Michael Jackson Trial: Skepticism & Single Male Stigma

In summary: Staff]In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of whether or not Michael Jackson is guilty of the child molestation charges he is facing. Some participants express skepticism and caution about believing such charges, while others mention their concerns about the potential stigma surrounding single adult males who love spending time with children. The conversation also includes opinions on Jackson's mental state and whether or not he is capable of harming others. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and potential biases surrounding such cases.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Just curious as to how many people think Michael Jackson is guilty of the child molestation with which he is charged? I myself tend to be very cautious about believing such charges. I am a single adult male who loves children, and I spend as much time as I can with children, often going out of my waiting to be with them. I have many friends who use me as a babysitter because I will babysit for free.

Obviously, I can be expecting a visit from Protective Services any day now. As a mental exercise, I will occasionally imagine a series of "what if" scenarios wherein I have been accused of misconduct similar to the allegations in Mr. Jackson's case. It concerns me a great deal to realize that there are many parallels between the two cases. If Michael is found guilty, then I must face very real possibility that I too would be found guilty if the situation ever came up. Knowing that I am innocent, and seeing the similarities between my case and his, makes me skeptical about Jackson's culpability.

For these reasons, I am reluctant to presume guilt in these types of cases. However, the obvious danger is that I may be too reluctant, or simply unwilling to believe such an awful possibility, and thereby overlook evidence that indicates true guilt. But the presumption of guilt many people attach to these types of cases worries me a great deal.

So I'm asking; how many think Michael is guilty? And while we're on the subject, how many of you fellas are uncomfortable living with the western stigma of the "dreaded single male"?
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  • #2
I think that Michael Jackson is obviously mentally disturbed, and engages in inappropriate behavior with minors. I cannot claim that he is a sexual predator, but a 40-something man in bed with 10-13 year old boys is not kosher, you know?

LURCH, you may "love children", but I doubt that you spend a lot of time spooning with them, especially past a certain age.
  • #3
I refrain from passing judgment. It's too easy for our opinions to be swayed by media hype. To me he looks like a creep and he acts like a creep, and he should be the poster boy for bad plastic surgeons, but he could be innocent.

  • #4
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I refrain from passing judgment. It's too easy for our opinions to be swayed by media hype. To me he looks like a creep and he acts like a creep, and he should be the poster boy for bad plastic surgeons, but he could be innocent.

Well, the stuff he admits to make him a creep, IMO...but they might not make him a criminal.
  • #5
i agree with ivan, he's innocent until proven otherwise, at least that is what i thought america stood for...
  • #6
Originally posted by Kerrie
i agree with ivan, he's innocent until proven otherwise, at least that is what i thought america stood for...
I don't think anyone here disagrees with you.
  • #7
Originally posted by LURCH
Just curious as to how many people think Michael Jackson is guilty of the child molestation with which he is charged? I myself tend to be very cautious about believing such charges. I am a single adult male who loves children, and I spend as much time as I can with children, often going out of my waiting to be with them. I have many friends who use me as a babysitter because I will babysit for free.

Obviously, I can be expecting a visit from Protective Services any day now. As a mental exercise, I will occasionally imagine a series of "what if" scenarios wherein I have been accused of misconduct similar to the allegations in Mr. Jackson's case. It concerns me a great deal to realize that there are many parallels between the two cases. If Michael is found guilty, then I must face very real possibility that I too would be found guilty if the situation ever came up. Knowing that I am innocent, and seeing the similarities between my case and his, makes me skeptical about Jackson's culpability.

For these reasons, I am reluctant to presume guilt in these types of cases. However, the obvious danger is that I may be too reluctant, or simply unwilling to believe such an awful possibility, and thereby overlook evidence that indicates true guilt. But the presumption of guilt many people attach to these types of cases worries me a great deal.

So I'm asking; how many think Michael is guilty? And while we're on the subject, how many of you fellas are uncomfortable living with the western stigma of the "dreaded single male"?

Lurch, it's sad that this stigma haunts you when your intentions are pure and good for children, especially during times when it seems children are without a father figure and need a male role...
  • #8
I think that Michael Jackson is mentally disturbed, but i don't get the impression that he would ever harm anyone. I have no reason as to why i don't think he would harm anyone, other than he has always seemed too innocent, almost like he doesn't understand the situation that he puts himself in.
  • #9

Originally posted by Kerrie
Lurch, it's sad that this stigma haunts you when your intentions are pure and good for children, especially during times when it seems children are without a father figure and need a male role...

Yea, it really stinks. But I think I've found a way to work some of it out through an organised propgram (nice to have a safe outlet).

A very disturbing thought has occurred to me about Mr. Jackson, and I want to mention it in here to see if anyone else has had the same thought. I have been thuinking about things I have heard regarding Michael's parents, how they were very strict disciplinariens and may have cared more about making money off the "5" than their well-being. Also, the point of their extreme religiosity has been well-documented. (I know; right now you're thinking "can't blame it on upbringing", but that's not where I'm headed). Is it possible that Michael is a Castrada?

This would exlpain his appearence of inpropriety, leaving him so ignorant of sexual matters that he doesn't even know what might look inapropriate to a normally functioning human being. In fact, it would explain a number of odd things about him.
  • #10

Originally posted by LURCH
Is it possible that Michael is a Castrada?
Not if you mean what I think you mean. Lisa Marie said he is a "tiger" in the sack (read that at the grocery checkout stand, so it must be true) and he has sired several children.

Lurch, you sound like such a sweetheart, don't let this trouble you. I've known many wonderful, bright, normal men who love children and enjoy their compamy. That doesn't make them a pervert. I seriously doubt that anyone that knows you would think anything but the best of you.
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  • #11

Originally posted by LURCH
Yea, it really stinks. But I think I've found a way to work some of it out through an organised propgram (nice to have a safe outlet).

A very disturbing thought has occurred to me about Mr. Jackson, and I want to mention it in here to see if anyone else has had the same thought. I have been thuinking about things I have heard regarding Michael's parents, how they were very strict disciplinariens and may have cared more about making money off the "5" than their well-being. Also, the point of their extreme religiosity has been well-documented. (I know; right now you're thinking "can't blame it on upbringing", but that's not where I'm headed). Is it possible that Michael is a Castrada?

This would exlpain his appearence of inpropriety, leaving him so ignorant of sexual matters that he doesn't even know what might look inapropriate to a normally functioning human being. In fact, it would explain a number of odd things about him.
Ummm, I think you CAN blame it on the upbringing, and that he is likely(IMO) emotionally, mentally castrated. I really don't think you can consider him a sexually mature adult at all.
  • #12
I don't think michael is anything other than disturbed as everyone else says. I think he is very child-like and the documentary that they showed him about him was very unjust, the interviewer put words in his mouth, which made michael uncomfortable. The only thing i don't like about the trial is that michael is getting a lot of publicity, he is using this new found 'fame' to release a greatest hits album.
  • #13
I saw an interview with Liza Minnelli. She is a long time friend and her most recent husband works with Jackson. She told the story of a phone call made to Jackson by her husband. They were doing business over the phone. One way or another she ended up on the line without Jackson knowing it...I guess she picked up another phone but I don't remember exactly. When she picked up the line, Jackson was talking in a relatively deep and commanding voice about how he wanted certain things done. She couldn’t believe her ears. He sounded very male and very authoritative...and demanding. She finally interjects: Michael, your busted! [or something similar] He immediately reverts to that wimpy sissy voice of his: Oh hi Liza. “I heard you” she insisted!

According to Liza, Jackson had successfully fooled her for years with the sissy boy routine. She was absolutely floored.

I saw this interview quite some time ago. I don't know if this has any significance to the current issue but it was a little striking.
  • #14
Originally posted by jimmy p
The only thing i don't like about the trial is that michael is getting a lot of publicity, he is using this new found 'fame' to release a greatest hits album.

I just want to mention that the release-date for Michael Jacksons greatest hits album was already planned (and published) before these new charges and the trial surfaced. So I do not think that you can blaim this on Michael.

As for the original question: I feel (note: no proof) that he is probably innocent. As mentioned earlier in this thread, he seems to be somewhat like a child and I feel that he doesn't realize exactly what is going on. When he said that he'd rather die than see a child hurt, he said that with such sincerity, that I find it very hard not to believe him.

I just hope that he gets a fair trial and is indeed 'innocent until proven guilty'. (Although, given the new trend in America started by Bush: 'guilty, no chance to prove your innocence'... )

Related to Michael Jackson Trial: Skepticism & Single Male Stigma

1. What was the Michael Jackson trial about?

The Michael Jackson trial was a highly publicized criminal trial in 2005 in which the late pop star, Michael Jackson, was accused of sexually abusing a minor. He was charged with four counts of molesting a minor, one count of attempted child molestation, one count of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment, and extortion.

2. Was Michael Jackson found guilty or innocent?

Michael Jackson was ultimately found not guilty on all charges. The jury deliberated for 32 hours before reaching their verdict, which was announced on June 13, 2005. Jackson maintained his innocence throughout the trial and continued to deny the allegations until his death in 2009.

3. What evidence was presented during the trial?

The prosecution presented a number of pieces of evidence, including testimony from the accuser and his family, as well as photographs and videos. However, the defense successfully argued that the evidence was unreliable and that the accuser and his family had a history of making false accusations for financial gain.

4. Did the trial have an impact on Michael Jackson's career?

The trial certainly had a significant impact on Michael Jackson's career. While he was ultimately found not guilty, the allegations and the trial itself were highly publicized and had a negative impact on his image and reputation. Additionally, Jackson's health and finances suffered during the trial and he faced difficulty securing sponsorship and concert deals in the following years.

5. What is the significance of the "single male stigma" in relation to the trial?

The "single male stigma" refers to the societal bias and suspicion towards single, adult men who choose to spend time with children. This stigma was a major factor in the Michael Jackson trial, as many believed that his interactions with children, including sleepovers and sharing a bed, were inappropriate and indicative of his guilt. However, the defense argued that Jackson's behavior was a result of his unique childhood and his desire to connect with children on a non-sexual level.

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