Missing energy for new physics

In summary, missing energy is often associated with neutrinos, but it can also come from other sources such as mismeasurement of particles. To determine if the missing energy comes from somewhere else, one can estimate the number of events expected from neutrinos and compare it to the actual measurement. Binning the analysis in missing transverse momentum or similar observables can also help distinguish between neutrinos and BSM particles. Additionally, one can look at standard model processes that don't produce missing energy due to neutrinos and use them to test the amount of missing energy measured, which can indicate if it is coming from mismeasurement or new particles.
  • #1
Hello! I understand that missing energy is a sign for new physics (BSM, supersymmetry). However, almost all the time, the missing energy is associated with neutrinos. How can someone decide if some missing energy comes from somewhere else, other than neutrinos? Thank you!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Estimate how many events you expect from neutrinos, then see if you find more than that. Binning the analysis in missing transverse momentum or similar observables helps to distinguish between neutrinos and BSM particles, as they will generally lead to different distributions.
  • #3
Silviu said:

Silviu said:
I understand that missing energy is a sign for new physics (BSM, supersymmetry). However, almost all the time, the missing energy is associated with neutrinos
Well, not exactly... there is missing energy due to:
1) Standard Model processes (real missing ET)
2) Mismeasurement of the energy of the particles in each event (or even losing some objects).
The large missing energy is more likely to come from neutrinos, rather than a mismeasurement of your hard particles.

Silviu said:
How can someone decide if some missing energy comes from somewhere else, other than neutrinos?
Well this is kinda vague... one example that comes to my mind out of the blue:
Are there standard model processes that don't produce missing energy due to neutrinos? If yes (and it's a yes, for example Zmumu or Zee), then you can try and pick up those processes, and test how much missing et you actually measure... since there is no "neutrinos" in these processes, then you know that the missing et is actually coming from your mismeasurement...

FAQ: Missing energy for new physics

1. What is "missing energy" in the context of new physics?

Missing energy, also known as "invisible energy" or "dark energy", refers to the difference between the total energy of a system and the observable energy. In the context of new physics, it is the energy that cannot be accounted for by known particles or interactions.

2. Why is missing energy important in the search for new physics?

Missing energy is important because it could potentially be evidence of new or undiscovered particles or forces. If there is a discrepancy between the expected and observed energy in an experiment, it could indicate the presence of new physics beyond our current understanding.

3. How do scientists detect missing energy?

Scientists use a variety of experimental techniques to detect missing energy. One common method is to measure the total energy of a system before and after a particle collision. Any difference in energy could indicate the presence of missing energy, which may be attributed to new particles that are not directly detected by the experiment.

4. Can missing energy be explained by other factors besides new physics?

Yes, there are other factors that could contribute to missing energy, such as experimental errors, background noise, or incomplete understanding of existing particles and interactions. Scientists must carefully analyze and control for these factors before concluding that missing energy is evidence of new physics.

5. How does the search for missing energy contribute to our understanding of the universe?

The search for missing energy is a crucial part of scientific research in particle physics. It helps us to identify gaps in our current understanding of the universe and provides clues for new theories and models that could explain the missing energy. This search also pushes the boundaries of technology and instrumentation, leading to advancements in other fields of science.
