Mobius transformation satisfying certain properties

Conversely, if $F(z) = \dfrac{d}{z}$, then $F(0) = \dfrac dz = \infty$, and $F(\infty) = \dfrac{d}{\infty} = 0$. Hence, in summary, a Mobius transformation $F$ maps $0$ to $\infty$ and $\infty$ to $0$ if and only if $F(z)=dz^{-1}$ for some $d \in \mathbb{C}$, which is proven in Exercise $23$ of Section $3.3$ in Conway's *Functions of One Complex Variable*.
  • #1
I'm having some trouble showing that a Mobius transformation $F$ maps $0$ to $\infty$ and $\infty$ to $0$ iff $F(z)=dz^{-1}$ for some $d \in \mathbb{C}.$ Mainly with the "only if" part. Do I need to use pictures?

This is Exercise $23$ in Section $3.3$ of Conway's *Functions of One Complex Variable*.

This question has been crossposted here: complex analysis - Mobius transformation satisfying certain properties - Mathematics Stack Exchange
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  • #2
kalish said:
I'm having some trouble showing that a Mobius transformation $F$ maps $0$ to $\infty$ and $\infty$ to $0$ iff $F(z)=dz^{-1}$ for some $d \in \mathbb{C}.$ Mainly with the "only if" part.
The Möbius transformation has the form $F(z) = \dfrac{pz+q}{rz+s}$. If $s\ne0$ then $f(0) = \dfrac qs$, which is not equal to $\infty$. Therefore we must have $s=0$, and $F(z) = \dfrac{pz+q}{rz} = \dfrac pr + \dfrac q{rz}$. For this to take $\infty$ to $0$ we must have $p=0$. Therefore $F(z) = \dfrac{q}{rz}$, which is of the form that you want.

FAQ: Mobius transformation satisfying certain properties

1. How is a Mobius transformation defined?

A Mobius transformation is a mapping of the complex plane to itself that can be represented by the formula f(z) = (az + b) / (cz + d), where a, b, c, and d are complex numbers and ad - bc ≠ 0.

2. What are the properties of a Mobius transformation?

A Mobius transformation has the following properties:

  • It is a one-to-one mapping, meaning each input has a unique output.
  • It is a conformal mapping, meaning it preserves angles between curves.
  • It maps circles and lines to circles and lines.
  • It can be composed of simpler transformations, such as translations, rotations, and dilations.
  • It can be extended to the Riemann sphere, allowing it to map infinity to a finite point.

3. How can a Mobius transformation be used in geometry?

Mobius transformations are commonly used in geometry to map circles and lines to other circles and lines, making them useful in solving problems involving circles and lines. They are also used in creating geometric constructions and in studying the properties of geometric figures.

4. Can a Mobius transformation have any fixed points?

Yes, a Mobius transformation can have up to two fixed points, depending on the values of a, b, c, and d. A fixed point is a point that remains unchanged after the transformation is applied.

5. How can a Mobius transformation be visualized?

A Mobius transformation can be visualized using a complex plane, where the input points are represented by the real and imaginary axes, and the output points are represented by the transformed complex numbers. It can also be visualized using a sphere, known as the Riemann sphere, where the input points are mapped to the surface of the sphere and the output points are mapped to the interior of the sphere.
