Mid-term tomorrow, need some checking of answers of review packet

  • Thread starter Kira
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Recall that the integral gives you the area under the curve. In this case, the area represents the work done by the expanding gas on the bullet. So you can just solve for the integral and get your answer.In summary, the conversation revolved around a student asking for help with physics problems and discussing their solutions with others. The student also expressed concern about not having access to the answers for their review packet and asked for confirmation on their work. The conversation also delved into the concept of work and its calculation using integrals.
  • #1
Basically my teacher hands us out a review packet for physics and says to do it if we want practice...Okay I do the packet and I have it done, now my problem is that the teacher didn't give out the answers to the problems so I have no idea whether or not I did it right...so I am hoping some one will check my work before I take my midterm tomorrow. Sorry for being so troublesome.

Anyways here are a few problems and my work involved. I don't know how to do those picture equations so bear with me

1. The height of a helicopter above ground is given by h = 3t³, where h is in meters and t is in seconds. After 2 seconds, the helicopter releases a small mailbag, How long after its release does the mailbag reach the ground.

h = 3t³
h(2) = 24 m

h' = 9t²
v(2) = h' = (9)(2)² = 36 m/s

Si 0
Sf 24m
Vi -36 m/s
Vf 42 m/s
a 9.8 m/s²
t ?

I know that I have my signs placed oddly but that's how my brain works. Also I put all the information I have in the chart already from the work I get below except time.

Vf² = Vi² + 2a(Sf - Si)
Vf = sqrt(Vi² + 2a(Sf-Si))
Vf = sqrt((-36)² + (2)(9.8)(24))
Vf = 42 m/s

Vf = Vi + at
t = Vf-Vi/a
t = 42+36/9.8

t = 7.96 s

I think that's right but I want to make sure.
2. A 100 g bullet is fired from a rifle having a barrel 0.6 m long. Assuming the origin is placed where the bullet begins to move, the force (in Newtons) exerted on the bullet by the expanding gas is 15000 + 10000x - 25000x², where x is in meters. Determine the work done by the gas on the bullet as the bullet travels the length of the barrel.


F(x) = 15000 + 10000x - 25000x²
F(.6) = 15000 + 10000(.6) - 25000(.6)²
F(.6) = 12000 N

w = Fd
w = (12000N)(.6N) = 7200 J

Okay I think I did that problem horribly wrong because I mean its too easy and this is advanced physics.

One last problem
A catcher "gives" with the ball when he catches a 0.15 kg baseball moving at 25 m/s. If he moves his glove a distance of 2 cm, what is the average force acating on his hand?


Ke = (1/2)mv²
Ke = (1/2)(.15)(25)²
Ke = 46.87 J

Ke = (1/2)(.15)(0)² (Im assuming the ball stops)
Ke = 0 J

w = Kef - Kei
w = Fd
F = w/d
F = 46.87J/.02m = 2343.75 N

thanks for your time...I feel really bad now asking someone to check my work.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
1. Alright, looks right you did it right to begin with. The height the the velocity are correct. But I think you unnecessarily complicated the second half. Recall that
sf - si = vi*t + (1/2)at^2

In this case, a is going to be -9.8. Just use that and use the quadratic to solve for t directly. However, i do believe you answer is still right. So i guess, whatever works for you.

2. You're right, it did seem too easy. dW/dx = F. Therefore, what is work in this situation?

3. I think its ok.
  • #3
okay for number 2

F(x) = 15000 + 10000x - 25000x²
F'(x) = 10000 - 50000x
F'(.6) = 10000 - 50000(.6)
F'(6) = -20000

w = fd
w = -(20000)(.6)
w = -12000 J

err I don't think you can have negative Joules...
  • #4

so w = Integral(F)

that seems a little more farfetched... since that's still a pretty big equation..
  • #5
As farfetched as it may seem, that is true. W = integral(F). But why did you say w = (-20000)(0.6). You actually already calculated the work when you solve your integral. You're right, typically you wouldn't have negative energy. But the negative sign really doesn't mean anything to you. For example, let's say a force acted on something for 2 meters. Than the work is 2F. Now if it was -2 m, than it would be -2F. The two statements are completely identical, in this situation also, the negative sign wouldn't mean much.
  • #6
Oh sorry, i made a mistake. You were supposed to take the integral, as you suggested in your second post. Than simply solve for the work at 0.6 m.
  • #7
so its

F = 15000X + 5000X² - (25000/3)x³

F(.6) = 15000(.6) + 5000(.6²) - (25000/3)(.6³)

F = 9000N
W = fd
w = 9000(.6)
w = 5400 J
  • #8
err okay a friend told me I am not supposed to put it into w = fd because by solving for the intergral we get work since force is a factor or distance...is the person correct?
  • #9
Yea, your friend is correct.

FAQ: Mid-term tomorrow, need some checking of answers of review packet

1. What is the purpose of a review packet?

A review packet is a compilation of key concepts and information that have been covered in a course or unit of study. Its purpose is to help students prepare for an upcoming midterm or exam by providing a comprehensive overview of the material that will be tested.

2. How should I approach checking my answers in a review packet?

One approach to checking your answers in a review packet is to first attempt the questions on your own without referring to any notes or resources. Then, go back and compare your answers to the correct solutions provided in the packet. This will help you identify any areas where you may need to review or seek clarification.

3. Should I only focus on the questions I got wrong in the review packet?

No, it is important to review all of the questions in the packet, even if you got them correct. This will help you reinforce your understanding of the material and identify any gaps in your knowledge that you may have missed during your initial study.

4. Can I use a review packet as my sole study resource for the midterm?

While a review packet can be a helpful study tool, it is not recommended to rely solely on it for preparing for a midterm. It is important to also review your class notes, textbooks, and any other materials provided by your teacher to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the material.

5. How often should I use a review packet to study for a midterm?

It is recommended to use a review packet periodically throughout the course or unit of study, rather than just before a midterm. This will help you retain the information better and avoid cramming. However, you can also use a review packet as a last-minute study tool before the midterm if needed.
