars.
Physics news on
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Even the assumption of knowing or not knowing can be manipulated. Why know more or less ? if we had a direct manipulation of our neural circuits we could change the "knowledge configuration" and create any kind of combination including all kinds of false and invented knowledge. Or we can mix knowledge/memories of a mind with the state of knowledge it had at 15 years old with pieces of knowledge it may have at 50.

Then atoms don't exist, they are only pictures, and physics itself can be invented at all levels. Are there invariants ? Who cares, we can assign all.
Art and science would become one and both aesthetical objects completely manipulatable.
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In conclusion, while metaphysics may be seen as the ultimate study once science and invention have reached their limits, it is important to acknowledge that philosophy and science are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they can complement each other and contribute to our understanding of the world in different ways. While science may provide us with practical solutions to our problems, philosophy can help us question our fundamental assumptions and think critically about the world around us. Both have their own value and should not be seen as competing fields, but rather as different aspects of human inquiry and understanding.

Related to Metaphysics is Art: Exploring the Boundaries of Science and Invention

What is metaphysics?

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of reality and existence. It explores fundamental questions about the world, including the nature of being, time, space, causation, and consciousness.

How does metaphysics relate to art?

Metaphysics and art share a common goal of exploring and understanding the world around us. While science and invention focus on empirical evidence and tangible results, art and metaphysics delve into the abstract and subjective aspects of existence.

What are some examples of metaphysical art?

Some examples of metaphysical art include surrealist paintings, abstract sculptures, and conceptual photography. These forms of art often challenge traditional notions of reality and invite viewers to contemplate their own perceptions and beliefs.

What role does science play in metaphysics as art?

Science and metaphysics are often seen as opposing disciplines, but they can also complement each other. The scientific method can be used to explore metaphysical concepts and test their validity, while metaphysics can inspire new scientific theories and inventions.

How can metaphysics and art benefit society?

Metaphysical art can challenge societal norms and encourage critical thinking, while metaphysical concepts can inspire new technologies and advancements in science and invention. Both can also foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of the world and our place in it.

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