Missing samples recovery with FFT in C#

  • C#
  • Thread starter Gedelian
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In summary, the person is asking for help to find a simple code for missing samples recovery. They are only interested in numeric data and need a code that will turn an incomplete array into a complete one. They are looking for links or sources for such a code and also considering options such as extrapolation and imputation. However, they acknowledge that without more information about the original data, it may be difficult to find a suitable solution.
  • #1
Hey all!

I have to ask for help. I’m in too deep and can’t find my way out. Does anyone know where to find a simple code for missing samples recovery? All I can find are math equations that I can’t interpret. I’m not into signal processing here, I’m using FFT for numeric data only, so I’m just looking for a simple code that will turn an incomplete array with numeric sequence N1, N2, N3, … Nx into N1, N2, N3, … Nx+1, Nx+2, Nx+3, … Nx+y, where x’s represent known numbers in an array, and y’s represent missing numbers. If someone can give me the link to the actual code, or where I could find such a code, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Trying to figure out what you want here. If you have a 1x3 matrix A = [ 1 3 5 ], so x = 3. If you have y = 3, you want A to turn into a 1x6 matrix B = [ 1 3 5 ? ? ? ]?
  • #3
Usually trying to predict numbers beyond the end of a list you already have is called "extrapolation."

You might Google for
extrapolation numerical recipes
and look at some of the fairly concrete code that finds. If those aren't adequate then searching for extrapolation and some other likely key words might be your best choice.

Unless I knew something about the original data that told me that using an FFT is the best way to accomplish what I was trying to do I would be skeptical. Unfortunately we don't know anything about the details behind your problem so it is very difficult to give you an answer that is likely to be correct.

There is an entirely different field that deals with missing data. You can Google for
imputation maximum likelihood
and get some hints about that, but I don't think you are going to find "code in a can" that will solve your problem with that either.

FAQ: Missing samples recovery with FFT in C#

1. What is missing samples recovery with FFT in C#?

Missing samples recovery with FFT in C# is a technique used in signal processing to recover missing or corrupted data in a signal. It involves using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to analyze the frequencies present in the signal and fill in the missing or corrupted samples.

2. How does missing samples recovery with FFT work in C#?

The FFT algorithm breaks down a signal into its component frequencies, which are then used to reconstruct the missing or corrupted samples. This is done by extrapolating the missing samples based on the frequencies present in the signal. The reconstructed signal may not be completely accurate, but it can provide a close approximation of the original signal.

3. When is missing samples recovery with FFT used in C#?

Missing samples recovery with FFT is commonly used in applications where data is prone to loss or corruption, such as in audio or image processing. It can also be used in data recovery and error correction algorithms.

4. Are there any limitations to using missing samples recovery with FFT in C#?

Yes, there are some limitations to this technique. It works best when the missing or corrupted samples are evenly distributed throughout the signal. If there are large gaps or clusters of missing samples, the reconstructed signal may not be accurate. Additionally, this method may not work well with signals that have a lot of noise or interference.

5. Are there any alternatives to using missing samples recovery with FFT in C#?

Yes, there are other techniques for recovering missing samples, such as spline interpolation, polynomial fitting, and Kalman filtering. These methods may be more suitable depending on the type of signal and the nature of the missing data. It is best to consult with a signal processing expert to determine the most appropriate method for your specific application.

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