Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error

In summary, the conversation is about a person who is new to Microsoft Visual Studio and is experiencing confusion with the errors and execution of their first program. The errors they are encountering are not actually errors, but rather messages indicating that their code is up-to-date. The "black" screen appearing and disappearing is due to the program running and closing quickly. To prevent this, the person is advised to add "system("pause");" before the "return 0;" line in their main() function. Alternatively, they can set a debugger breakpoint on the return 0 line, allowing them to examine variables before the program ends.
  • #1

I'm new to Microsoft Visual Studio and new to the C++ program. I just installed the program and I'm trying to write my first program.

First error that I get is: ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Why is my project out-of-date?

Second error: Since my project is out of date, I'm asked if I want to build my project, I click yes.

The 'black' screen appears for a second and then it disappears.

Am I doing something wrong? Can someone help me please?

Thanks a lot for your help
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  • #2
First error that I get is: ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 0 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

That's not an error. It says it's "up-to-date." That just means that you already compiled the code once, and you haven't changed anything, so the executable you built is already up to date.

Second error: Since my project is out of date, I'm asked if I want to build my project, I click yes.

The 'black' screen appears for a second and then it disappears.

Am I doing something wrong? Can someone help me please?

Again, your project is NOT out-of-date. It's up-to-date.

The black screen is probably your program running, and then closing again. I don't know what your code is doing, but it probably exits as soon as it's done printing what you wanted to print. Try adding this line before your main() function returns:


This will cause the program to prompt for user input before exiting, allowing you to see what you printed.
  • #3
The following image shows the program that I'm writing and the error that I'm getting. I hope this helps.


After I click yes, the programs runs for 1 second "the black window" appears and then it disappears.
  • #4
That's not an error; that's just a message that means "we noticed that you've changed your code since you last built an executable." It's just asking if you want to re-compile so your executable is more recent.

The black window is occurring because of the reason I explained in my last post.
  • #5
When I press the ctrl + F5 it works.

But when I write system ("pause") before the int main, it doesn't.

Thanks a lot for your help, appreciated.
  • #6
But when I write system ("pause") before the int main, it's not working.

Add "system("pause");" before the "return 0;" line in your main() function, like so:

int main()
cout << "Hello";
return 0;​
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  • #7
Finally it worked out. Thanks a lot :D
  • #8
You could also set a debugger breakpoint on the return 0, then run the program, which will stop at the breakpoint, allowing you to see the console window as well as your program varialbes (from the debugger).
  • #9
Can you explain more rcgldr? I didn't get your point.
  • #10
Assuming you're working in "debug" mode for your project, click on the line with the return 0, and press F9 (this could change with different versions of Visual Studio). You could also just right click on the line with return 0, and then click on "run to cursor". Visual Studio will then stop the program just before doing the return 0, which will prevent the console (black) windows from going away, and allow you to examine variables.
  • #11
Alternatively - with cursor in the return 0; line - press Ctrl-F10. That's just another way of invoking "run to the cursor" command.

FAQ: Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error

1. What is Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error?

Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error is an error message that indicates an issue with the code in a C++ program. It can occur for various reasons, such as syntax errors, incorrect use of variables, or compatibility issues with the compiler.

2. Why am I getting a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error?

You may be getting a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error due to a mistake in your code, a missing library or header file, or a problem with your compiler settings. It is important to carefully review your code and check for any errors or missing dependencies.

3. How do I fix a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error?

The first step to fixing a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error is to carefully read the error message and identify the source of the error. From there, you can make the necessary changes to your code or settings to resolve the issue. It may also be helpful to search online for solutions or consult with other programmers for assistance.

4. Can a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error be prevented?

While it is impossible to completely prevent errors in programming, there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of encountering a Microsoft Visual Studio C++ error. This includes writing clean and organized code, regularly testing and debugging your program, and staying updated with the latest versions of libraries and compilers.

5. Is there any support for Microsoft Visual Studio C++ errors?

Yes, Microsoft offers support for Visual Studio and has a community forum where users can ask for help with specific errors. Additionally, there are numerous online resources and forums where programmers can seek assistance from other experienced users.

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