Modeling Depreciation: Understanding the Relationship Between Time and Value

  • Thread starter marmot
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In summary, the conversation revolved around a question about a printer that costs $35,000 and depreciates 5% every year. The correct equation to find the value by the 4th year is P = P_0 * exp(ln(0.95)*t). The conversation also discussed the difference between the average and instantaneous rate and how the two cannot be substituted for each other.
  • #1
so my bro ahd an algebra 2 midterm and a question was this:

) A printer costs $35,000 (how old are these questions lol) but it depreciates 5% a year. What is the value by the 4th year?

ok so being an overtly complex person i tried to model a differential equation of this just for the kicks.

At first I thought


where P is price

and the solution is Po*exp(-0.5t) where Po=35000

however this is wrong. So I assumed I did not know r from dP/dt=-rP and worked the problem by finding the initial values.

so the solution gives me P=exp(-.051293t)Po which is correct.

I don't grasp intuitively the answer. why is dP/dt=.051293P when the problem says it goes down 0.5 each year so I assume P changes over time by -0.05P per year?
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  • #2
The correct equation is, of course.

P = P_0 * (0.95)^t.

Another way of writing this is:

P = P_0 * exp(ln(0.95)*t).

As you probably have already guessed, ln(0.95) is the number you need.

ln(0.95) = -.051293, approximately.
  • #3
yeah, that's true. i already knew that but, why isn't dP/dt=-0.5P! it does not make sense in my mind. it seems that the changing rate of P is -0.5 P per year
  • #4
Almost certainly because 0.5 isn't the instantaneous rate, but the "average" yearly rate.

What you should say is that the integral from 0 to 1 of e^r equals -0.05...

then e^r = 0.95 and r = ln(0.95).

In fact, that's exactly it. You can't substitute the average (or cumulative, to put it in better terms) rate for the instantaneous rate.
  • #5
that makes a lot of sense! because i can still integrate from 0 to .1 and that wouldn't obviously be right.

FAQ: Modeling Depreciation: Understanding the Relationship Between Time and Value

What is modeling?

Modeling is the process of creating a representation, usually in the form of a mathematical or computational model, to simulate or predict the behavior of a real-world system or phenomenon.

Why is modeling important?

Modeling allows scientists to make predictions and test hypotheses about complex systems or processes that cannot be easily observed or experimented on in real life. It also helps to identify key variables and relationships between them.

What are the steps involved in modeling?

The steps may vary depending on the type of modeling, but generally it involves: 1) identifying the system to be modeled, 2) selecting appropriate variables and parameters, 3) formulating the model, 4) calibrating and validating the model, and 5) using the model to make predictions or test hypotheses.

What are the types of models used in science?

There are many types of models used in science, including physical models, conceptual models, mathematical models, and computational models. Each type has its own strengths and limitations, and may be used in different fields of science.

What are the limitations of modeling?

Models are simplifications of reality and may not accurately represent all aspects of a system. They also rely on the assumptions and data used to create them, which may introduce bias or error. Models should always be interpreted with caution and their results should be validated against real-world observations.
