Moments and Moment-gen. function.

In summary: Your distribution is symmetric about zero, so E(X) = 0 and E(X2) = U2 + S2, giving var(Z) = 1.In summary, the conversation is about a person seeking help with two problems involving random variables. The first problem involves showing that E(z)=0 and var(z)=1, while the second problem involves finding the moment generating function using a specific probability density function. The expert suggests using direct calculation for the first problem and integrating with the entire real line as the range for the second problem. The expert also provides a simpler approach for the first problem by using the symmetry of the distribution.
  • #1
Hi people!

Im having problems with my Prob.Theor. assignment=(
I was hoping that u might be able to help me...

I have 2 problems that i ve no idea how to solve!Oo

Heres 1st one
We re given rand. var. X, its mean value U, the stand deviation S (sigma).
We need to show that E(z)=0 and var(z)=1
if the relation between X and Z is this eq. Z=X-U/S

Show if a rand. var. has the prob. density
f(x)=1/2*Exp[-lxl] -inf<X<inf
lxl-abs value
then its moment gen func. is

im not sure about this one bu here's what i got
we re using the formula from the definition
and gettin this
1/2(Int[Exp[tx]*Exp[-lxl]) -inf<X<inf

but lxl=+-x

then we get 2 integrals
both in -inf<X<inf

now if we integrate it we get
both in -inf<X<inf

whats next?=(

Would appreciate any help!=(
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  • #2
For your first problem z=(x-U)/S. Direct calculation will give you the results.

For your second problem, the ranges of integration of the split integrals are (-∞,0) for the +x integral and (0,∞) for the -x integral. Plug in x=0 and the resulting terms (be careful of signs) add to get the answer.
  • #3
Ok, i think i got the second one.., but what do i do with 1/2 in front of 1/1+t and 1/1-t when i multiply them?

Now the to first one. You mean i need to integrate it? Like this: Int[Z*(X-U)/S], but what range do i pick?
And then var(Z) i can find from S^2=U'2-U^2
which is S=Sqrt[U'2-U^2]
where U^2 is E(Z)
and U'2=Int[(Z^2)*(X-U)/S]
but again what range?
Thank you!
  • #4
1/(1-t) + 1/(1+t) = 2/(1-t2). So multiply by 1/2 to get your answer.

The range for the integration is the entire real line.
A simpler approach is as follows:
E[(X-U)/S] = {E(X) - U}/S = 0
E[({X-U)/S}2] = {E(X2) -2UE(X) +U2}/S2 = 1
  • #5

Hi there! It sounds like you're working on some interesting problems in probability theory. Let's break down each problem and see if we can figure out a solution together.

For the first problem, we are given a random variable X with a mean value of U and a standard deviation of S. We need to show that the expected value of a transformed random variable Z, given by Z = (X-U)/S, is 0 and that its variance is 1.

To show that the expected value of Z is 0, we can use the definition of expected value, E(Z) = ∫Z*f(z)dz, where f(z) is the probability density function of Z. Since Z = (X-U)/S, we can substitute this into the definition to get E(Z) = ∫(X-U)/S * f(z)dz. Now, we know that the probability density function of Z is related to the probability density function of X through f(z) = f((z*S)+U). Substituting this in, we get E(Z) = ∫(X-U)/S * f((z*S)+U)dz. Since we have the mean and standard deviation of X, we can use these to calculate the probability density function of X and then substitute it into this equation. After some algebraic manipulation, we should be able to show that E(Z) = 0.

For the variance, we can use the formula Var(Z) = E[(Z-E(Z))^2]. Again, we can use the definition of expected value and the probability density function of Z to calculate this. After some algebraic manipulation, we should be able to show that Var(Z) = 1.

For the second problem, we are given a probability density function f(x) = 1/2 * Exp[-lxl] for -inf<X<inf and we need to find its moment generating function, Mx(t). To do this, we can use the definition of moment generating function, Mx(t) = E[Exp(tx)]. Again, we can use the definition of expected value and the probability density function to calculate this. After some algebraic manipulation, we should be able to show that Mx(t) = 1/(1-t^2).

I hope this helps! Remember, when working on math problems, it's always helpful to break them down step by step and use the definitions and formulas that you know. Best

FAQ: Moments and Moment-gen. function.

1. What is a moment in physics?

A moment in physics is a measurement of the turning effect of a force on an object. It is calculated by multiplying the magnitude of the force by the perpendicular distance from the force to the pivot point.

2. What is the moment-generating function?

The moment-generating function is a mathematical tool used to find the moments of a probability distribution. It is defined as the expected value of e^tx, where t is a constant and x is a random variable.

3. How is the moment-generating function related to the probability distribution?

The moment-generating function uniquely determines the probability distribution. This means that if two random variables have the same moment-generating function, they have the same probability distribution.

4. What is the importance of moments and the moment-generating function in statistics?

Moments and the moment-generating function are important tools in statistics because they provide a way to summarize and compare different probability distributions. They also allow for the calculation of important statistical measures such as mean, variance, and skewness.

5. Can the moment-generating function be used for all probability distributions?

No, the moment-generating function can only be used for distributions that have finite moments. This means that for some distributions, the moment-generating function may not exist or may not provide useful information.
