Method of Images: Find Minimum Energy for Electron to Escape Metal Surface

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the work done in moving a point charge +q from a conducting plane to infinity, which is found to be q^2/[16pi ε d]. The second part involves finding the minimum energy an electron must have to escape from a metal surface, which is found to be 3.6eV. This is equivalent to the work required to move the charge q to infinity, assuming the surface remains at zero potential.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A point charge +q is initially at distance x from a conducting plane of infinite extent and held at zero potential. Find the work done in moving the charge to an infinite distance from the plane. Hence find the minimum energy an electron must have in order to escape
from a metal surface (assume that it starts at a distance 0.1nm, which is about one atomic diameter, from it). Express your answer in electron-volts.
[Answers: q^2/(16πε0x) ; 3.6eV]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So I've worked out the work done and found this to be q^2/[16pi ε d] as required.

just not sure how to work out the minimum energy the electron in the surface must have to escape. don't see how this relates to the previous part. any help please? Thank you :)
Physics news on
  • #2
any ideas?
  • #3
Presumably kicking an electron off the surface with enough kinetic energy to escape is equivalent to the work required to move an equivalent charge to infinity (that is sort of the defining characteristic of "escape velocity").

So if you plug in the fundamental charge and the given distance into your formula, and convert the result to electron volts, you should be golden.
  • #4
Thanks but it's not clear to me how the two situations are the same. The first involves taking the charge q and moving it away from the conducting plate. The second involves leaving the plate and charge where they are and taking an electron from inside the plate... :S
  • #5
If your charge q was -q instead, would that make any difference to the work you computed?
  • #6
no but that wasn't what i the first case the conducting plate is fixed, while the charge q is taken off to infinity..

in the second case, the conducting plate AND the charge q is fixed while the electron is moved off to infinity..
  • #7
I think we've got different interpretations of what the q represents.

In my mind, the q is the electron with its charge -e. It's been booted off the surface of the metal by an incoming photon and given some KE. Because the surface is held at constant zero potential (I suppose that it's grounded in some way), the +e charge "hole" that the electron made when it left is quickly filled by a conduction electron and the plate remains neutral.

Now the situation is analogous to removing a charge q (in this case q = -e) from the vicinity of the plate to infinity, where the KE given to the electron provides the energy to accomplish the work.
  • #8
sorry - yes- id misread the question! Thank you so much"_)

FAQ: Method of Images: Find Minimum Energy for Electron to Escape Metal Surface

1. What is the Method of Images?

The Method of Images is a mathematical technique used to find the minimum energy required for an electron to escape a metal surface. It involves creating a mirrored image of the electron and using the principle of energy conservation to determine the necessary energy.

2. How does the Method of Images work?

The Method of Images works by creating a mirrored image of the electron on the other side of the metal surface. This creates an electric field that cancels out the electric field of the original electron. By applying the principle of energy conservation, the minimum energy required for the electron to escape can be determined.

3. Why is it important to find the minimum energy for an electron to escape a metal surface?

Understanding the minimum energy required for an electron to escape a metal surface is important in many fields of science, such as materials science and electronics. It can help in the development of new materials and technologies, and also in the study of quantum mechanics and atomic structure.

4. Can the Method of Images be applied to other situations besides electrons escaping a metal surface?

Yes, the Method of Images can be applied to other situations involving electric fields and charges. It is a useful tool in solving various problems in electromagnetism and electrostatics.

5. Are there any limitations to the Method of Images?

While the Method of Images is a useful and powerful technique, it does have some limitations. It assumes a single electron and a perfectly flat metal surface, which may not always be the case in real-world situations. Additionally, it does not take into account factors such as temperature and impurities in the metal surface, which can affect the behavior of electrons.
