Minimum of two iid exponential distributions

In summary: Summary: In summary, when given two exponentially distributed random variables X_1 and X_2, with Y being the minimum of the two, the expected value of Y is equal to 1/mu. However, this method does not work because it assumes that E[X_1|X_1<X_2] = E[X_1] = E[X_1|X_1>X_2], which is not true. The correct method involves calculating the integrals for the probability densities of the order statistics of the exponential distribution.
  • #1
Let [itex] X_1, X_2 \sim Exp(\mu) [/itex] and [itex]Y = min(X_1, X_2) [/itex] then find [itex]E[Y].[/itex]
My attempt is as follows:
$$E[Y] = E[Y/X_1<X_2]P(X_1<X_2) + E[Y/X_1>X_2]P(X_1>X_2) \\
= \frac{1}{2} (E[X_1/X_1<X_2] + E[X_2/X_1>X_2] ) \\
= \frac{1}{2} (1/\mu + 1/\mu) \\
= 1/\mu$$
But, we know that minimum of two exponentially distributed RVs is another exponentially distributed RV with mean [itex]1/(2\mu)[/itex]. I don't understand why the above method doesn't work ?
I used the following property of exponential distribution.
[itex] P(X_1<X_2) = \frac{\mu_1}{\mu_1 + \mu_2}[/itex]
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  • #2
On the first glance [itex]E(X_1|X_1<X_2)≠E(X_1)=1/\mu[/itex]

The instances of [itex]X_1[/itex] where it is smaller than [itex]X_2[/itex] should average lower than an unconditional [itex]X_1[/itex].
  • #3
ait.abd said:
= \frac{1}{2} (E[X_1/X_1<X_2] + E[X_2/X_1>X_2] ) \\
= \frac{1}{2} (1/\mu + 1/\mu) \\

Your method assumes [itex] E[X_1|X_1< X_2] = E[X_1] = E[X_1| X_1 > X_2] [/itex]
I don't think that's true. Could you prove it by writing out the integrals involved? The probability densities would be distributions of the "order statistics" of the exponential distribution.
  • #4
Stephen Tashi said:
Your method assumes [itex] E[X_1|X_1< X_2] = E[X_1] = E[X_1| X_1 > X_2] [/itex]
I don't think that's true. Could you prove it by writing out the integrals involved? The probability densities would be distributions of the "order statistics" of the exponential distribution.

Got it! Thanks!
  • #5
= \frac{\mu}{2\mu} = \frac{1}{2} and P(X_1>X_2) = \frac{\mu_2}{\mu_1 + \mu_2} = \frac{\mu}{2\mu} = \frac{1}{2}
Your method is actually correct and should work. However, there may be a small mistake in your calculation. When finding $E[Y/X_1>X_2]$, you should consider the case where $X_1>X_2$, which means $Y=X_2$. Therefore, $E[Y/X_1>X_2]=E[X_2]=1/\mu$.
Overall, your method should give the correct answer of $1/\mu$.

FAQ: Minimum of two iid exponential distributions

1. What is the definition of "Minimum of two iid exponential distributions"?

The minimum of two independent and identically distributed (iid) exponential distributions is the smallest value that can occur when two exponential random variables are observed together. This value follows its own distribution, which is known as the minimum of two iid exponential distributions.

2. How is the minimum of two iid exponential distributions calculated?

The minimum of two iid exponential distributions can be calculated using the formula Min(X,Y) = -ln(U1U2), where X and Y are the exponential random variables and U1 and U2 are independent uniform random variables on the interval (0,1).

3. What is the relationship between the minimum of two iid exponential distributions and the exponential distribution?

The minimum of two iid exponential distributions is a special case of the exponential distribution, where the rate parameter is the sum of the rates of the two underlying exponential distributions. This means that the minimum of two iid exponential distributions has a shorter expected waiting time than the individual exponential distributions.

4. What are some real-world applications of the minimum of two iid exponential distributions?

The minimum of two iid exponential distributions is commonly used in reliability engineering, where it is used to model the time to failure of a system consisting of two identical components. It is also used in queuing theory, where it can be used to model the time between two consecutive customer arrivals in a service system.

5. How does the minimum of two iid exponential distributions differ from the minimum of two non-iid exponential distributions?

The minimum of two iid exponential distributions assumes that the two underlying distributions are independent and identically distributed, meaning that they have the same distributional parameters. On the other hand, the minimum of two non-iid exponential distributions does not make this assumption and the two underlying distributions can have different parameters. This can result in different distributional properties and calculations for the minimum value.

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