Moduli Space of Tori: Intuitive Understanding in T-Duality

  • Thread starter haushofer
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In summary, the moduli space of a torus, T^2, is of the form O(d,d) and is related to the Kaehler and complex structure moduli for a 2-torus.
  • #1
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recently I'm studying some stuff about T-duality in string theory, toroidal compactification and doubled geometry. Now I think I understand the moduli space of a torus, [itex]T^2[/itex], but apparently (see for instance Hull's "Doubled geometry and T-folds") one can write the moduli [itex]\tau[/itex] of [itex]T^d[/itex] as elements of

\tau \in \frac{O(d,d)}{O(d)\times O(d)}

So my question is, is there an intuitive way to see that the moduli space of [itex]T^d[/itex] is
[itex]\frac{O(d,d)}{O(d)\times O(d)}[/itex]? Can I see those O(d)'s as acting on the cycles of the tori or something like that? Where does this O(d,d) come from? Thanks in forward!
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  • #2
You probably want to take a look at the review by Giveon, Porrati, and Rabinovici. In section 2.4 they construct the moduli space of a bosonic string compactified on a torus and show that it is of the [tex]O(d,d)/(O(d)\times O(d))[/tex] form. This treatment uses the metric and B-field data, however, in the subsection 2.4.2 they relate these directly to the Kaehler and complex structure moduli for a 2-torus. In the case of a general complex torus, you can assemble the periods of (1,1) and (0,2) forms into the coset, but I don't have any references handy.
  • #3
haushofer said:
So my question is, is there an intuitive way to see that the moduli space of [itex]T^d[/itex] d!

The intuitive way of understanding is in terms of the "Narain lattice". The string winding and momentum states have a mass given by the inner product of 2d dimensional lattice vectors p=(p_L,p_R), where p_L and p_R are left- and right-moving momenta which depend on the background geometry (metric and B-field); this inner product has a (d,d) lorentzian signature, ie, (+++..,----...), ie.,

m^2 ~ <p,p> = p_L^2 - p_R^2

The moduli space is then given by the continuous O(d,d) rotations of this lattice which are compatible with this inner product, divided out by an O(d) for each of the left- and right-moving sectors (since rotations that leave p_L^2 or p_R^2 invariant do not change the spectrum, thus act trivially and so do not belong to the moduli space).

Moreover, one should also divide out the subgroup O(d,d;Z) of discrete transformations, which correspond to T-dualities that too leave the spectrum invariant.

Note that this gives not the "mathematical" moduli space of a (multi-) torus but the stringy version of it. The difference is the B-field that exists in string theory and the O(d,d)/O(d)xO(d) structure only appears when the B-field is included.
  • #4
Hey, thanks for the link and the intuïtive explanation. Indeed, I had the idea that this coset space was the "mathematical" notion of the moduli space of T^d instead of the "stringy". I think with some reading everything will become clear; if not I'll come back! :D Enjoy your sunday ;)

FAQ: Moduli Space of Tori: Intuitive Understanding in T-Duality

1. What is the moduli space of tori?

The moduli space of tori is a mathematical concept that refers to the space of all possible tori, which are geometric shapes with a hole in the center. It is a higher-dimensional space that is difficult to visualize, but it can be described as a collection of all possible tori with different sizes and shapes.

2. What is T-duality in relation to the moduli space of tori?

T-duality is a mathematical symmetry that relates different tori in the moduli space. It states that two tori that are different in size and shape are actually equivalent in terms of their physical properties. This symmetry plays a crucial role in string theory and other areas of theoretical physics.

3. How does T-duality manifest itself in the moduli space of tori?

T-duality can be seen in the moduli space of tori through the concept of mirror symmetry. This means that for every torus in the moduli space, there is a corresponding torus that is its mirror image in terms of size and shape. This symmetry is important in understanding the relationship between different tori and their physical properties.

4. What is the intuitive understanding of T-duality in the moduli space of tori?

Intuitively, T-duality in the moduli space of tori can be thought of as a transformation that preserves the underlying structure of the tori. It is like looking at the same object from different perspectives, where the shape and size may appear different, but the fundamental properties remain the same. This allows for a deeper understanding of the connections between seemingly different tori in the moduli space.

5. How is the moduli space of tori relevant in physics?

The moduli space of tori has important implications in theoretical physics, particularly in string theory. It provides a framework for understanding the symmetries between different tori and how they relate to physical properties. Additionally, the moduli space of tori plays a crucial role in duality theories, which are fundamental in understanding the behavior of particles at the quantum level.

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