Mips assembly comparing strings

In summary: Sign # loads the address of the add symbol ... lbu $t5, 0($t0) # loads the add symbol ... bne $t4, $t5, notAdd #if the charater entered isn't a +, move on ... You might want to try declaring the string like this: product: .asciiz ": product=" operator: .ascii "" multSign: .asciiz "*" divSign: .asciiz "/"
  • #1

Homework Statement

I need to compare a user input with a string that's already in the program.

If the operation entered is ‘*’, you should print out the product of the 2 numbers; if the
operation entered is ‘/’, you should print out the quotient and the remainder.

the multiplication and division is implemented using the algorithms

The Attempt at a Solution

The instructor provided code for the comparison of the user entered operation with a string in the code. I'm having issues with this code, maybe I'm just using it wrong. This is the provided code:
la $a0, operator # puts entered stuff into "operator" string
li, $a1, 3 # reads 3 things: a character, an enter, and a null
li $v0, 8 # load the "read string" syscall number
la $s2, operator # operator = s2 = value returned
lbu $t4, 0($s2) # loads the character entered by the user
la $t0, addSign # loads the address of the add symbol
lbu $t5, 0($t0) # loads the add symbol
bne $t4, $t5, notAdd #if the charater entered isn't a +, move on

I have the program printing a few lines for input of numbers and such and then I have this:
la $a0, operation	# prints the operation string
	li $v0, 4
	la $a0, operator	# puts entered data into the operator string
	li $a1, 3	# reads 3 things: a character, an enter, and a null
	li $v0, 8		# loads the read string syscall number
	la $s2, operator	# operator = s2 = value returned
	lbu $t4, 0($s2)		# loads the character entered bu the user
	la $t0, multSign	# loads the address of the add symbol
	lbu $t5, 0($t0)		# loads the add symbol
	bne $t4, $t5, notMult	# if the character entered isn't a * move on
add $a0, $s0, $0
	add $a1, $s1, $0
	jal multiplyFunc
add $s3, $v0, $0

	add $a0, $s0, $0
	li $v0, 1
	la $a0, multSign
	li $v0, 4
	add $a0, $s1, $0
	li $v0, 1

	la $a0, product
	li $v0, 4

	add $a0, $s3, $0
	li $v0, 1
	j Exit

no matter what I input it always multiplies and the weird thing is that if i put in the numbers 3 and 2 for examle with the operation / it goes to multiply and it prints "3/2; product = 6" when I'm not printing the user entered operation between the operands, I'm printing the string in the program. I have the strings declared like this:
product: .asciiz ": product="
operator: .ascii ""
multSign: .asciiz "*"
divSign: .asciiz "/"

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here, everything besides this works.
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  • #2
SpiffyEh said:

Homework Statement

I need to compare a user input with a string that's already in the program.

If the operation entered is ‘*’, you should print out the product of the 2 numbers; if the
operation entered is ‘/’, you should print out the quotient and the remainder.

the multiplication and division is implemented using the algorithms

The Attempt at a Solution

The instructor provided code for the comparison of the user entered operation with a string in the code. I'm having issues with this code, maybe I'm just using it wrong. This is the provided code:
la $a0, operator # puts entered stuff into "operator" string
li, $a1, 3 # reads 3 things: a character, an enter, and a null
li $v0, 8 # load the "read string" syscall number
la $s2, operator # operator = s2 = value returned
lbu $t4, 0($s2) # loads the character entered by the user
la $t0, addSign # loads the address of the add symbol
lbu $t5, 0($t0) # loads the add symbol
bne $t4, $t5, notAdd #if the charater entered isn't a +, move on

I have the program printing a few lines for input of numbers and such and then I have this:
la $a0, operation	# prints the operation string
	li $v0, 4
	la $a0, operator	# puts entered data into the operator string
	li $a1, 3	# reads 3 things: a character, an enter, and a null
	li $v0, 8		# loads the read string syscall number
	la $s2, operator	# operator = s2 = value returned
	lbu $t4, 0($s2)		# loads the character entered bu the user
	la $t0, multSign	# loads the address of the add symbol
	lbu $t5, 0($t0)		# loads the add symbol
	bne $t4, $t5, notMult	# if the character entered isn't a * move on
add $a0, $s0, $0
	add $a1, $s1, $0
	jal multiplyFunc
add $s3, $v0, $0

	add $a0, $s0, $0
	li $v0, 1
	la $a0, multSign
	li $v0, 4
	add $a0, $s1, $0
	li $v0, 1

	la $a0, product
	li $v0, 4

	add $a0, $s3, $0
	li $v0, 1
	j Exit

no matter what I input it always multiplies and the weird thing is that if i put in the numbers 3 and 2 for examle with the operation / it goes to multiply and it prints "3/2; product = 6" when I'm not printing the user entered operation between the operands, I'm printing the string in the program. I have the strings declared like this:
product: .asciiz ": product="
operator: .ascii ""
multSign: .asciiz "*"
divSign: .asciiz "/"

I have no idea what I'm doing wrong here, everything besides this works.

I think your problem might be in this code.
   la $s2, operator	# operator = s2 = value returned
   lbu $t4, 0($s2)		# loads the character entered bu the user
   la $t0, multSign	# loads the address of the add symbol
   lbu $t5, 0($t0)		# loads the add symbol
   bne $t4, $t5, notMult	# if the character entered isn't a * move on

You're comparing the wrong things, plus you're storing only two of the three things you need. For example, if the user enters 8/4<CR>, the code above picks out the first operand and the operator, but not the second operand. In this example, 8 gets stored in t4, and '*' gets stored in t5. The branch instruction transfers control to the notMult label if the bytes in t4 and t5 aren't equal, which they clearly are not.

What you want to do is to store the byte at 1(%s2) in t4, and compare that with what's in t5. That way you'll be comparing / with *.

Other comments:
Your operator string is an empty string. It doesn't look to me like you are allocating any space for it. I might be missing something, but if it's the case that you don't have any memory for operator, when the read string syscall returns, the characters stored in operator could overwrite some other variables. Whenever you're working with pointers and write to the address referenced by the pointer, make sure the pointer points to a block of memory that can be written to without clobbering anything else.

Also, I think operator is a misleading name for this variable. If I understand your code, after the read_string system call, operator will be a string such as "3*4<return><null>". A better name for this string might be expression or operation or the like. The operator in this string is '*'.

Minor point: this code
la $t0, multSign # loads the address of the add symbol
has a misleading comment. You're loading the address of the mult. symbol.
  • #3
Thank you for the help, I'm working on trying it now. How would i allocate memory for the string? Before I posted I spent a bunch of time messing with that because I thought it was my problem. I was never taught how to do that
  • #4
I looked it up online, it's hard to find mips assembly syntax online. The issue was the allocation of space for the string. I fixed that and everything works. Thank you so much
  • #5
Cool! Glad that I could point you in the right direction, even though I don't "speak MIPS." Still, assembly is assembly, and if you understand on (x86 for me) you can more or less get the drift in some other kind.

Related to Mips assembly comparing strings

1. What is Mips assembly?

Mips assembly is a low-level programming language used to write instructions for the Mips processor. It is often used in embedded systems and is known for its simplicity and efficiency.

2. How do I compare strings in Mips assembly?

The Mips assembly language provides a "compare" instruction, called "cmp", which compares two strings and sets the appropriate flags in the processor's status register. You can then use conditional branches to execute code based on the result of the comparison.

3. Can I use built-in functions to compare strings in Mips assembly?

No, Mips assembly does not have built-in functions for string comparison. You will need to write your own code using the "cmp" instruction and conditional branches.

4. How do I handle case sensitivity when comparing strings in Mips assembly?

Mips assembly does not have built-in functions for case sensitivity. You will need to write your own code to convert both strings to the same case before comparing them.

5. What is the syntax for comparing strings in Mips assembly?

The "cmp" instruction takes two operands, which can be registers, immediate values, or memory addresses. For example, "cmp $t0, $t1" would compare the values in register $t0 and $t1. You can then use conditional branches, such as "beq" or "bne", to execute code based on the result of the comparison.

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