Micro electronic circuit problems

LSB is 10/2^15, which is 300.78125uV. the binary output code for an input of 6.83V would be 011 0100 1010 1111, which is 347F in hex.
  • #1
Q1. A 10,000 Micro Farad capacitor has an asymmetric tolerance specification of +20%/-50% What is the possible range of values for this capacitor?

How do I do this problem ?

Q2. A 15-bit A/D converter has V(full scale) = 10 V. what is the value of the LSB> If the input voltage is 6.83 V, what is the binary output code of the converter?

What formula do I use here for the different parts ?

n- bit number = input voltage / ful-scale voltage VFS.

That's all I know !
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
These sound like homework questions. If so, they should have been posted in one of the homework forums.

-1- Do you know what +20% means? If I have 10 of something, and I add 20%, how many total do I have now? What if I subtract 20% instead?

-2- A 4-bit ADC would have 16 steps, right? How many steps does a 15 bit ADC have? If those steps span voltage input readings from 0V to 10V, what is the voltage difference per step?
  • #3
range [ 5000; 12000]

berkeman's explanation should suffice...

FAQ: Micro electronic circuit problems

1. What are micro electronic circuits?

Micro electronic circuits are tiny electronic circuits that are etched onto a small chip, typically made of silicon. They are used to perform various functions in electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, and medical equipment.

2. What are some common problems with micro electronic circuits?

Common problems with micro electronic circuits include overheating, short circuits, faulty connections, and component failure. These issues can be caused by various factors such as manufacturing defects, environmental conditions, and improper handling.

3. How are micro electronic circuit problems diagnosed?

Micro electronic circuit problems are diagnosed using various techniques such as visual inspection, electrical testing, and thermal imaging. Specialized equipment and trained professionals are often required to accurately diagnose and troubleshoot these issues.

4. Can micro electronic circuit problems be fixed?

Yes, micro electronic circuit problems can be fixed depending on the severity of the issue. Some problems can be easily fixed by replacing a faulty component or making a simple repair. However, more complex issues may require specialized knowledge and equipment, and in some cases, the entire circuit may need to be replaced.

5. How can micro electronic circuit problems be prevented?

To prevent micro electronic circuit problems, it is important to handle electronic devices carefully and avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures, moisture, and other harsh conditions. Regular maintenance and inspection can also help identify potential issues before they become major problems.

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