Minimal left ideals in Hassani

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  • Thread starter Geofleur
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In summary, the author defines a left ideal as a subspace of an algebra containing a specific vector and states that any automorphism of an algebra is an isomorphism among its minimal ideals. He then proves that any minimal left ideal is also the zero set.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
In the chapter on Algebras in Hassani's mathematical physics text, left ideals are defined as follows:

Let ## \mathcal{A} ## be an algebra. A subspace ## \mathcal{B} ## of ## \mathcal{A} ## is called a left ideal of ## \mathcal{A} ## if it contains ## \mathbf{a}\mathbf{b} ## for all ## \mathbf{a}\in \mathcal{A} ## and ## \mathbf{b} \in \mathcal{B} ##.

He then defines a minimal left ideal:

A left ideal ## \mathcal{M} ## of an algebra ## \mathcal{A} ## is called minimal if every left ideal of ## \mathcal{A} ## contained in ## \mathcal{M} ## coincides with ## \mathcal{M} ##.

Here is where I am confused. The set containing only the zero vector is a subspace of any vector space, because ## \alpha \mathbf{0} + \beta \mathbf{0} = \mathbf{0} ## for any scalars ## \alpha ## and ## \beta ##. Moreover, the set containing the zero vector is a subalgebra of any algebra, because ## \mathbf{0} \mathbf{0} = \mathbf{0} ##. In fact, the "zero set" is a left ideal of any algebra, because ## \mathbf{a} \mathbf{0} = \mathbf{0} ## for any ##\mathbf{a} \in \mathcal{A} ##. But then the only minimal left ideal is just the zero set, because every left ideal has the zero vector as an element. This conclusion would make the whole concept of minimal ideals rather uninteresting. Am I going wrong somewhere here?
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  • #2
@Geofleur, your logic appears to be flawless. The subalgebra {0} is indeed a left ideal of A that is contained in any other left ideal M.

I'm pretty sure that the author just forgot to insert the words 'non-trivial' or 'nonzero' before 'left ideal'. If we compare his/her definition here with that on Wikipedia for minimal ideals of rings, we see that the 'nonzero' requirement is stipulated.

I suggest proceeding on the assumption that the author meant 'nonzero' but forgot to specify that.

See also this wiki page on Simple Algebras, which refers to 'minimal nonzero left ideals' of an algebra, which suggests that things only become interesting when one considers ideals that properly contain no nonzero ideals.
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  • #3
OK, I'm glad that I am not totally off-base. On the other hand, what happens next in the book, when I make the assumption that a minimal left ideal cannot be the zero set, has me thoroughly puzzled. There comes a theorem (I've bolded the troublesome part):

Let ## \mathcal{A} ## and ## \mathcal{B} ## be algebras, ## \phi : \mathcal{A} \rightarrow {\mathcal{B}} ## an epimorphism, and ## \mathcal{L} ## a minimal left ideal of ## \mathcal{A}##. Then ##\phi(\mathcal{L})## is a minimal left ideal of ##\mathcal{B}##. In particular, any automorphism of an algebra is an isomorphism among its minimal ideals.

The problem is with this last statement, together with the comment: "The last statement of the theorem follows from the fact that ker ##\phi## is an ideal of ##\mathcal{A}##."

Now, an automorphism is defined as an isomorphism of an algebra onto itself. An isomorphism is, among other things, an injective linear map. But the kernal of an injective linear map must be the zero set, for suppose ## \mathbf{a} \in ## ker ##\phi##. Then ##\phi(\mathbf{a}) = \mathbf{0} = \phi(\mathbf{0}) ##. Hence, ##\mathbf{a}=\mathbf{0}## because ## \phi ## is injective. So Hassani seems to be saying to think of the zero set as an ideal. If he does not want to consider the zero set as a minimal left ideal, I don't see how the comment is relevant to proving the last statement of the theorem. If he does want to consider the zero set as a minimal left ideal, then the concept of minimal left ideal is rendered trivial. Any ideas?
  • #4
Agreed. Although this statement:

Geofleur said:
Let ## \mathcal{A} ## and ## \mathcal{B} ## be algebras, ## \phi : \mathcal{A} \rightarrow {\mathcal{B}} ## an epimorphism, and ## \mathcal{L} ## a minimal left ideal of ## \mathcal{A}##. Then ##\phi(\mathcal{L})## is a minimal left ideal of ##\mathcal{B}##. In particular, any automorphism of an algebra is an isomorphism among its minimal ideals.

is still true if we define a minimal ideal as nonzero. His comment however

The problem is with this last statement, together with the comment: "The last statement of the theorem follows from the fact that ker ##\phi## is an ideal of ##\mathcal{A}##."

Is completely irrelevant.

Anyway, welcome to Hassani. I tried to like the book, but it is filled with stuff like this. It's way better to learn from actual math books.
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  • #5
Thanks so much!

Related to Minimal left ideals in Hassani

1. What are minimal left ideals in Hassani?

Minimal left ideals in Hassani refer to a specific type of left ideal in a ring or algebraic structure known as Hassani, named after mathematician A. Hassani. These ideals are minimal in the sense that they cannot be further reduced or factored into smaller left ideals.

2. How are minimal left ideals different from other types of left ideals?

Minimal left ideals are different from other types of left ideals because they are the smallest possible left ideals in Hassani. This means that they have no proper subsets that are also left ideals. In contrast, other types of left ideals may have proper subsets that are also left ideals.

3. What are some properties of minimal left ideals in Hassani?

Minimal left ideals in Hassani have several notable properties. They are closed under addition and multiplication, meaning that the sum and product of two minimal left ideals is also a minimal left ideal. Additionally, they are invariant under conjugation, and they are also two-sided ideals.

4. How are minimal left ideals related to other concepts in abstract algebra?

Minimal left ideals in Hassani are related to several other concepts in abstract algebra. They are a special case of minimal ideals, which exist in any ring or algebraic structure. They are also closely related to simple modules, which are modules with no proper submodules. In fact, minimal left ideals in Hassani are isomorphic to simple modules over the ring.

5. What is the significance of studying minimal left ideals in Hassani?

The study of minimal left ideals in Hassani is important for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a better understanding of the structure and properties of Hassani. Additionally, they have applications in areas such as representation theory and algebraic geometry. Finally, the study of minimal left ideals can also lead to generalizations and advancements in abstract algebra and related fields.

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