Microscopic Ohm's Law: Point-Dependent Resistance?

In summary: sigma(x,y,z) is constant because the electric field is uniform and the cross-sectional area is uniform.
  • #1
The microscopic Ohm's law is:
J = sigma * E

So the density in every point is proportional to the electric field in that point.

My question. This sigma is also point-dependent? So the resistor could be made of different materials and ohm's law would hold for every point differently.

Or is this law only for resistors made of a single material?

I am thinking is the first case.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
And a second question.

If we apply a voltage across a uniform cross-sectional area wire, is the electric field also uniform?
And if the cross-sectional area is not uniform, then the electric field is not uniform.

Is that so? Is the uniformity of the electric field given by the uniformity of the area?
  • #3
First things first. Are you aware of the Drude model? Have you looked it up if you haven't?

  • #4
I've heard of it, but did not read it. I don't want to enter into much physics. I just want to understand something quickly for my electronics: deriving the resistance as a function of length, area, resistivity.

And then occupy my time with electronics and not physics.

But I can't find anywhere something acceptable. They all say "assuming the electric field is uniform". Why "assuming"?

And I don't see where the uniform cross sectional area condition comes into play.
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  • #5
You should study the classical theory of conduction and the Drude model first.
Trust me that you can't understand electronics if you don't get this elementary physics, things are going to get much much more complex once you study transistors.

Btw to sum it up.

For electrons J = -n*e*vd
where n is the carrier density in the material (number of electrons/cm3)
e is the charge of the electron
vd is the drift velocity, that is the mean velocity that charge carriers get in the material under a constant electric field.

vd = - (e*τ/me)*E
τ is a characteristic time which represents the mean value between two successive collisions of the electrons with the lattice of the material.

So J=σE

with σ= n*e2*τ/me

This answers to your question, σ is a function of the space because it depends on n which is a function of x,y,z in the material.
Second answer, if you apply a constant voltage across a wire what stays constand is the current in every section.
That means that if the cross section varies, J must vary as well. If n is costant in the material hence σ is constant in the material, then the only possibility is to have a lower drift velocity where the cross section is larger, which means that ,yes, electric field is not constant over the length of the wire, it's lower where the resistance is lower, but its integral over the length is still equal to the voltage applied.
  • #6
Thanks for answer.

So when deriving the resistance, they say:
v = integral of E*dl = E*L
i = integral of J*ds = J*S
Thus ro = E/J

So a full demonstration would look like this.

Consider a resistor made up of one single, ohmic material.

E(x,y,z) = ro(x,y,z) * J(x,y,z) because the material is ohmic


ro(x,y,z) = ro = ct because we have one single material.

Thus: E(x,y,z) = ro * J(x,y,z)

Now we apply a potential difference across it that creates an electric field:
v = integral of E*dl

Assuming the electric field to be uniform and pointing along the length of the resistor (which imposes the condition that the cross-sectional area must be uniform), we have:
v = E*L

Because E and ro are uniform, then J is also uniform and pointing along the length of the resistor. Thus the current spreads out uniformly along the conductor:
i = integral of J*ds = J*S

Thus R = v/i = (E/J)*L/S = ro*L/S

Is this okay?
  • #7
RaduAndrei said:
Thanks for answer.

So when deriving the resistance, they say:
v = integral of E*dl = E*L
i = integral of J*ds = J*S
Thus ro = E/J

So a full demonstration would look like this.

Consider a resistor made up of one single, ohmic material.

E(x,y,z) = ro(x,y,z) * J(x,y,z) because the material is ohmic


ro(x,y,z) = ro = ct because we have one single material.

Thus: E(x,y,z) = ro * J(x,y,z)

Now we apply a potential difference across it that creates an electric field:
v = integral of E*dl

Assuming the electric field to be uniform and pointing along the length of the resistor (which imposes the condition that the cross-sectional area must be uniform), we have:
v = E*L

Because E and ro are uniform, then J is also uniform and pointing along the length of the resistor. Thus the current spreads out uniformly along the conductor:
i = integral of J*ds = J*S

Thus R = v/i = (E/J)*L/S = ro*L/S

Is this okay?

But ro(x,y,z) or sigma(x,y,z) is not constant because you have a single material.
But because we assume the material is homogeneous hence has a perfect structure with no fluctuations of parameters in space.
  • #8
Shinji83 said:
But ro(x,y,z) or sigma(x,y,z) is not constant because you have a single material.
But because we assume the material is homogeneous hence has a perfect structure with no fluctuations of parameters in space.

Aa, yes. You're right.

FAQ: Microscopic Ohm's Law: Point-Dependent Resistance?

1. What is Microscopic Ohm's Law and how does it relate to resistance?

Microscopic Ohm's Law is a fundamental principle in physics that explains the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance in an electrical circuit. It states that the current flowing through a material is directly proportional to the voltage applied and inversely proportional to the resistance of the material.

2. What is point-dependent resistance and how is it different from regular resistance?

Point-dependent resistance refers to the fact that the resistance of a material can vary at different points within the material. This is in contrast to regular resistance, which is a constant value for a given material. Point-dependent resistance takes into account the microscopic variations in a material, such as impurities or defects, that can affect its overall resistance.

3. How is point-dependent resistance measured?

Point-dependent resistance is typically measured using a microscopic technique, such as scanning probe microscopy, that allows for precise measurements at different points on a material. These measurements can then be used to calculate the average resistance and determine any variations within the material.

4. What are some factors that can affect point-dependent resistance?

Point-dependent resistance can be affected by a variety of factors, including the composition and purity of the material, temperature, and the presence of impurities or defects. It can also be influenced by external factors, such as the type and strength of the electric field applied to the material.

5. How is Microscopic Ohm's Law used in practical applications?

Microscopic Ohm's Law is used in a wide range of practical applications, including electronics, materials science, and nanotechnology. It helps engineers and scientists to understand and predict the behavior of materials in electrical circuits, and to design and optimize devices with specific electrical properties.

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