Modelling wavelike properties of a particle

In summary, the videos discuss how a particle that behaves like a wave can be simulated using 3d animation software. The videos show an example of a photon that is created and travels through space as a wave. The videos also show how the size of the photon changes as it travels. The videos suggest that if there are concerns with the model, they can be elaborated on. The videos also show an example of how wave interference can be simulated.
  • #1
One way to model the wavelike property of a trapped particle is to have it do something (say expand and contract) on a periodic basis as it travels though space. Assuming the periodic expansion and contraction matches the wavelength of the particle, it will "interfere" with other particles the same way different parts of a wave interfere with each other. An example of 40 particles with interference is at

An example of a single particle acting as a wave is at

If there are concerns with this type of model, can those be elaborated on here?
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  • #2
Those movies are just a simulation. They seem to assume a size / extent for a photon and that the size somehow varies with position. The act of making a simulation doesn't justify the model so I would need to see something more. As it stands, it makes no real sense to me.
  • #3
I am a computer programmer with access to significant and varied 3d animation software. My only hope here is to properly model, in this case, the phase of the photon. I appreciate anyone familiar with photon properties pointing out any errors.

Each photon is derived from its energy based on the Planck constant, where the example shows a 1.97ev photon (1240/1.97=630nm) will travel at the speed of light, 3x10^8 m/s and expand and contract at a rate of 4.8x10^14 times per second. Locations are tracked and real time in femtoseconds is shown at the bottom.

As I understand the photon, it has a time varying chance of being reflected by a surface, or of being absorbed by an electron. This is reflected in the model as the photons size as it travels through space becoming bigger and smaller. The photon is its own antiparticle. This is reflected in the model as the photon going from dark to light to dark on a 1/2 wavelength basis.

This way, groups of photons can be modeled as coherent or incoherent, where the example is of the creation of 40 coherent photons.

This is a natural model of wave interference, where you see dark photons reinforcing other dark photons that are one wavelength away from the wall. You can model all types of interference this way where for example, two photons crossing each other that are 1/2 wavelength out of phase will cancel each other out.
  • #4
A photon does not expand and contract. There is no theory that espouses that, and there are no experiment that would even suggest that. That is the fatal error in your understanding and interpretation of the videos.

  • #5
Thank you, would you agree that "a photon has a time varying chance of being reflected by a surface, or of being absorbed by an electron." and "The photon is its own antiparticle on a 1/2 wavelength basis."

What are your thoughts on the 2d representation of photons going up and down like a small little wave? Isn't that the same sort of big/small cycle or particle/antiparticle cycle representation?
  • #6
zincshow said:
Thank you, would you agree that "a photon has a time varying chance of being reflected by a surface, or of being absorbed by an electron." and "The photon is its own antiparticle on a 1/2 wavelength basis."

What are your thoughts on the 2d representation of photons going up and down like a small little wave? Isn't that the same sort of big/small cycle or particle/antiparticle cycle representation?

A photon cannot be absorbed by an electron, if that is a free electron. An photon being absorbed by an atom, resulting in an excited stated represented by an electron in a higher energy state, is an absorption by the entire atom, not just by the electron.

The part where a photon antiparticle on a 1/2 wavelength basis is something you probably made up on your own and thus, is utterly puzzling.

I think your attempt at doing this representation is not going to be correct or accurate.


FAQ: Modelling wavelike properties of a particle

1. What is the concept of wave-particle duality?

The concept of wave-particle duality states that particles, such as electrons, can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior under different circumstances. This means that particles can have properties of both waves and particles, and their behavior cannot be fully explained by classical physics.

2. How is the wavelike behavior of particles modeled?

The wavelike behavior of particles is typically modeled using mathematical equations, such as the Schrodinger equation, which describe the probability of finding a particle at a certain location and time. This allows scientists to predict the behavior of particles in different situations.

3. What are some examples of particles exhibiting wavelike properties?

Some common examples of particles exhibiting wavelike properties include electrons, photons, and protons. These particles can behave like waves and exhibit characteristics such as interference and diffraction.

4. How does the double-slit experiment demonstrate the wavelike nature of particles?

The double-slit experiment is a classic experiment that demonstrates the wavelike nature of particles. In this experiment, a beam of particles, such as electrons, is directed at a barrier with two slits. The particles are observed to create an interference pattern, similar to what would be expected from waves passing through the slits.

5. Can particles only exhibit either wave-like or particle-like behavior?

No, particles can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior simultaneously. This is known as superposition, where a particle can exist in multiple states at the same time. This concept is a key aspect of quantum mechanics and is essential to understanding the wavelike properties of particles.
