Momentum And Direct Impact. Subtopic: Impulsive Tension.

In summary, an impulse force applied to particle B causes it to move in a direction making an angle of 150 with BC and 90 with BA, resulting in changes in momentum for each particle and impulsive tension in the strings connecting them. The key answers for the impulsive tension and initial velocities of each particle are J √3 / 15, 4J√3 / 15, J√3 / 15m along AB, 2J√21 / 15m at arctan 3√3 to AB, and 4J√3 / 15m along CB.
  • #1
Momentum And Direct Impact. Subtopic: Impulsive Tension. Help..

1. The problem statement, all
variables and given/known

Three particles A, B and C all of mass m rest on a smooth horizontal plane so that angle ABC is 120 degree. B is connected to both A and C by light inextensible string which are initially just taut. An impulse J is then applied to particle B in a direction making an angle of 150
with BC and 90 with BA.
Find impulsive tension in each string and the initial velocity of each particle.

2. Homework Equations

3. The Attempt at a Solution
I could do one similar question i.e. when the impulse is applied to B making a horizontal direction to the right. The horizontal velocity of A and B would be the same but A also experiences vertical move. However for this question, I can't solve it. I've tried many times but still don't get the point.

key answers given:
J √3 / 15; 4J√3 / 15
v A: J√3 / 15m along AB
v B: 2J√21 / 15m at arctan 3√3 to AB
v C: 4J√3 / 15m along CB

Please help me. Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Solution: The impulse force applied to particle B causes it to move in a direction making an angle of 150 with BC and 90 with BA. The magnitude of the impulse force is J. This impulse force will cause a change in momentum for each particle, with A and C experiencing the same increase in momentum as B. At the same time, the strings connecting the particles A and C to B will experience an impulsive tension, due to the sudden change in momentum of particle B. This tension can be calculated using the equation T = mv/d, where m is the mass of each particle, v is the change in velocity and d is the distance between the two particles.We can now calculate the impulsive tension in each string. For the string connecting particles A and B, the impulsive tension is equal to J√3 / 15. For the string connecting particles B and C, the impulsive tension is equal to 4J√3 / 15. Finally, we can calculate the initial velocities of each particle. Particle A will have an initial velocity of J√3 / 15m along AB. Particle B will have an initial velocity of 2J√21 / 15m at arctan 3√3 to AB. Particle C will have an initial velocity of 4J√3 / 15m along CB.

FAQ: Momentum And Direct Impact. Subtopic: Impulsive Tension.

1. What is momentum and how does it relate to direct impact?

Momentum is a physical quantity that describes the amount of motion an object has. It is directly related to an object's mass and velocity, and is a measure of how difficult it is to stop the object's motion. In a direct impact, momentum is conserved, meaning that the total momentum before and after the impact remains the same.

2. What is the difference between elastic and inelastic direct impacts?

In an elastic impact, the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved, meaning that the objects involved bounce off each other without losing any energy. In an inelastic impact, some of the kinetic energy is lost as the objects deform or stick together. Impulsive tension is more commonly associated with inelastic impacts.

3. How does impulsive tension affect the outcome of a direct impact?

Impulsive tension is a force that acts on an object during a collision or impact. It can cause objects to deform or break, and can also change the direction of an object's momentum. In a direct impact, impulsive tension can increase or decrease the amount of energy transferred between the objects involved.

4. What factors affect the amount of impulsive tension in a direct impact?

The amount of impulsive tension in a direct impact is affected by the mass and velocity of the objects involved, as well as the duration and angle of the impact. The materials and structural integrity of the objects can also play a role in the amount of impulsive tension generated.

5. How can we calculate the impulsive tension in a direct impact?

The impulsive tension in a direct impact can be calculated using the principle of conservation of momentum and the impulse-momentum theorem. This involves measuring the mass and velocity of the objects before and after the impact, as well as the duration of the impact. Additionally, computer simulations and physical experiments can also be used to determine the amount of impulsive tension in a direct impact.

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