Moment of Inertia Compass Needle

In summary, the homework statement says that the magnetic moment of a needle is 0.680 mJ/T. The rotational inertia of the needle is about it's vertical axis of rotation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You place a magnetic compass on a horizontal surface, allow the needle to settle, and then give the compass a gentle wiggle to cause the needle to oscillate about its equilibrium position. The oscillation frequency is 0.321 Hz. Earth's magnetic field at the location of the compass has a horizontal component of 18.0*10^-6 T. The needle has a magnetic moment of 0.680 mJ/T. What is the needle's rotational inertia bout it's (vertical) axis of rotation?[/B]

Homework Equations

[itex]K= \frac{1} {2} I \omega^2[/itex]
[itex]U= B \mu sin \theta[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I set the max kinetic energy to the max potential energy (since there is no damping they should be equal i believe). And I set [itex]\omega[/itex] equal to [itex] 2\pi f [/itex].However, I'm getting a solution that is twice as big as the solution when I solve for [itex] I=2k/ \omega^2=(2\mu B)/(2\pi f)^2.[/itex]

I was thinking that maybe the omega I'm working with is the average, and that I want the max? Since omega changes like a sinusoidal function maybe I should multiply my omega by [itex] \sqrt 2[/itex]? Like how you find the RMS values of sinusoidal functions? This would then make my omega equal to [itex]2*\sqrt 2*\pi*f[/itex]. I would then get the correct answer.

Is all that completely silly though and I'm just doing the problem flat wrong? A solution manual that I have solved the problem by equating the period to [itex]2*\pi \sqrt(I/ \mu * B)[/itex].

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This problem is driving me nuts because my method to me just makes so much sense, but apparently my first shot was wrong, and I'm not sure if I've corrected it properly or if the whole thing is just junk :(.

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  • #2
I think you are confusing ω as a rate of change of angle with ω as denoting an oscillation frequency. Consider this simple SHM solution for the variation of some angle: ##\theta = A \sin(\omega t)##. Differentiating, ##\dot \theta = A\omega \cos(\omega t)##. Writing that as ##\omega = A\omega \cos(\omega t)## would be to confuse two quite separate quantities.
  • #3
Sooo... It can't be done the way I wanted to do it at all? I can't find the angular speed somehow and solve the problem like this? I mean is there anyway to get the angular speed from the info given or no?
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  • #4
Crush1986 said:
Sooo... It can't be done the way I wanted to do it at all? I can't find the angular speed somehow and solve the problem like this?
This much is valid
Crush1986 said:
I set the max kinetic energy to the max potential energy
Just be careful how you express those items. I would start with a generic SHM equation, θ=Asin(ωt), and differentiate as necessary, being careful not confuse ##\dot \theta## with ##\omega##.
  • #5
Oh ok. I must of typed something off a bit in wording. Sorry.

So is my logic right though? The frequency is .312 Hz so the average angular speed is about 1.9 rad/sec, I could multiply it by the square root of two to get the max angular velocity? It seems to work but I don't inow if I'm just lucky. I don't know if I have enough info to make an equation with a trig function since I don't know the amplitude.

Or is all my talk just faulty? This problem is delving up stuff from a past class and I may just be all off, haha.
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  • #6
Crush1986 said:
Oh ok. I must of typed something off a bit in wording. Sorry.
No, I mean be careful how you express the PE and KE algebraically.
Seems to me this is wrong:
Crush1986 said:
##U= B \mu sin \theta##
The right hand side looks like the expression for torque, not energy.
After correcting that, try the following:
- assume a simple SHM behaviour
- write out the algebraic expressions for the PE and KE deduced from that formula
- determine the max value of each and equate them
You will need to make an approximation using the fact that theta is small.
  • #7
Ohhhh yah that is supposed to be a cos because it's a dot product.

I'm not sure about doing a small angle approximation though. Think I'll just have to make more sense of the solution in the manual and try to think like that. I guess this way wasn't as nice as I had originally thought haha...
  • #8
Crush1986 said:
Ohhhh yah that is supposed to be a cos because it's a dot product.
No, it's a cross product. See But the result is torque, not energy.
Suppose there's a torque T that succeeds in turning an object through a small angle d##\theta##. How much work is done?

[However, I note that one valid form for the energy is in terms of 1 - cos(theta). Can you provide a link for your equation?]
  • #9
I though [itex] U = - \mu B cos \theta [/itex] the dot product of mu and B?

Work done by torque through a very small angle? Is that torque times the change in angle? Assuming the change in angle is small enough I guess to consider the torque constant.
  • #10
Crush1986 said:
I though [itex] U = \mu B cos \theta [/itex] the dot product of mu and B?
I can't find such an equation on the net, which is why I asked for a link. It's almost right, as you will see...
Work done by torque through a very small angle? Is that torque times the change in angle? Assuming the change in angle is small enough I guess to consider the torque constant.
Yes. So if the torque is ##B \mu \sin(\theta)##, what is the work done?
  • #11
Using a small angle approximation isn't it [itex] B \mu \theta [/itex] ? I'm just not seeing how I'm closer to an answer though if it's right.
  • #12
Crush1986 said:
Using a small angle approximation isn't it [itex] B \mu \theta [/itex] ? I'm just not seeing how I'm closer to an answer though if it's right.
The torque can be approximated to that, yes, but what is the work done for a small change in theta? Use what you wrote here:
Crush1986 said:
Is that torque times the change in angle?
  • #13
Oh I meant to write the work. You're right though I think I left out an extra theta?
[itex] W= B \mu \theta^2 [/itex] ?
  • #14
Crush1986 said:
Oh I meant to write the work. You're right though I think I left out an extra theta?
[itex] W= B \mu \theta^2 [/itex] ?
Almost. What's ##\int \theta d\theta##?
  • #15
Oh dang it... My typing tonight at this late hour...

[itex] W= \frac {1} {2} B \mu \theta^2 [/itex]
  • #16
Crush1986 said:
Oh dang it... My typing tonight at this late hour...

[itex] W= \frac {1} {2} B \mu \theta^2 [/itex]
So if theta obeys ##\theta = A \sin(\omega t)##, what is the max of W? And what is the max of the KE?
  • #17
Well the max theta will ever be is A. Would both be equal to [itex]1/2 B \mu A^2 [/itex]? I felt before I could reach an answer like this. I wasn't sure how I'd get past the Amplitude though, I don't know what it is.
  • #18
Crush1986 said:
Well the max theta will ever be is A. Would both be equal to [itex]1/2 B \mu A^2 [/itex]?
Yes, but you can compute the max KE another way. Differentiate the SHM equation to get the equation for ##\dot \theta##. The A's will cancel eventually.
  • #19
Wow I just got it! Thx so much for your help and patience. I'm not usually this slow. No sleep, night shift work tonight... Not good for physics work haha. Cheers!

FAQ: Moment of Inertia Compass Needle

What is the "Moment of Inertia Compass Needle"?

The moment of inertia compass needle is a scientific instrument used to measure the moment of inertia of a rotating body, specifically the moment of inertia of a compass needle. It is a key tool for understanding the physics of rotational motion.

Why is the moment of inertia of a compass needle important?

The moment of inertia of a compass needle is important because it helps us understand how the needle responds to different forces and torques. It is also used to calculate the angular momentum and angular velocity of the needle.

How does the moment of inertia of a compass needle affect its behavior?

The moment of inertia of a compass needle affects its behavior by determining how easily it can be rotated and how quickly it responds to changes in its position. A higher moment of inertia means the needle will be more resistant to changes in its direction and will take longer to reach a steady position.

What factors affect the moment of inertia of a compass needle?

The moment of inertia of a compass needle is affected by its mass, shape, and distribution of mass. The longer and thicker the needle, the higher the moment of inertia. The distribution of mass also plays a role, with more mass concentrated towards the ends of the needle resulting in a higher moment of inertia.

How is the moment of inertia of a compass needle measured?

The moment of inertia of a compass needle is typically measured using a torsion balance, which measures the amount of torque needed to turn the needle. The torsion balance is then used to calculate the moment of inertia using the known relationship between torque, angular acceleration, and moment of inertia.

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