Minimum Electric Potential Difference Required to Bring Alpha Particle to Rest

  • Thread starter Mspike6
  • Start date
In summary, the minimum electric potential difference that is required to bring the alpha particle to rest is 1.53*107 volts.
  • #1

i got this question in a unit assessment test... i solved it (or atleast i think so :P ) but the answer doesn;t make sense . so i want someone to tell me if i did something wrong.

A plutonium-239, is initialy at rest, undergoes an alpha decay \, to produce a uranium 235 nucleus. the uranium-235 nucleus has a mass of 3.90*10-25 Kg, and moves away from the location of the decay at speed of 2.62 *105 m/s

Determine the minimum electric potential difference that is required to bring the alpha particle to rest.
Marks will be awarded based on the physics principles you provide, the formulas you state, the substitutions you show, and your final answer. (12 marks)

To bring the alpha particle to rest, we must apply Electric Force equal to the alpha particle’s Kinetic energy.

qE= ½ mv2 –(1)

E= Vq –(2)

Substitute (2) into (1)

Vq2 = ½mv2
V= ½ mv2/q2

q= 3.2*10-19 C

V= 2.3*1021 V
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  • #2
Mspike6 said:
To bring the alpha particle to rest, we must apply Electric Force equal to the alpha particle’s Kinetic energy.

No, here is the error. You can't equate two *different* physical quantities to each other. Saying that 'force = energy' is just as nonsensical as saying that 'time = distance.'

What must actually be true is that all of the particle's kinetic energy is transformed into electric potential energy. I.e. Initial kinetic energy = final potential energy. This problem is about conservation of energy.

Equivalently, if you were to say:

*Work done* by electric force = change in kinetic energy,

that would be fine. In fact, the work done and the change in potential energy will just differ by a minus sign. Saying that work = energy is fine, because these are the *same* type of physical quantity (measured using the same units).
  • #3
Ya, what you say makes perfect sense, i don't know how did i do sucha mistake..

okay let's say that i got Delta E, which is Work done, But then where do i go ? can i use V=E/Q to get V ?

Thanks a lot mate, really appreciated. :P
  • #4
Mspike6 said:
Ya, what you say makes perfect sense, i don't know how did i do sucha mistake..

okay let's say that i got Delta E, which is Work done, But then where do i go ? can i use V=E/Q to get V ?

Thanks a lot mate, really appreciated. :P

Hmm, yeah, basically, I think that's what you do. You need to know the charge of an alpha particle.
  • #5
Ok, i solved it but i hope i got it right this time!

First: Conservation of momentum.

Mv initial = mv Duaghter pa. +mv Alpha pa.

mv Duaghter pa. =-mv Alpha pa

(3.90*10-25)(-2.62 *105) = the momentum of the duaghter particle...the negative on the speed indicate that it was moving in the opposite direction.


mv alpha particle = 1.02*10-19

V= 1.02*10-19 / 6.65*10-27 = 1.53*107

1/2(m)(v2) = 7.78*10-13

Delta E = 1/2 mv2 (Since it will bring it to stop)
Delta E= 7.78*10-13
V=Delta E /q

V= 7.78*10-13 / (2(1.60*10-19))


I really hope this is correct :D

Thanks guys

FAQ: Minimum Electric Potential Difference Required to Bring Alpha Particle to Rest

1. What is minimum electric potential difference?

The minimum electric potential difference is the smallest amount of electrical energy required to bring a charged particle, such as an alpha particle, to a complete stop. It is measured in volts (V).

2. How is minimum electric potential difference calculated?

The minimum electric potential difference can be calculated using the formula V = (2qE)/m, where V is the potential difference, q is the charge of the particle, E is the electric field strength, and m is the mass of the particle.

3. What is the role of electric potential difference in bringing an alpha particle to rest?

The electric potential difference is necessary to overcome the kinetic energy of the alpha particle and bring it to a complete stop. Without this potential difference, the alpha particle would continue to move with its initial velocity.

4. How does the mass of the alpha particle affect the minimum electric potential difference required to bring it to rest?

The mass of the alpha particle is directly proportional to the minimum electric potential difference required to bring it to rest. This means that the larger the mass of the alpha particle, the higher the potential difference needed to stop it.

5. What other factors can affect the minimum electric potential difference required to bring an alpha particle to rest?

Other factors that can affect the minimum electric potential difference include the charge of the alpha particle, the strength of the electric field, and any external forces acting on the particle. Temperature and pressure can also have an impact on the required potential difference.
