Minimizing final velocity on a balistic trajectory

In summary, the ballplayer wishes to throw the game-winning ball to a kid in the stands. He wants to minimize the final velocity of the ball. He controlls the initial angle and initial velocity. A line drive right at the kid is obviously leads to a maximum final velocity, while a high-arching trajectory also leads to a maximum velocity. There is some angle inbetween these two choices that leads to a minimum final velocity. My intuition says the choice trajectory would be the one where the ball arives at the top of it's parabola with zero vertical velocity.
  • #1
I thought of the following academic problem while watching a baseball movie.

I ballplayer wishes to throw the game-winning ball to a kid in the stands. He wants to minimize the final velocity of the ball. Not the horizontal component of the velocity, but the the total magnitude of the velocity. Obviously, he controlls the initial angle and initial velocity. A line drive right at the kid is obviously leads to a maximum final velocity, while a high-arching trajectory also leads to a maximum velocity. There is some angle inbetween these two choices that leads to a minimum final velocity.

My intuition says the choice trajectory would be the one where the ball arives at the top of it's parabola with zero vertical velocity.

I don't have it on me know, but I wrote an equation for the final velocity, took it's derivative with respect to initial velocity, and set that equal to zero. Horrible math ensued. Any ideas on other math tricks for this academic problem? Conservation of energy?
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  • #2
flatmaster said:
Conservation of energy?

Hi flatmaster! :smile:

Yup … conservation of energy means that KEf = KEi - mgh, where m is the mass of the ball, and h is the height of the stand.

So you minimise KEf by minimising KEi. :wink:
  • #3
I would imagine that, ideally, you would want the ball to peak right when he catches it. Assuming conservation of energy, this will be the time when PE is highest... and correspondingly KE will be lowest.

If you threw the ball higher than this, you would have to put more E = PE + KE into it. If you threw it lower, the kid wouldn't be able to catch it.
  • #4
I think I see the remainder of the proof. I take tiny tim's suggestion that minimizing KEi is easier mathematically. So I use the kenitic energy equation and use the additional bountry condition of ariving at the point x,y, to eliminate one of my remaining variables.

FAQ: Minimizing final velocity on a balistic trajectory

1. How do you calculate the final velocity on a balistic trajectory?

The final velocity on a balistic trajectory can be calculated using the equation vf = vi + at, where vf is the final velocity, vi is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, and t is the time.

2. What factors affect the final velocity on a balistic trajectory?

The final velocity on a balistic trajectory is affected by the initial velocity, the angle at which the projectile is launched, air resistance, and the force of gravity.

3. Why is it important to minimize the final velocity on a balistic trajectory?

Minimizing the final velocity on a balistic trajectory is important for safety reasons, as a higher final velocity can result in a more powerful impact and potential damage or harm. It is also important for accuracy, as a lower final velocity can result in a more precise landing point.

4. How can the final velocity on a balistic trajectory be minimized?

The final velocity on a balistic trajectory can be minimized by adjusting the initial velocity and angle of launch, as well as using external factors such as air resistance or gravity to slow down the projectile.

5. What are some real-life applications of minimizing the final velocity on a balistic trajectory?

Minimizing the final velocity on a balistic trajectory is important in military applications, such as missile launches, where accuracy and minimizing collateral damage are crucial. It is also important in sports like archery and javelin throwing, where precision and safety are key.
