Mirror rotates any polarisation by 90°?

In summary: The "handedness" of circular polarisation is conventionally defined from the perspective of the receiver. Simply put, the mirror reverses the direction of propagation, thus the "sender" becomes the "receiver" and vice versa, hence reversing the handedness of the polarisation.This configuration is often referred to as a "poor man's optical isolator", because it can be used in conjunction with a polarising optic to separate forward and backward propagating beams, albeit with less fidelity than a proper Faraday isolator.You can as well argue with parity, which is imho more to the point.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
When looking in a mirror using passive 3D glasses and closing one eye, you cannot see the open eye, but the closed eye. Tilting the head doesn't change this.
Over each eye is a linear polariser and they are orthogonal to each other. So I conclude from the experiment that the polarisation must have been rotated by 90° by the mirror.
That reminded my of phase plates but they only work because their refractive indix depends on the angle. Along two directions they don't do anything to the polarisation. But I can tilt my head.
I also remembered that for some reflective surfaces linearly polarised light cannot reflect in certain directions. But this is not what I am seeing here. I can see everything in the reflection. Except my open eye.
Any ideas?
Can you reproduce this?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #3
What's happening concerning reflection and refraction is described by Fresnel's equations, which you find in any textbook on classical electrodynamics/optics. A nice treatment is in

G. Joos, Theoretical Physics, Dover (1989)
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Likes topsquark
  • #4
scottdave said:
I speculate that it is circular polarization. The mirror would reverse that. This stackexchange post suggests the same.

You're right! I didn't know this excited but it turns out that RealD glasses use circularly polarised light. This observation would have been impossible with linearly polerised light as symmetry prohibits 90° rotations (+90 and -90 cancel). If we assume that the mirror indeed turns right into left polerised light, this explains the observation. Starting from the eye, the light passes a poleriser in the (1,1) direction. Then the (0,1) direction is retarded by π/2 so that we have left polerised light. After reflection the light is right polerised but still turns left as we are looking antiparallel to the propagation. It first hits the retarder so we have a π retardation now, the light is polarised along (1,-1) and gets blocked.

You can also use time reversal symmetry to see that left polerised light can pass towards the eye.
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Likes vanhees71
  • #5
This is a really cool experiment!

The "handedness" of circular polarisation is conventionally defined from the perspective of the receiver. Simply put, the mirror reverses the direction of propagation, thus the "sender" becomes the "receiver" and vice versa, hence reversing the handedness of the polarisation.

This configuration is often referred to as a "poor man's optical isolator", because it can be used in conjunction with a polarising optic to separate forward and backward propagating beams, albeit with less fidelity than a proper Faraday isolator.
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Likes sophiecentaur, vanhees71 and iorveth_
  • #6
You can as well argue with parity, which is imho more to the point. A spatial reflection (##\vec{x} \rightarrow -\vec{x}##) flips momentum ##\vec{p} \rightarrow -\vec{p}## but doesn't change the angular momentum of the em. wave, and thus helicity flips.

BTW: An electromagnetic wave does not have an additional property you could call "chirality", but since it's a massless particle you can simply define "chirality" as being the same as helicity although it's a bit confusing terminology.
  • #7
iorveth_ said:
You're right! I didn't know this excited but it turns out that RealD glasses use circularly polarised light.
Older 3D glasses were linearly polarized, but people got tired of having to hold the heads perfectly straight to avoid double images. Circular polarization fixes this.



FAQ: Mirror rotates any polarisation by 90°?

What does it mean for a mirror to rotate polarization by 90°?

A mirror rotating polarization by 90° means that when polarized light reflects off the mirror, the direction of its electric field vector is rotated by 90 degrees. This is different from typical reflection, where the polarization direction is usually preserved or flipped depending on the angle of incidence and the orientation of the plane of polarization.

How does a mirror achieve a 90° rotation of polarization?

A mirror can achieve a 90° rotation of polarization through specific design features, such as using a combination of birefringent materials, special coatings, or by employing a multi-layer dielectric structure. These features manipulate the phase and orientation of the electric field components of the reflected light to achieve the desired rotation.

What are the practical applications of a mirror that rotates polarization by 90°?

Such mirrors are used in various optical systems, including laser systems, optical communication, and instrumentation where controlling the polarization state of light is crucial. They are also used in polarization-based imaging systems and in scientific experiments that require precise control over light polarization.

Can all types of polarized light be rotated by 90° using this mirror?

In theory, a properly designed mirror can rotate any type of polarized light (linear, circular, or elliptical) by 90°. However, the effectiveness can depend on the wavelength of the light and the specific design of the mirror. Some mirrors may be optimized for specific wavelengths or types of polarization.

Are there any limitations or challenges associated with mirrors that rotate polarization by 90°?

One challenge is the complexity of design and manufacturing, as achieving precise control over polarization rotation requires advanced materials and fabrication techniques. Additionally, such mirrors might have limited bandwidth, meaning they work effectively only over a specific range of wavelengths. There can also be issues with efficiency, as some designs might introduce losses or unwanted reflections.

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