Mirror Reflectors: Efficiency of Glass for Sunlight Reflection

  • Thread starter piuz98
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In summary, the efficiency of glass for transferring heat after reflection depends on the type of glass and its coating, with most commercial glass having an invisible metal film to reflect infrared and keep out heat. For mirrors, the angle of reflection will depend on the type of coating, with high quality scientific mirrors having a coating of aluminum on the front and mirrors at home usually having aluminum on the back. Both types of mirrors typically have a 90% reflective rate over the Sun's wavelength range.
  • #1
I have problem in my design.
how efficient the glass will transfer heat after reflection.
The heat will purely come from sunlight.
Can anyone tell me about the efficiency of glass...
then, is it any angle to reflection of sunlight into incline area, because i am trying to reflect the sunlight with mirrow into 30 degree surface area...
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
It depends on the glass.
Remember that most of sunlight is infrared, so you can't tell how much heat is being reflected/transmitted from simply how brigth somethign looks.

Most commercial glass for windows (especially office windows) is coated with an invisibly thin metal film to reflect infrared and so keep out heat. http://www.pilkington.com/resources/kglassdatasheet.pdf
  • #3
hmm...i think i made mistake in my question. its should be a mirror not a glass. thank you
  • #4
Then it depends on the coating.
High quality scientific mirrors will have a coating of aluminium on the front - the light doesn't go through the glass and so it doesn't matter what the glass is.
Mirrors at home normally have either aluminium on the back of the glass and the light goes through the glass twice.

Both are going to be typically 90% reflective over the Suns wavelength range.
  • #5
Ok, thank you for u information.
do you know which angle i need to locate the mirror if i wnat to get reflection into 30 degree incline surface...
Thank you
  • #6
Draw a line at 90deg to the surface of the mirror (a normal) light bounces off the mirror at the same angle to this line that it arrives.

Related to Mirror Reflectors: Efficiency of Glass for Sunlight Reflection

What is a mirror reflector and how does it work?

A mirror reflector is a device that is designed to reflect sunlight in a specific direction. It typically consists of a curved or flat surface, made of glass or another reflective material, that is able to reflect light at a specific angle. When sunlight hits the surface, it is reflected in a concentrated beam, making it more efficient for use in solar power systems.

Why is glass commonly used for mirror reflectors?

Glass is a popular choice for mirror reflectors because it is highly reflective and has the ability to withstand high temperatures and harsh weather conditions. It is also relatively inexpensive and readily available, making it a practical choice for large-scale solar power projects.

How do scientists measure the efficiency of glass for sunlight reflection?

The efficiency of glass for sunlight reflection is typically measured by its reflectance, which is the amount of light that is reflected off its surface. This is usually expressed as a percentage, with higher percentages indicating higher reflectance and therefore, higher efficiency. Scientists also consider factors such as the angle of incidence and the type of glass used when measuring efficiency.

What are the main factors that affect the efficiency of glass for sunlight reflection?

There are several factors that can affect the efficiency of glass for sunlight reflection, including the type and thickness of the glass, the angle of incidence, the surface quality of the glass, and the presence of any coatings or films on the surface. Additionally, environmental factors such as dust, dirt, and moisture can also impact the reflectance of glass over time.

What are some potential applications for mirror reflectors using glass for sunlight reflection?

Mirror reflectors using glass for sunlight reflection can be used in a variety of applications, including solar power systems, solar ovens, and solar water heaters. They can also be used in agriculture to direct sunlight onto crops or in architecture to enhance natural lighting in buildings. Additionally, they have potential uses in science experiments and photography, as well as for decorative purposes.

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