Methane On Mars (Keeps Increasing)

In summary, the methane level has been rising on Mars, and some people think the "scientists" are loonies. Vittorio Formisani, the "stooge" that was dismissed by Formisani, thinks that the CIA is not involved. The image from MGS clears up some of the claims that were made in 1989 that atmospheric water vapour was detected by Viking 2 Lander. Previous Physics Forum discussions have also pointed to the possibility that methane might be present on present-day Mars. However, there is no evidence that the CIA was involved in the alleged discovery, and the claims that Hussein and Noriega were also on the CIA payroll are unsubstantiated.
  • #1
Nommos Prime (Dogon)
Every time a measurement is made – the methane level rises.

Most people on this Forum think I’m a loon. I’m a loon that gets it right an awful lot of the time;
From the below Physics link;
Check wrote;
“Anyone want to take a guess?”

I wrote;
”Groundwater (or Methane)”.

Gee, I got BOTH right.

Methane dismissed by “stooge” Vittorio Formisani (what a NASA MUPPET!);

Clouds near Viking 2 Lander’s Landing Site;

That MGS (MOC) image clears up nicely some of my “outstanding” claims from 1989 (that atmospheric water vapour, ie. Clouds, was detected by Viking 2 Lander).

Previous Physics Forum discussions regarding Methane on present-day Mars;
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Viking 2 Lander Methane Detection on Mars (Buried for 27 Years)

The following passage comes from page 190 of the book “Mars At Last!” by Mark Washburn, 1977.

“Around JPL, there were rumours that methane had been found in the Martian atmosphere – a biologically produced gas. ‘The CIA is not involved in this,’ said Tobey Owen. ‘We didn’t see any methane.’”

Well, they not only measured the methane, they BURIED the results.
Denials that lasted 27 years, doesn’t make the truth any easier for “Scientists” who proclaim they seek truth.

Jim Martin (Viking Project Leader) was on the payroll of the CIA.
  • #3
Nommos Prime (Dogon) said:
The following passage comes from page 190 of the book “Mars At Last!” by Mark Washburn, 1977.

“Around JPL, there were rumours that methane had been found in the Martian atmosphere – a biologically produced gas. ‘The CIA is not involved in this,’ said Tobey Owen. ‘We didn’t see any methane.’”

Well, they not only measured the methane, they BURIED the results.
Denials that lasted 27 years, doesn’t make the truth any easier for “Scientists” who proclaim they seek truth. [/b]
Or maybe they didn't measure any methane and the rumors are just that - rumors. Is this the strongest evidence you can find?

Jim Martin (Viking Project Leader) was on the payroll of the CIA.
Evidence? A quick google turns up no relevant results.
  • #4
A Quick Google Search?

A quick Google Search (you've got to be Sh**ing me).

Since when has the CIA payroll been on the Internet?

Saddam Hussein was also on the CIA payroll in the 80s, as was Manuel Noriega etc. etc.

You've got to do some RESEARCH (NOT on the Internet, you monkey).

Go back to bed...

Ask Mr Owen, whether he said the remarks or not (HE DID).
Ask Mr Martin about his military background etc. etc.

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FAQ: Methane On Mars (Keeps Increasing)

What is methane and why is it important?

Methane is a colorless and odorless gas that is the simplest form of hydrocarbon. It is important because it is a potent greenhouse gas and plays a significant role in regulating the Earth's climate.

How is methane increasing on Mars?

Methane on Mars is increasing due to a variety of possible sources, such as geological processes, meteorite impacts, or biological activity. However, the exact cause is still unknown and requires further investigation.

What evidence supports the increase of methane on Mars?

Recent studies using telescopes and spacecraft have detected methane in the Martian atmosphere, and the levels have been found to vary over time. This suggests that there is an active source of methane on the planet.

Is the increase of methane on Mars a sign of life?

The increase of methane on Mars does not necessarily indicate the presence of life. While methane is a byproduct of some forms of microbial life on Earth, it can also be produced by non-biological processes. Further research and evidence are needed to determine the source of methane on Mars.

What are the implications of methane on Mars for future exploration?

The presence and increase of methane on Mars have significant implications for future exploration and the search for life on the planet. It could potentially indicate habitable conditions or the presence of biological activity, further motivating the exploration and study of Mars.

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