How can Minkowski spacetime be expressed as a U(2) manifold?

In summary, the conversation discusses the basis of the space of 2x2 Hermitian matrices and the one-to-one property of the map. It also shows that any unitary matrix can be expressed as a specified form and explains how to express the metric in terms of the parameters of the unitary matrix.
  • #1
Homework Statement
It's question 6 of Example Sheet 1, very near the bottom of this document:
An image is attached below
Relevant Equations

Firstly, since ##\{ \mathbb{I}, \sigma_x, \sigma_y, \sigma_z \}## is a basis of the space of ##2 \times 2## Hermitian matrices, and because ##X = t \mathbb{I} + x\sigma_x - y \sigma_y + z \sigma_z##, the map is one-to-one (because each matrix has unique decomposition). It's also easily checked the determinant of ##dX## is ##-ds^2##.

Next, need to show that any unitary ##U## can be expressed as asked. Consider an arbitrary ##U = \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix}##, then by constraining ##U U^{\dagger} = U^{\dagger} U = \mathbb{I}## we may write ##aa^* + bb^* = aa^* + cc^* + dd^* + cc^* = bb^* + dd^* = 1## and ##ac^* + bd^* = ab^* + cd^* = 0##.

It follows from the first four that ##|a| = |d| \implies d = a^* e^{i \varphi_1}## for some ##\varphi_1## and likewise ##|b| = |c| \implies c = b^* e^{i \varphi_2}## for some ##\varphi_2##. Thus, substituting for ##c## and ##d^*## in the equation ##ab^* + cd^*=0## gives\begin{align*}
ab^*(1 + e^{i (\varphi_2 - \varphi_1)}) = 0 &\implies \varphi_2 = \varphi_1 + (2n+1)\pi \\

&\implies e^{i \varphi_2} = e^{i \varphi_1} e^{2n\pi i} e^{i \pi} = - e^{i \varphi_1}
\end{align*}Therefore, defining a new parameter ##\tau## by ##\tau := \varphi_1 / 2##, and similarly defining ##\alpha := a \text{exp}(-i \varphi_1 / 2)## and ##\beta := b \text{exp}(-i \varphi_1 / 2)##, the most general form is indeed ##U = e^{i \tau} \begin{pmatrix} \alpha & \beta \\ -\beta^* & \alpha^* \end{pmatrix}## which satisfies ##|\alpha|^2 + |\beta|^2 = |a|^2 + |b|^2 = 1##.

I am confused how to do the last part, i.e. to express the metric in terms of the parameters of ##U##. From the definition of the Cayley map we can write down ##(1-iX)dU = i(1+U)dX = 2dU(1+U)^{-1}##, but I don't see how that helps. I'd be grateful for a hint about how to get started; thanks :smile:
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  • #2
Actually, I figured out how to do it. You can just take the determinant of the relation they asked you to use, and substitute for ##\mathrm{det}(dU)##. Welp, sorry for posting 🙃

FAQ: How can Minkowski spacetime be expressed as a U(2) manifold?

1. What is Minkowski spacetime as U(2)?

Minkowski spacetime as U(2) is a mathematical concept that combines the principles of special relativity and complex numbers to describe the four-dimensional spacetime in which physical events occur. It is named after the mathematician Hermann Minkowski and is often used in the study of physics and cosmology.

2. How is Minkowski spacetime as U(2) different from traditional spacetime?

Minkowski spacetime as U(2) differs from traditional spacetime in that it incorporates complex numbers, which allow for a more precise description of the relationship between space and time. It also takes into account the effects of special relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction, which are not accounted for in traditional spacetime.

3. What is the significance of the U(2) in Minkowski spacetime as U(2)?

The U(2) in Minkowski spacetime as U(2) refers to the unitary group of order 2, which is a mathematical group that represents transformations between different reference frames in spacetime. This group is important in understanding the symmetries and invariances of Minkowski spacetime.

4. How is Minkowski spacetime as U(2) used in physics?

Minkowski spacetime as U(2) is used in physics to describe the relationship between space and time in special relativity. It is also used in quantum mechanics and cosmology to study the behavior of particles and the universe on a large scale. It provides a mathematical framework for understanding the fundamental principles of the universe.

5. Are there any practical applications of Minkowski spacetime as U(2)?

While Minkowski spacetime as U(2) is primarily a theoretical concept, it has practical applications in fields such as particle physics, astrophysics, and engineering. It is used in the development of technologies such as GPS, which rely on the principles of special relativity to function accurately. It also helps scientists understand the behavior of particles at high speeds and the evolution of the universe.
