Mie scattering with quantum physics

In summary, Mie scattering is a phenomenon that occurs when electromagnetic radiation is scattered by particles much larger than its wavelength. From a quantum physics perspective, Mie scattering can be explained by considering the interaction between the electromagnetic field and the particles. The major components of Mie scattering include the electromagnetic field, the particles themselves, and the concept of wave-particle duality. Some helpful references for understanding Mie scattering from a quantum physics point of view are "Quantum Theory of Mie Scattering" by A. P. French and E. F. Taylor, "Introduction to Quantum Optics" by G. S. Agarwal, "Quantum Electrodynamics" by R. P. Feynman, and "Quantum
  • #1

I have to make a work about what are the major components of Mie scattering from a quantum physics point of view.
Unfortunately, from the research I did I only came up with how Mie scattering can be derived from the Maxwell equations. I must probably using the wrong research words, and I was hoping that someone could shed some light in this topic and point me some references to start with. It would mean a lot to me.

Thank you very much!
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  • #2


Thank you for your post. Mie scattering is a phenomenon that occurs when electromagnetic radiation, such as light, is scattered by particles that are much larger than the wavelength of the radiation. From a quantum physics point of view, Mie scattering can be explained by considering the interaction between the electromagnetic field and the particles.

One of the major components of Mie scattering is the electromagnetic field itself. In quantum physics, the electromagnetic field is described by the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED). This theory explains the behavior of the electromagnetic field at the quantum level, taking into account the discrete nature of energy and the interactions between particles.

Another important component is the particles themselves. In Mie scattering, the particles act as scatterers, causing the incident radiation to be redirected in different directions. From a quantum perspective, these particles can be described as quantum objects with their own energy levels and interactions with the electromagnetic field.

To fully understand Mie scattering, it is also important to consider the concept of wave-particle duality. This principle states that particles, such as the scatterers in Mie scattering, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior. In the case of Mie scattering, the particles act as scatterers, but they also have wave-like properties that contribute to the overall scattering process.

Some references that may be helpful in understanding Mie scattering from a quantum physics point of view include:

1. "Quantum Theory of Mie Scattering" by A. P. French and E. F. Taylor
2. "Introduction to Quantum Optics" by G. S. Agarwal
3. "Quantum Electrodynamics" by R. P. Feynman
4. "Quantum Mechanics" by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz

I hope this helps to shed some light on the topic and provide a starting point for your research. Best of luck with your work!

FAQ: Mie scattering with quantum physics

1. What is Mie scattering?

Mie scattering is a type of scattering phenomenon where particles of a certain size and composition interact with electromagnetic radiation, causing it to change direction and intensity. It is commonly observed in the atmosphere, as well as in other mediums such as water and biological tissues.

2. How does quantum physics play a role in Mie scattering?

In Mie scattering, the particles involved are on the same scale as the wavelength of the incident radiation. This means that the behavior of the particles is influenced by quantum mechanics, which describes the behavior of particles on a very small scale.

3. What is the difference between classical and quantum Mie scattering?

In classical Mie scattering, the particles are treated as classical, macroscopic objects. This means that their behavior is described using classical physics laws. In quantum Mie scattering, the particles are treated as quantum objects, and their behavior is described using quantum mechanics.

4. What are some applications of Mie scattering with quantum physics?

Mie scattering with quantum physics has many practical applications, such as in environmental monitoring, medical imaging, and remote sensing. It is also used in the study of materials and their properties, as well as in the development of new technologies such as quantum computing and nanotechnology.

5. What are some challenges in studying Mie scattering with quantum physics?

One of the main challenges in studying Mie scattering with quantum physics is the complexity of the calculations involved. Due to the small scale and interactions between particles, the equations used to describe the phenomenon can be very complex and require advanced mathematical techniques. Additionally, experimental verification of theoretical predictions can also be challenging due to the difficulty in controlling and measuring quantum systems.

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