Moment of Inertia of Compound Disk

In summary, the problem involves finding the moment of inertia of a compound disk composed of a solid disk with a radius of 41.0 cm and an outer ring with an inner radius of 41.0 cm and an outer radius of 76.0 cm. The area densities of the solid disk and outer ring are 3.30 g/cm2 and 2.10 g/cm2, respectively. The moment of inertia is calculated by finding the individual moments of inertia for the solid disk and outer ring and adding them together. However, in this case, the outer ring's mass is not distributed evenly over its entire radius, so the correct approach is to treat it as a solid disk with a radius of 76.0 cm
  • #1

Homework Statement

A compound disk of outside diameter 152 cm is made up of a uniform solid disk of radius 41.0 cm and area density 3.30 g/cm2 surrounded by a concentric ring of inner radius 41.0 cm , outer radius 76.0 cm , and area density 2.10 g/cm2 .

Find the moment of inertia of this object about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the object and passing through its center (in kg*m2).

Homework Equations

Moment of inertia of solid cylinder (a thin cylinder is a disk) = I = .5mr2

The Attempt at a Solution

This object is basically one inner disk with mass mi surrounded by an outer disk with mass mo. Finding the moment of inertia of each of these and adding them together should give the solution.

mi in kg = (area * density)/1000 = (pi*412 *3.3)/1000 = 17.427

mo in kg = [(area - inner area) * density]/1000 = [(pi*712 - pi*412) * 2.1]/1000 = 22.1671

Using the moment of inertia for solid cylinder and adding yields:
.5mi*.412+.5mo*.762= 7.87 kg*m2

The answer given is 11.5 kg*m2. What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
I assume the 8.76 is a typo for .76. But you have effectively taken the outer disk's mass as being spread over a disk of radius .76. In fact, it is concentrated between .41 and .76 radius, increasing the MI.
The simplest approach would be to treat it as a solid disk radius .76 and density 2.1, plus a solid disk radius .41 and density 3.3-2.1=1.2.
  • #3
Oh, thanks! And yup, fixed the typo.

FAQ: Moment of Inertia of Compound Disk

What is the moment of inertia of a compound disk?

The moment of inertia of a compound disk is a measure of its resistance to rotational motion. It is calculated by summing the moments of inertia of each individual component of the disk.

How is the moment of inertia of a compound disk calculated?

The moment of inertia of a compound disk can be calculated using the parallel axis theorem, which states that the moment of inertia of an object about an axis is equal to the moment of inertia about a parallel axis through the object's center of mass plus the product of the object's mass and the square of the distance between the two axes.

What factors affect the moment of inertia of a compound disk?

The moment of inertia of a compound disk is affected by the mass distribution and shape of the individual components, as well as the distance between the components and the axis of rotation. The further the mass is from the axis of rotation, the greater the moment of inertia will be.

How does the moment of inertia affect the rotational motion of a compound disk?

The moment of inertia of a compound disk plays a crucial role in determining its rotational motion. Objects with a higher moment of inertia will require more torque to rotate, and will rotate at a slower speed compared to objects with a lower moment of inertia.

What are the units of moment of inertia?

The units of moment of inertia depend on the units of mass and distance used in the calculation. In the SI system, the moment of inertia is typically measured in kilograms times meters squared (kg*m^2).

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