Minimum Natural Number for Fraction Expression #328 Aug 24, 2018 POTW

  • MHB
  • Thread starter anemone
  • Start date
In summary, the "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328 is the smallest whole number that can be used as the numerator or denominator in a fraction expression. It is important to know this number in order to understand the range of possible values for the fraction and to simplify fractions and perform mathematical operations. The "Minimum Natural Number" is determined by considering the factors of the numerator and denominator, and it differs from the more general concept of the "Greatest Common Factor." It can vary for different fractions, but the concept remains the same for all fraction expressions.
  • #1
Gold Member
POTW Director
Here is this week's POTW:


Find the minimum natural number of $\dfrac{a^2+2ab+2017b^2}{a+b}$ where $a$ and $b$ are natural numbers.


Remember to read the to find out how to!
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  • #2
Greetings guests and fellow MHB members! :D I'll be filling in for anemone for about four weeks. Your participation in the upcoming POTWs is welcomed, as always!

Two members correctly completed last week's POTW. They are

1. castor28
2. kaliprasad

Here is castor28's solution:

[sp]The expression under consideration can be written as:
f(a,b) = a + b + \frac{2016b^2}{a+b}
We start by assuming that $a$ and $b$ are real numbers subject to the condition $a,b\ge1$. We have:
\frac{\partial f}{\partial a}= 1 - \frac{2016b^2}{(a+b)^2}
This shows that, for fixed $b$, $f(a,b)$ has a single minimum at $a=b(\sqrt{2016}-1)\approx 43.9b$ with value $2b\sqrt{2016}\approx 89.8b$. This is an increasing function of $b$, and the global minimum of $f(a,b)$ in the region $a,b\ge1$ is $89.8$, corresponding to $b=1$. In particular, the smallest integer value that $f(a,b)$ can take is $90$.

We must now use the fact that $a$ and $b$ are integers, and $(a+b)\mid2016b^2$. We start by taking $b=1$ and looking for divisors of $2016$ close to $\sqrt{2016}\approx 44.9$. The closest such divisor is $42$. Taking $a+1=42$ gives $f(41,1)=90$. As we have shown that this is the smallest integer value that $f(a,b)$ can take, there is no need to look at other values of $a$ and $b$.[/sp]

FAQ: Minimum Natural Number for Fraction Expression #328 Aug 24, 2018 POTW

What is the "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328?

The "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328 is a mathematical concept that refers to the smallest whole number that can be used as the numerator or denominator in a fraction expression.

Why is it important to know the "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328?

Knowing the "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328 is important because it helps us understand the range of possible values for the numerator and denominator in a fraction. This information is particularly useful in simplifying fractions and performing mathematical operations involving fractions.

How is the "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328 determined?

The "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328 is determined by considering the factors of the fraction's numerator and denominator. The smallest whole number that is a factor of both the numerator and denominator is the "Minimum Natural Number."

What is the difference between the "Minimum Natural Number" and the "Greatest Common Factor" for Fraction Expression #328?

The "Minimum Natural Number" and the "Greatest Common Factor" both refer to the smallest whole number that can be used as the numerator or denominator in a fraction expression. However, the "Minimum Natural Number" is specific to Fraction Expression #328, while the "Greatest Common Factor" is a more general concept that applies to any fraction expression.

Can the "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328 be different for different fractions?

Yes, the "Minimum Natural Number" for Fraction Expression #328 can be different for different fractions, as it is determined by the specific factors of the numerator and denominator in each fraction. However, the concept of the "Minimum Natural Number" remains the same for all fraction expressions.
