Microwave Steam Engine, Would this work?

In summary, the conversation discusses a device found online that claims to use a steam engine powered by a motor to heat water. However, it is pointed out that this violates the laws of thermodynamics and is not a feasible concept. The conversation also highlights the inefficiency of using a magnetron to turn water into steam compared to other heating methods. The overall conclusion is that the device is not a viable solution and discussions on this topic are often discouraged.
  • #1
Gold Member
I found this the other day and was wondering if it could work.

If nothing else it is an interesting concept.

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sure - the heat for a steam engine's boiler can come from anywhere. I don't know why anyone would want to do it, though.

edit: Oops, sorry, I missed the fact that they are claiming they can use the power generated by the motor to heat the water. C'mon, that's a classic perpetual motion machine of the first type. A microwave generator is about 65% efficient, a thermodynamic engine 35% and an electric generator 90%. So this device would require five times as much energy input as it outputs (.65*.35*.9=.2). I particularly liked this:
The engine I have invented is far more efficient than any other steam engine because the efficiency of the magnetron in turning water into steam.
No. A magnetron is 65% efficient (google for microwave efficiency), a good gas furnace is 95% efficient, and electric resistance heat is 100% efficient. Of course, if you put the waste heat from the magnetron back into the water, you'd just end up with an electric resistance heater.

C'mon, now, apply a little critical thinking. There is no free lunch! Discussions of this type are banned here because they are sooo basic that there really isn't anything to discuss - the only thing that happens is crackpots come out of the woodwork.
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  • #3

Thank you for sharing this interesting concept with me. The idea of a microwave steam engine is certainly intriguing, but it is important to approach it with a critical and scientific mindset. While I am not familiar with this specific design, I can say that there are a few key factors that would need to be considered in order for a microwave steam engine to work effectively.

First, the design would need to be able to efficiently convert microwave energy into heat in order to produce steam. This would require careful consideration of the materials and structure used in the engine.

Second, the engine would need to be able to effectively harness the steam to produce mechanical energy. This would require precise control and coordination of the steam flow.

Lastly, the overall efficiency and practicality of the microwave steam engine would need to be assessed. This would involve considering the cost and availability of microwave energy, as well as the potential environmental impacts.

In conclusion, while the concept of a microwave steam engine is intriguing, it would require thorough scientific analysis and experimentation to determine its feasibility and potential effectiveness as a source of energy.

Related to Microwave Steam Engine, Would this work?

1. How does a microwave steam engine work?

A microwave steam engine works by using microwaves to heat water in a closed container, creating steam. The steam then expands and exerts pressure on a piston, which can be used to generate motion or electricity.

2. Can a microwave steam engine be used as a renewable energy source?

Yes, a microwave steam engine can be considered a renewable energy source because it uses water as its fuel, which is a renewable resource. However, the electricity needed to power the microwave itself may come from non-renewable sources.

3. Is a microwave steam engine more efficient than traditional steam engines?

There is currently not enough research to determine if a microwave steam engine is more efficient than traditional steam engines. However, some proponents argue that it may be more efficient due to its ability to heat the water quickly and directly.

4. What are the potential applications of a microwave steam engine?

A microwave steam engine could potentially be used in power generation, transportation, and industrial processes. It may also have potential uses in space exploration, where traditional combustion engines are not practical.

5. Are there any safety concerns with using a microwave steam engine?

As with any technology, there are potential safety concerns with using a microwave steam engine. These may include the risk of explosions if the container holding the water is not properly sealed, and the potential for microwave radiation exposure. Proper safety protocols and regulations would need to be in place for its safe use.

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