Microservices architecture disaster

In summary, it's usually a bad idea to do this kind of change without first doing a lot of planning and testing.
  • #1
Let me describe the problem I see as an engineer when a business wants to create microservices out of its "monolith" (a term used derisively to describe an existing service that works quite well).

You have X that you want to divide into A, B, C, or maybe A, B, C, D, E. So you want to create 3 or 5 distinct responsibilities from X.

Services are not like classes. If X is designed properly, it might have 1,000 classes each with a single responsibility. But it would be incredibly wasteful to 1,000 services. Creating a service requires a lot of overhead comparing to creating a class (as simple as "right-click + new file" in an IDE). You have to create APIs, contracts, secure access keys, deployment scrips, etc. for each of the 1,000 services.

So, the couple services A, B, C you create are at best buckets that hold different code from X. What exact problem is being solved by taking 1 thing and slicing it into 3 things that are 1/3 the size? You just create a distributed monolith. X still exists.

Here is the point I am trying to make: You should only do this microservices thing if you are rearchitecting X. That means you are creating a new platform that accomplishes the same thing, and you might need to get rid of old business entities, old data flow, old concepts. There is no value in fulfilling a request like "We want our same platform but as microservices."

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  • #2
SlurrerOfSpeech said:
Let me describe the problem I see as an engineer when a business wants to create microservices out of its "monolith" (a term used derisively to describe an existing service that works quite well).
First question would be: if it's working quite well, why fix it if it ain't broke?

There could be a few answers to this:
  1. It's broke.
  2. It requires excessive maintenance, and possibly downtime, to fix a small problem in a big application. The entire thing needs to be re-rested.
  3. Smaller services tend to be more secure. It is easier to prevent intrusion of a bunch of small rooms than to prevent intrusion of a large factory floor.
  4. Smaller services are far easier to debug.
  5. They want to leverage the micro-services with functionality not directly part of the main app.

Those are just off the top of my head but there's many more reasons. You can't apply an architectural principle in a vacuum, without first getting a clear understanding of the business requirements.
  • #3
There is value though rearchitecting the monolith into component ms parts means individual parts can be spun up as copies to meet demand. It means individual ms parts can be replaced with newer designs or updated software.

Here’s a talk on ms from YouTube

  • #4
True, That's another advantage: micro-services don't all have to run on the same machine. You avoid catastrophic failure.
  • #5
DaveC426913 said:
True, That's another advantage: micro-services don't all have to run on the same machine. You avoid catastrophic failure.

Huh? You can have N running instances of a monolithic service.
  • #6
SlurrerOfSpeech said:
Huh? You can have N running instances of a monolithic service.
Yes. But only one machine per monolith. So if it fails, the whole thing fails, instead of subcomponents failing one-at-a-time. Sure, you can have redundancy and failovers, but with smaller, distributed services, only smaller, distributed things fail.

I realize this is a bit of an over-simplification of major applications, but still my question remains: what is the business rationale for the change? You haven't told us why they want to do this.
  • #7
SlurrerOfSpeech said:
Let me describe the problem I see as an engineer when a business wants to create microservices out of its "monolith"
By my experience this kind of change is often related to the assumption that a redo along the line of the actual buzzword can be done without much time assigned to planning, testing and debugging.

Related to Microservices architecture disaster

1. What is a microservices architecture disaster?

A microservices architecture disaster is an event in which a system that has been built using microservices architecture experiences a major failure or malfunction. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as inadequate testing, poor design, or unexpected dependencies between services.

2. What are the potential consequences of a microservices architecture disaster?

The consequences of a microservices architecture disaster can be significant and wide-ranging. This can include downtime and loss of functionality for the affected system, as well as negative impacts on user experience, reputation, and revenue. In some cases, a disaster may even result in the failure of the entire system.

3. How can a microservices architecture disaster be prevented?

There are several steps that can be taken to prevent a microservices architecture disaster. These include thorough testing and monitoring of all services, implementing proper error handling and fallback mechanisms, and regularly reviewing and updating the architecture to ensure it remains resilient and scalable.

4. What should be done in the event of a microservices architecture disaster?

In the event of a microservices architecture disaster, it is important to act quickly and decisively. This may involve rolling back to a previous version of the system, implementing temporary fixes to restore functionality, and conducting a thorough investigation to identify the root cause of the disaster and prevent it from happening again in the future.

5. What can be learned from a microservices architecture disaster?

A microservices architecture disaster can serve as a valuable learning experience for a team. It can highlight weaknesses in the system and provide insights on how to improve and strengthen the architecture. It can also be a reminder of the importance of proper testing, monitoring, and disaster recovery planning in any technology project.

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