Minimum necessary speed for card to be able destroy glass

In summary, the conversation discusses a science project where the goal is to calculate the minimum speed needed for a thrown card to break a glass. The main factors to consider are the speed of the card, weight and strength of the card, and strength of the glass. The individual is unsure of where to start their research and if it is even possible to calculate. They consider techniques used in experiments with boomerangs, ninja stars, and bullets. They also question if speed alone is enough to explain the breaking of the glass.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hello, I am international student, so sorry for possible mistakes in English. For our science night I naively choosed project, where I will try to calculate minimal necessary speed for thrown card to destroy glass (probably wine glass). There are two videos for illustration.


My physics teacher said that it is great idea, but he does not know, how to calculate it. We were thinking about it and the most important factors will be probably:

1. Speed of the card (changing variable and our goal for calculating minimal necessary)
2. Weight of the card, area of edge of the card, strength of the card
3. Strength of the glass

At first I should calculate theoretically, how big speed is necessary for that, and then try if human is really able to make this speed with playing card Bicycle. Or I can try calculate it for credit card or any other stronger type of card.

Homework Equations

I absolutely do not know, where should I start. I was searching some help on google and than I got here on article discussing bullet going through heads. I found it similar to my topic.
So my questions are:

Where should I start my research or what terms I should look on?
Is it possible to calculate it at all?
I am sure that no one in history calculated possible destruction of cards. Could I inspire in boomerang and ninja stars experiments? Or in shooted bullet going through various stuff?

3. The Attempt at a Solution

We were thinking about it and the most important factors will be probably:

1. Speed of the card (changing variable and our goal for calculating minimal necessary)
2. Weight of the card, area of edge of the card, strength of the card
3. Strength of the glass

Similar technique to boomerang and ninja star throwing.
Physics news on
  • #2
Something to consider: what physical phenomena would account for the fact that increased speed of the card would lead to breaking the glass? Speed alone is not sufficient in explaining why something would break (plenty of things can move at high speeds but remain intact)
  • #3
But only speed is changing. Other things like strength of the glass, card and so on I can not change. I can just give higher speed to the card. Or am I wrong? By the way is it possible to calculate it?

FAQ: Minimum necessary speed for card to be able destroy glass

1. What is the minimum speed required for a card to be able to destroy glass?

The minimum necessary speed for a card to be able to destroy glass depends on a variety of factors, such as the type and thickness of the glass, the material and shape of the card, and the force applied. However, in general, a speed of at least 100 meters per second (m/s) is often necessary for a card to have a good chance of breaking through a standard glass pane.

2. How does the speed of the card affect its ability to break glass?

The speed of the card is a crucial factor in its ability to break glass. When the card is moving at a high speed, it carries a lot of kinetic energy. This energy is transferred to the glass upon impact, causing it to shatter. The faster the card is moving, the more energy it has, and the greater its chances of breaking the glass.

3. Can a card break glass at lower speeds if it has a sharp edge?

Having a sharp edge can help a card break glass at lower speeds, as it concentrates the force of impact onto a smaller area of the glass. This increases the amount of pressure exerted on the glass, making it more likely to break. However, a sharp edge alone may not be enough to break through thicker or stronger glass, so speed is still an important factor.

4. Is the material of the card important in breaking glass?

The material of the card can play a role in its ability to break glass, as some materials may be stronger and more durable than others. For example, a plastic card may not be as effective in breaking glass as a metal card, as the metal is likely to have more mass and therefore more kinetic energy when thrown at the glass. However, with enough speed and force, even a lightweight card can break glass.

5. What factors besides speed can affect a card's ability to break glass?

Besides speed, the shape and size of the card can also impact its ability to break glass. A card with a smaller surface area will have more concentrated force upon impact, making it more likely to break the glass. Additionally, the angle at which the card hits the glass can also affect its ability to break it. A card that hits the glass at a perpendicular angle will have a better chance of breaking it than one that hits at an oblique angle.

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