Modular forms- definition of a cusp

In summary, the cusp for the fundamental domain of SL2(Z) is only at infinity, while for congruence subgroups, the cusp is given by the points where the fundamental domain intercepts the real axis as well as infinity. The definition of a cusp is a pointed end where two curves meet, and in this context, a cusp is an orbit in \mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{Q}). SL(2,\mathbb{Z}) acts transitively on \mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{Q}), so there is only one cusp, but the action is not transitive for congruence subgroups, meaning there are multiple cusps. The equivalence relation
  • #1
this is probably a stupid question but for the fundamental domain for SL2(Z), we say the cusp is only at infinity.

Compare say to hecke subgroups which are congruence subgroups where we say the equivalence classes are given by the points where the fundamental domain intercepts the real axis as well as infinity.

Definition of a cusp :
A pointed end where two curves meet.

So my stupid question is, the fundamental domain for sl2(z), isn't ##t= e^{\pm\frac{2\pi}{3}}## such a point ? Isn't this a cusp ?Thanks
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  • #2
It's been a while since I've looked at this (which is unfortunate considering my choice of avatar), but I think that in this context, a cusp is an orbit in [itex]\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{Q})[/itex]. Since [itex]SL(2,\mathbb{Z})[/itex] acts transitively on [itex]\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{Q})[/itex], there is only one cusp, but the action isn't transitive for the congruence subgroups, so there are more cusps.
  • #3
Infrared said:
It's been a while since I've looked at this (which is unfortunate considering my choice of avatar), but I think that in this context, a cusp is an orbit in [itex]\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{Q})[/itex]. Since [itex]SL(2,\mathbb{Z})[/itex] acts transitively on [itex]\mathbb{P}^1(\mathbb{Q})[/itex], there is only one cusp, but the action isn't transitive for the congruence subgroups, so there are more cusps.
Hey thank you for your reply.
I am a bit confused however.
First of, I can see that transitivity will fail if closure does not hold. To me it is not obvious that if ##a \in \Gamma_0 (N) ## and ##b \in \Gamma_0 (N) ## then ## a.b ## is also... whereas for sl2(z) closure is clear.

From what I can see, all the group properties are involved, at some point, in proving the three criteria of the equivalence relation, and, identity, inverse and associtivity will clearly still hold as we go from ## SL2(Z) \to \Gamma_0(N) ##, the only one I would be unsure of would be closure, which will mean transitivity does not hold.

However if this is the case :
1) what is the definition of ##\Gamma_0(N) ## equivalence if transitivity does not hold, by definition there is no equivalence relation ? Whereas my notes say we still have a notion of ##\Gamma_0(N) ## equivakence ...

2) without..erm...closure, the definition of the Hecke subgroup being a subgroup is also not true

  • #4
Fortunately [itex]\Gamma_0(N)[/itex] is a subgroup of [itex]SL_2(\mathbb{Z})[/itex]. You can just check closure directly.
  • #5
Infrared said:
Fortunately [itex]\Gamma_0(N)[/itex] is a subgroup of [itex]SL_2(\mathbb{Z})[/itex]. You can just check closure directly.
But closure and associtivity are all that are needed to prove transitivty ?
  • #6
Suppose a group [itex]G[/itex] acts on a set [itex]X[/itex]. Consider the relation [itex]\sim[/itex] on [itex] X[/itex] defined by [itex]x\sim y[/itex] if there exists [itex]g\in G[/itex] such that [itex]g\cdot x=y[/itex]. This is an equivalence relation.

I recommend reviewing some of this group theory before studying modular forms.
  • #7
Infrared said:
Suppose a group [itex]G[/itex] acts on a set [itex]X[/itex]. Consider the relation [itex]\sim[/itex] on [itex] X[/itex] defined by [itex]x\sim y[/itex] if there exists [itex]g\in G[/itex] such that [itex]g\cdot x=y[/itex]. This is an equivalence relation.

I recommend reviewing some of this group theory before studying modular forms.
huh? I know this.
And any equivalence relation is transitive, reflexive and symmetric. Where transitory says if a is equivalent to b, and b to c, then a must be equivalent to c.

You said transitivity no longer holds. I attempted a proof of this and it only used closure and associtivity. You said closure still holds, so I don't understand why transitivity fails.
  • #8
A transitive group action is one in which there is exactly one orbit. This is not the same thing as a transitive relation.

Related to Modular forms- definition of a cusp

1. What is a modular form?

A modular form is a complex-valued function with certain transformation properties under the modular group. It is typically defined on the upper half-plane and is holomorphic, meaning it has no singularities or poles in that region.

2. What is the definition of a cusp?

A cusp is a point on the boundary of the upper half-plane where the modular form approaches infinity. It is a singularity of the modular form and is typically denoted by the symbol ∞.

3. How is the cusp located in the upper half-plane?

The cusp is located at the point ∞ = ∞ + 0i, where ∞ is a real number. It lies on the imaginary axis of the upper half-plane.

4. How is the concept of a cusp used in the theory of modular forms?

The concept of a cusp is important in the theory of modular forms because it helps determine the behavior of the modular form at the boundary of the upper half-plane. It is also used in defining the modular group and its action on the upper half-plane.

5. Can a modular form have multiple cusps?

Yes, a modular form can have multiple cusps. In fact, the number of cusps is related to the level of the modular form, which is a measure of its complexity. Higher level modular forms may have multiple cusps, while lower level ones typically have only one cusp.

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