Moment of Inertia Homework: Rolling Cylinder on Conveyor Belt

In summary, the conversation discusses the dynamics of a cylinder on a conveyor belt, taking into account its mass, dimensions, and the liquid inside. The questions revolve around using the rolling condition and Newton's second law to find the acceleration and torque of the cylinder, as well as drawing force diagrams and determining the moment of inertia. Through calculations and corrections, the answers are found to be (f - Rw) for the acceleration, f(xi + Rj) for the torque at the center of mass, and (1/2M + m1 + m2)R^2 for the moment of inertia.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A cylinder of radius R, length h, and mass m2 has two ends of mass m1 and radius R. Inside the cylinder is liquid which can be modeled as a solid cylinder of mass M, radius R and length h.

This cylinder is placed onto a routegh surfaced conveyer belt which is stationary. When switched on, the belt has acceleration f. The time from which the cylinder starts to move is t, \theta is the angle through which the cylinder rotates and x is the distance moved by the centre of mass of the cylinder due to the rotation \theta.

Homework Equations

Rolling condition = R\theata = x
I = Moment of inertia = 1/2MR^2
second law:F = ma (where m is the total mass of the system)
m = (M + 2m1 + m2)
v = dx/dt
w = -d^2x/dt^2
a = f + w

a) Use the rolling condition to show that the acceleration of COM of the cylinder is (f - Rw).

b) Draw a force diagram, express forces in equation form.

c) Appliy Newtons second law, show the equation of motion of the COM of the cylinder

d) Find the torque relative to the COM associated with each force identified in part b.

e) Show that the moment of inertia is (1/2M +m1 + m2)R^2

The Attempt at a Solution

a) When the can rolls anticlockwise, the distance rolled is x, therefore R\theta = x. Relative to the origin, the position vector of the COM is Rj - xi, therefore the velocity is -dx/dt (since R is constant), therefore the acceleration is -d^2x/dt^2 = w. Therefore, the total acceleration of the COM is f - Rw as given in the question.

b) Should there be 3 forces? W, N (normal reaction) and F (force due to the conveyor belt moving)?

c) F = ma = (M + 2m1 +m2)(f + w)

d) Not attempted this one yet (but any assistance appreciated)!

e) I = 1/2mR^2 = 1/2(M + 2m1 + m2)R^2 = (1/2M + m1 + 1/2m2)R^2. Uhm... why is this wrong?

Any hints/tips/help appreciated.
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  • #2
Are you mixing up [tex]\alpha[/tex] which is angular acceleration and [tex]\omega[/tex] which is angular velocity?

Part a) looks good to me, except for the use of w instead of alpha... and -d^2x/dt^2 = -R*alpha.

- R*alpha is the acceleration of the center of mass relative to the conveyer belt... then you add f to get the net acceleration of the center of mass which is f - R * alpha...

For part c)

F = ma = (M + 2m1 +m2)(f + w)

You calculated the the acceleration from part a... why are you using a different acceleration here?

There is no acceleration of the center of mass vertically... So the weight and normal must cancel vertically.

d) Does the normal force exert a torque about the center of mass, what about the weight? What is the torque of the force by the conveyor belt about the center of mass

e) What is the moment of inertia of each mass about the central axis... you just add all of them to get the total moment of inertia...
  • #3
Thanks for that.

part a) and c) your correct, I made a mistake in the post.

part d), there would be no torque about the COM from the weight (W) or the normal force (N), but there would from the force applied by the belt (F)? Is this understnding correct?

part e) We are actually given the answer, it is (1/2M + m1 + m2)R^2, however, for each mass, the moment of inertia is:

so for the two ends, 1/2(2m1)R^2 = m1R^2
for the cyliner shell, 1/2m2R^2
for the liquid contents, 1/2MR^2

adding gives:
(1/2M + 1/2m2 + m1)R^2

where am I gong wrong?

  • #4
Yes, there'd only be torque due to the force applied at the conveyer belt.

The cylinder with mass m2 is a hollow cylinder. hollow cylinder's have a moment of inertia of mr^2
  • #5
DOH! You are correct, jeez, I'm stupid at times.

For the torque at the COM due to the force applied by the belt, is force * position of COM?

Given that the COM will move horizontally a distance x from the origin (O) and vertically a distance of R. Using vectors of i for horizontal and j for vertical, the position of the COM is xi + Rj.

Therefore, the torque at the COM due to the force of the belt is f(xi + Rj) - does this seem correct?

Many thanks for you input, your helping a great deal in making math 'click' and applicable to the real world.
  • #6
skimmer said:
DOH! You are correct, jeez, I'm stupid at times.

For the torque at the COM due to the force applied by the belt, is force * position of COM?

Given that the COM will move horizontally a distance x from the origin (O) and vertically a distance of R. Using vectors of i for horizontal and j for vertical, the position of the COM is xi + Rj.

Therefore, the torque at the COM due to the force of the belt is f(xi + Rj) - does this seem correct?

Many thanks for you input, your helping a great deal in making math 'click' and applicable to the real world.

The question is asking for the torque about the center of mass... the force applied by the belt is being applied at a point straight down right below the center of mass. if the COM is located at xi + Rj, then the force is being applied at xi. ie the torque will be the force * R counterclockwise (assuming the belt is moving rightward...)

Also, the force in part b) Fnet = Fbelt = (M + 2m1 +m2)*acceleration = [tex](M+2m1+m2)\times(f-R\alpha)[/tex]

So the torque would be R times that force.

You're welcome. :smile: Glad to help.
  • #7
thankyou very much, appreciate it.

FAQ: Moment of Inertia Homework: Rolling Cylinder on Conveyor Belt

1. What is moment of inertia?

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its rotational motion. It is calculated by multiplying the mass of the object by the square of its distance from the axis of rotation.

2. How does rolling a cylinder on a conveyor belt affect its moment of inertia?

Rolling a cylinder on a conveyor belt changes its moment of inertia by reducing its mass and altering its distance from the axis of rotation. This is due to the cylinder's motion and contact with the surface of the conveyor belt.

3. How is the moment of inertia calculated for a rolling cylinder on a conveyor belt?

The moment of inertia for a rolling cylinder on a conveyor belt is calculated using the parallel axis theorem. This involves adding the moment of inertia of the cylinder about its center of mass to the moment of inertia of the cylinder about the axis of rotation, which is the conveyor belt.

4. What effect does the speed of the conveyor belt have on the moment of inertia of the rolling cylinder?

The speed of the conveyor belt does not have a direct effect on the moment of inertia of the rolling cylinder, but it does impact the overall motion and energy of the system. A faster conveyor belt will result in a higher linear speed for the cylinder, which can affect its rotational speed and moment of inertia.

5. Can the moment of inertia of a rolling cylinder on a conveyor belt be changed?

Yes, the moment of inertia of a rolling cylinder on a conveyor belt can be changed by altering the mass or shape of the cylinder, as well as the speed of the conveyor belt. Additionally, the surface of the conveyor belt and any external forces acting on the cylinder can also impact its moment of inertia.

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