Molecular weight of unknown acid through titration

In summary: The two dissociation constants for oxalic acid are relatively less weak compared to other weak acids so the "weak acid" quality does not make any complications for such a titration as you have done.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The molecular weight of a monoprotic acid HX was to be determined. A sample of 15.126 grams of HX was dissolved in distilled water and the volume were brought to exactly 250mL in a volumetric flask. Several 50mL portions of this solution were titrated against NaOH solution, requiring an average of 38.21mL of NaOH.

The NaOH solution was standardized against oxalic acid dihydratem H2C2O4(2H2O) (molecular weight: 126.066 grams per mol). The volume of NaOH solution required to neutralize 1.2596 grams of oxalic acid dihydrate was 42.21mL

a) Calculate the molarity of the NaOH solution

Homework Equations

pH = pKa + log (A/HA)

That's what I think is going on here, no?

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm stuck at the second paragraph of the problem, am I supposed to assume that oxalic acid dihydrate completely dissociate into the hydromium ions and the conjugate base? If it is then this turns into a simple problem.

But what if not all of the oxalic acid dihydrate dissociate completely? How am I supposed to calculate the concentration of the NaOH if I don't have the Ka of the oxalic acid dihydrate?
Physics news on
  • #2
The_Journey said:

Homework Statement

The molecular weight of a monoprotic acid HX was to be determined. A sample of 15.126 grams of HX was dissolved in distilled water and the volume were brought to exactly 250mL in a volumetric flask. Several 50mL portions of this solution were titrated against NaOH solution, requiring an average of 38.21mL of NaOH.

The NaOH solution was standardized against oxalic acid dihydratem H2C2O4(2H2O) (molecular weight: 126.066 grams per mol). The volume of NaOH solution required to neutralize 1.2596 grams of oxalic acid dihydrate was 42.21mL

a) Calculate the molarity of the NaOH solution

Homework Equations

pH = pKa + log (A/HA)

That's what I think is going on here, no?

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm stuck at the second paragraph of the problem, am I supposed to assume that oxalic acid dihydrate completely dissociate into the hydromium ions and the conjugate base? If it is then this turns into a simple problem.

But what if not all of the oxalic acid dihydrate dissociate completely? How am I supposed to calculate the concentration of the NaOH if I don't have the Ka of the oxalic acid dihydrate?

It is a simple problem. 'But what if not all of the oxalic acid dihydrate dissociate completely?'

It will have by the time you have titrated it with NaOH! Any serious acid that you can titrate will. All you need to know is that both oxalic acid groups are fairly strong acids. Revise titration curves.

Why do they use oxalic acid? By memory because it forms nice pure crystals of defined composition. Therefore you can weigh it out to good precision and make a solution of precisely defined concentration and (calculated) molarity. As opposed to messy hygroscopic stuff like NaOH where you would know the concentration only somewhat approximately by weighing. So the oxalic acid it's called a primary standard. Then after you have measured your [NaOH] by titration, it's standardised (then called secondary standard I seem to remember) and you can use it to titrate your HX.

But why am I telling you? I am doing it, as I said, from distant memory as I haven't got a book on that, while you probably do have a book or a class handout which you seem to be not using (well OK, you could have got confused about what parts are relevant, but I'm sure titration curves are in your book) and it's you who is in the better position to tell me!
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  • #3
The two dissociation constants for oxalic acid are relatively less weak compared to other weak acids so the "weak acid" quality does not make any complications for such a titration as you have done.
  • #5
symbolipoint said:
The two dissociation constants for oxalic acid are relatively less weak compared to other weak acids so the "weak acid" quality does not make any complications for such a titration as you have done.

I really should have checked information about the dissociations before I wrote the quote. After checking some online information, a fitting endpoint using oxalic acid could be to Methyl Orange or Methy Red endpoint.

pK1 = 1.27, pK2 = 4.266

FAQ: Molecular weight of unknown acid through titration

1. What is the purpose of determining the molecular weight of an unknown acid through titration?

The molecular weight of an unknown acid can provide valuable information about its chemical structure and properties. It can also be used to identify the acid and determine its concentration in a solution.

2. How is the molecular weight of an unknown acid determined through titration?

The molecular weight is determined by measuring the volume of a known concentration of base needed to neutralize a known weight of the acid. The resulting moles of acid can then be used to calculate the molecular weight using the equation: MW = mass (g) / moles (mol).

3. What are the steps involved in conducting a titration to determine the molecular weight of an unknown acid?

The steps typically involved in conducting a titration for molecular weight determination include measuring a known weight of the acid, adding a known concentration of base to the acid, recording the volume of base needed to reach the equivalence point, and using that volume to calculate the molecular weight.

4. What are some common sources of error when determining the molecular weight of an unknown acid through titration?

Some sources of error in this process include improper measurement of the acid, inaccurate titration technique, and variations in the concentration of the base solution. It is important to carefully measure and record all data to minimize these sources of error.

5. Can the molecular weight of an unknown acid be determined through titration if it is a weak acid?

Yes, the molecular weight of a weak acid can still be determined through titration. However, the process may be more complex as the acid may not fully dissociate in solution, and the titration curve may have a different shape than that of a strong acid. Specialized techniques, such as back titration, may need to be used in these cases.
