Model Rocket Launch Equations for Successful Launches

In summary, TomMattinson is planning to make a homemade RPG using a D-Class engine and is looking for help in math and physics. He has a math and physics background and knows about algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus. He has bought a D12-5 engine and is looking for help in figuring out the equations for the rocket.
  • #1
below are my posts on my homemade RPG i was planning, after endless disagreement for help because of the exploding part i have subsided to a normal model rocket, seeing as how i bought a d-class rocket engine anyway. so, I would just like some certain equations that would help me in my launch, such as y(time or anything of that matter) x(weight) = z(whatever it would equal.) I'm hoping to receive help this time and will keep you updated on the project.

Physics news on
  • #2
OK, I'm game. First of all a couple of questions:

* What's your math and physics background?
* Do you have any technical data on the D Class Engine (burn time, thrust, etc?)

If you can't answer the second one then I'll do a little digging with the help of Google.
  • #3
thanks for your future help

for your question one, i have no physics background, but i tend to catch on to math very easily, if i was given the equations i could do it and if i didn't understand something i can take the equation to my math teacher or science teacher.

for the second question i have tried to dig information but it was extremely late and i was unsuccessful, i will try again later but it would be nice if you found something i didn't.
  • #4
OK, I think we're in good shape with the tech data. Check out this website:

If you click on "Rocket Motors" and then on "Estes" we find the following:

I'm guessing that the D class engines are the ones that start with "D" (D12-0, D12-3, etc). They give exactly the info that I was looking for, and more (thrust, burn time, mass, impulse, etc).

So let me ask another question: What is the exact make and model of your engine? This will become important when we come to putting numbers into equations.
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  • #6
i bought a 3 pack of d12-5 rocket engines at hobby world. I hope that helps for the equations.
  • #7
elitemaple said:
i missed a part of your question, for math background i have been in enriched classes and advanced classes my entire life when available

Before I get to the equations I need to know how far you've gone. So, which of the following do you know?

* Algebra
* Geometry
* Trigonometry
* Calculus

i bought a 3 pack of d12-5 rocket engines at hobby world. I hope that helps for the equations.

It does help, because now I know to use the data for that engine.

More tomorrow...
  • #8
Tom Mattson said:
Before I get to the equations I need to know how far you've gone. So, which of the following do you know?

* Algebra
* Geometry
* Trigonometry
* Calculus

I have done all those types of math aside from calculus. I'm predicting that i will learn it in a short period of time, its inevitable to happen in my grade.

and yeah, i saw on that like, d = impusle, 12 = average thrust in Newtons and 5 would = the time delay. i hope we get this on the go soon and when it is finally time to launch ill video tape it then post on a video blog site.
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  • #9
elitemaple said:
Before I get to the equations I need to know how far you've gone. So, which of the following do you know?

* Algebra
* Geometry
* Trigonometry
* Calculus

I have done all those types of math aside from calculus. I'm predicting that i will learn it in a short period of time, its inevitable to happen in my grade.

and yeah, i saw on that like, d = impusle, 12 = average thrust in Newtons and 5 would = the time delay. i hope we get this on the go soon and when it is finally time to launch ill video tape it then post on a video blog site.

They way I figure it is, if the rocket flys, we know the original build and can modify it with other things... Camera, parachute ect.. :wink:

And any non-idiot teachers can help if we really need it. A30 trig is tought heh.
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  • #10
ok, it may seem as though this conversation is between tom mattson and I, that doesn't mean all...oohh...126 or so of you who have viewed this thread cannot intervene and help out.
  • #11
I posted some pictures of my RPG plans, but i guess they deleted them, whatever.
  • #12
hey I am just reading your thread and its kinda funny i was just launching model rockets off for my physics class today didnt go so well... but my rocket did blow up, that was kinda cool

FAQ: Model Rocket Launch Equations for Successful Launches

1. What are the basic equations used in model rocket physics?

The basic equations used in model rocket physics are Newton's second law of motion (F=ma), the rocket equation (mv=Meu), and the ideal gas law (PV=nRT). These equations govern the motion, thrust, and behavior of gases in a model rocket.

2. How does the mass of a model rocket affect its flight?

The mass of a model rocket affects its flight in several ways. First, a heavier rocket requires more force to launch, which can affect the amount of thrust needed. Second, a heavier rocket will also experience more drag, which can slow its ascent. Finally, the mass of the rocket will also affect its stability, with heavier rockets typically being more stable.

3. How do I calculate the maximum altitude of my model rocket?

To calculate the maximum altitude of a model rocket, you will need to use the rocket equation (mv=Meu). The variables m and v represent the mass of the rocket and its velocity at burnout, while Meu is the effective exhaust velocity of the rocket's engine. You will also need to take into account the effects of air resistance and gravity.

4. What is the ideal gas law and how is it used in model rocket physics?

The ideal gas law (PV=nRT) is a fundamental equation in physics that describes the behavior of gases. In model rocket physics, this equation is used to calculate the pressure, volume, and temperature of the gases inside the rocket engine. This information is then used to determine the thrust and overall performance of the rocket.

5. How can I improve the stability of my model rocket?

There are several ways to improve the stability of a model rocket. One way is to increase the length of the rocket's fins, which can help to counteract any rotational forces. Another way is to add weight to the nose of the rocket, which can help to keep the rocket pointed in the right direction. Additionally, using a higher thrust engine or adding a guidance system can also improve the stability of a model rocket.
