Models where all symmetries would be approximate?

In summary, all known fundamental symmetries of nature are approximate. Observational tests strictly limit the extent to which reality can deviate from these symmetries, but at some point Occam's Razor comes into play disfavoring elaborations of physical theories in these symmetries are not exact.
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TL;DR Summary
Models where all symmetries would be approximate?
I found this interesting discussion here in Physics Forums ( where the topic of all symmetries being approximate is discussed

Is there any model (for instance, some type of spacetime metric or geometry) compatible with our current understanding of physics where all known fundamental symmetries of nature (Poincaré, Lorentz, CPT, translational and internal invariances) would be approximate?
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There are some models where one or some fundamental symmetries of Nature are violated (e.g. small Lorentz invariance violations are possible in some theories of quantum gravity such as here).

But, while I am not omniscient, I am not aware of any widely studied models in physics in which all known fundamental symmetries of Nature are approximate. I have never seen a preprint or published physics paper or even a blog post by a physicist describing such a model, despite reviewing preprints on more or less a daily basis for at least a decade.

Observational tests strictly limit the extent to which reality can deviate from these symmetries. But, of course, the conceptual leap of faith from a very close approximation of an exact symmetry to an exact symmetry can never be definitively proven with an observational test alone. This is because all experimental observations have some uncertainty, however slight.

When there is a well motivated theory about why some particular fundamental symmetry might not hold true, scientists will often devote substantial resources to doing particularly precise tests looking for violations of a fundamental symmetry. And, of course, in situations where such violations are discovered (e.g. the separate conservation of mass and energy, rather than merely the conservation of mass-energy) we stop calling that a fundamental symmetry anymore. So, unless you are a historian of science you don't notice those.

But at some point, Occam's Razor comes into play disfavoring elaborations of physical theories in these fundamental symmetries are not exact but are indistinguishable observationally from theories that are exact, without providing some other explanatory benefit.

FAQ: Models where all symmetries would be approximate?

What are approximate symmetries in physics?

Approximate symmetries in physics refer to symmetries that are not exact but hold true to a good approximation. These symmetries can be broken by small perturbations or higher-order effects, meaning that while the symmetry principles provide a useful framework for understanding the system, they are not perfectly conserved.

Why are approximate symmetries important in theoretical models?

Approximate symmetries are important because they can simplify complex systems and provide insights into their behavior. They allow scientists to make predictions and understand the underlying principles governing the system, even if the symmetries are not exact. This can be particularly useful in fields like particle physics, where exact solutions are often impossible to obtain.

Can you give an example of an approximate symmetry in physics?

An example of an approximate symmetry is the isospin symmetry in nuclear physics. Isospin symmetry treats protons and neutrons as identical particles under the strong nuclear force, despite their differences in charge. While this symmetry is not exact due to the electromagnetic interaction, it provides a useful approximation for understanding nuclear interactions.

How do physicists identify and work with approximate symmetries?

Physicists identify approximate symmetries by studying the behavior of systems under various transformations and looking for patterns or invariances. They then develop theoretical models that incorporate these symmetries, using perturbation theory or other methods to account for the deviations from exact symmetry. Experimental data is crucial for validating these models and refining the approximations.

What are the limitations of using models with approximate symmetries?

The main limitation of using models with approximate symmetries is that they may not capture all the nuances of the system, especially when the symmetry breaking effects are significant. This can lead to inaccuracies in predictions and a less comprehensive understanding of the system. Additionally, as new experimental data becomes available, these models may need to be revised or replaced with more accurate descriptions.
