Modified Newtons cradle and the Conservation of Momentum

In summary, the ball in the traditional Newtons cradle will have a velocity of 0.6ms-1 after being released.
  • #1

Homework Statement

2 balls hang from a modified Newtons Cradle, on of mass 80g, the other of mass 200g. Assuming gravity is 9.81ms^-2 ball A is pulled out so it reaches a height of 10cm then released. After impact ball 2 moves at a speed of 0.80ms^-1... calculate the velocity of sphere A immediately after impact.

A total of 9 marks

Homework Equations

E grav = mgh
E trans = 0.5mv^2
The law of conservation of momentum

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) m1 = 0.08kg m2 = 0.2kg v2 = 0.8ms-1 v1 = ? height = 0.1m

Neglecting air resistance when ball A is pulled up to a height of 0.10m where its gravitational potential energy is at a maximum:

Egrav = mgh = 0.08kg x 9.81ms-1 x 0.1m = 0.078 Joules

The ball is then released and Egrav is transferred to kinetic energy Etrans fully when the ball reaches the bottom of the swing so Egrav will be at a minimum and Etrans will be at a maximum.

So if Etrans = 0.5mv^2 then assuming there is no energy loss then Etrans = 0.078J

Therefore rearranging Etrans for v then the velocity at the point of impact is:

v1 = 1.4ms-1 at the point of impact.

The kinetic energy of m2 after being struck is Etrans = 0.5 = 0.5 x 0.2 x 0.82 = 0.064 J

So the difference in energy would be 0.078J - 0.064J = 0.014J

so the velocity of m1 after the collision v = √(0.014J) / (0.5 x 0.08kg) = 0.6ms-1

My answer just seems a long winded way of doing it but for 9 marks I can't see where I've gone wrong if I have. It feels wrong because v1 of m1 is just the difference between the initial velocity of the m1 and the final velocity of m2...

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
shyguy79 said:

Homework Statement

2 balls hang from a modified Newtons Cradle, on of mass 80g, the other of mass 200g. Assuming gravity is 9.81ms^-2 ball A is pulled out so it reaches a height of 10cm then released. After impact ball 2 moves at a speed of 0.80ms^-1... calculate the velocity of sphere A immediately after impact.

A total of 9 marks

Homework Equations

E grav = mgh
E trans = 0.5mv^2
The law of conservation of momentum

The Attempt at a Solution

(a) m1 = 0.08kg m2 = 0.2kg v2 = 0.8ms-1 v1 = ? height = 0.1m

Neglecting air resistance when ball A is pulled up to a height of 0.10m where its gravitational potential energy is at a maximum:

Egrav = mgh = 0.08kg x 9.81ms-1 x 0.1m = 0.078 Joules

The ball is then released and Egrav is transferred to kinetic energy Etrans fully when the ball reaches the bottom of the swing so Egrav will be at a minimum and Etrans will be at a maximum.

So if Etrans = 0.5mv^2 then assuming there is no energy loss then Etrans = 0.078J

Therefore rearranging Etrans for v then the velocity at the point of impact is:

v1 = 1.4ms-1 at the point of impact.

The kinetic energy of m2 after being struck is Etrans = 0.5 = 0.5 x 0.2 x 0.82 = 0.064 J

So the difference in energy would be 0.078J - 0.064J = 0.014J

so the velocity of m1 after the collision v = √(0.014J) / (0.5 x 0.08kg) = 0.6ms-1

My answer just seems a long winded way of doing it but for 9 marks I can't see where I've gone wrong if I have. It feels wrong because v1 of m1 is just the difference between the initial velocity of the m1 and the final velocity of m2...

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

With a traditional Newtons cradle we usually get an elastic collision so this may be correct, but we can be certain that momentum is conserved so you could double check that way.
  • #3
thanks for the reply. Using the conservation of momentum and p1 = m1v1 should equal p2 = m2v2 in an elastic collision...

P1 = m1v1 = 0.08kg * 1.4ms-1 = 0.112
P2 = m2v2 = 0.2kg * 0.8ms-1 = 0.16

If you take the difference P2-P1 = 0.048

Rearrange P=mv for v: v=P/m = 0.048/0.08 = 0.6ms-1

So again the same answer?

FAQ: Modified Newtons cradle and the Conservation of Momentum

1. What is a Modified Newtons cradle?

A Modified Newtons cradle is a popular scientific demonstration that illustrates the principles of conservation of momentum and energy. It consists of a series of suspended steel balls that are attached to a frame. When one or more balls are lifted and released, they collide with the other balls, transferring momentum and energy.

2. How does a Modified Newtons cradle demonstrate the conservation of momentum?

The Modified Newtons cradle demonstrates the conservation of momentum by showing that the total momentum of the system remains constant throughout the collisions. This means that the initial momentum of the balls before the collision is equal to the final momentum after the collision.

3. What factors affect the motion of the balls in a Modified Newtons cradle?

The motion of the balls in a Modified Newtons cradle is affected by various factors such as the mass of the balls, the elasticity of the balls, and the angle at which they are released. These factors can impact the transfer of momentum and energy between the balls, resulting in different outcomes.

4. Can a Modified Newtons cradle violate the laws of conservation of momentum and energy?

No, a Modified Newtons cradle cannot violate the laws of conservation of momentum and energy. These principles are fundamental laws of physics that state that energy and momentum cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. The Modified Newtons cradle simply demonstrates these laws in action.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the principles demonstrated by a Modified Newtons cradle?

Yes, the principles of conservation of momentum and energy demonstrated by a Modified Newtons cradle have many real-world applications. They are used in fields such as engineering, physics, and mechanics to understand and predict the motion of objects and systems and to design efficient and effective systems and machines.

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