Mind Experiment: Exploring the EPR Paradox

In summary, a muon with spin zero can decay into two electrons with opposite spins according to the Copenhagen model. However, before measurement, the electrons are neither up nor down. If the spins of both electrons are measured with a small time discrepancy, they will always be found to have opposite spins, but there is no chance for them to interact. This phenomenon is known as the EPR (Einstein Poldalsky Rosen) experiment, where entangled particles can have correlated properties without interacting.
  • #1
I've been thinking about something for quite a long time now. A muon can decay into two electrons, right? Since the spin of the muon is zero, the total spin of the elctrons must also be zero. That means one of the electron has up spin and the other one has down spin. According to the Copenhagen model the electron actually has neither (or both) before we measure it. ok, so long all is fine. If we measure one electron to be up, we know the other one must be down. (Which by itself is a bit odd). Now to the tricky part. What if, we measure the spin of both electrons with a small time discrepancy. The time between the measurement must not be longer than the time it takes to travel from one of the electrons to the other with the speed of light. Every time we will find, that the electrons has opposite spin, but there is no chance of the electrons ever "interacting". How can the second electron "know" which spin to apply if both electrons, before the measurement, was in the same indeterminate mode?


Ah, i just found the name of the setup
EPR (Einstein Poldalsky Rosen) -experiment
i'll read some more on the subject
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  • #2
niehls said:
A muon can decay into two electrons, right?

Muons don't have a direct decay path into 2 electrons, as far as I know. EPR tests do not use muons for entangled pair production.
  • #3
Muon (either plus, minus or zero) cannot decay into 2 electrons, because muon has the same charge as single electron. The simplest decay would be probably pion at rest to 2 gammas:

[tex]\pi^0 \to \gamma + \gamma[/tex]

where gamma's are created in singlet state (conservation of ang. momentum):

[tex]\Psi_{12} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left( \Psi_1(\mathrm{up})\Psi_2(\mathrm{down}) - \Psi_1(\mathrm{down})\Psi_2(\mathrm{up})\right)[/tex] .

We cannot write this function as a product: [tex]\Psi_{12} \neq \Psi_1 \times \Psi_2[/tex], which we could if the 2 photons (gammas) would be separate entities (I'm not sure if this is the right word). If I understand correctly, in this sense, the state [tex]\Psi_{12}[/tex] can be called "entangled" state (meaning: "connected"). According to QM, it's correct only to refer them as a single entity or as a one system, not as 2 separate photons. Of course, this doesn't really solve the problem of instant interaction. A little comfort to Einstein's theory of relativity is that this weird interaction still doesn't allow to transfer information at instant (so causality is not affected).
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  • #4
Note to igor s - you described pion decay, not muon. Muons have spin 1/2 and decay into one electron + gamma ray. The electron has spin 1/2. Muon and electron each have charge -1.
  • #5
Yes, I made some corrections to my post that may have confused you. Hope it's clear now. My intention wasn't to describe muon decay.
  • #6
ok, sorry. muon, pion, remembered it the wrong way 'round.

FAQ: Mind Experiment: Exploring the EPR Paradox

1. What is the EPR Paradox?

The EPR Paradox is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics that was proposed by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen in 1935. It involves two particles that are entangled, meaning they are connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other. This paradox challenges the principles of quantum mechanics, including the idea that particles can exist in multiple states at once.

2. How does the EPR Paradox relate to the concept of entanglement?

The EPR Paradox is based on the concept of entanglement, which is a phenomenon in which two or more particles become connected in such a way that the state of one particle is dependent on the state of the other, even when they are separated by large distances. This paradox highlights the strange and counterintuitive nature of entanglement and raises questions about the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics.

3. What is the significance of the EPR Paradox?

The EPR Paradox is significant because it challenges our understanding of quantum mechanics and forces us to question the fundamental principles of the universe. It has also led to further research and experiments in quantum entanglement, which has potential applications in technologies such as quantum computing and communication.

4. Can the EPR Paradox be resolved?

There is currently no consensus on whether the EPR Paradox can be resolved. Some scientists believe that it highlights a flaw in our understanding of quantum mechanics, while others argue that it can be explained through alternative interpretations of quantum mechanics.

5. What are some real-world examples of the EPR Paradox?

While the EPR Paradox is a thought experiment, it has real-world implications and has been demonstrated in various experiments. For example, in 2015, scientists were able to entangle two particles separated by a distance of 1.3 kilometers, providing evidence for the existence of entanglement and the validity of the EPR Paradox.

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