Momentum (Cannon fires at angle & recoils)

In summary, the cannon tilts at 40 degrees, causing the ball to move horizontally at m/s. The ball moves at a different speed depending on the angle at which it is shot, and the correct answer is not found in the diagram.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A circus cannon, which has a mass M = 5000 kg, is tilted at q = 40°. When it shoots a projectile at v0 = 80 m/s with respect to the cannon, the cannon recoils along a horizontal track at vcannon = 1 m/s with respect to the ground.

1. At what angle to the horizontal does the projectile move with respect to the ground?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

In order to solve this first question, I first found the horizontal velocity of the ball. 80cos(40) gives me about m/s. The cannon recoils in the opposite direction, so I add 1 m/s. I then use arccos( to find the new angle with respect to the ground. This is not the correct answer. I'm not sure what to do.
Physics news on
  • #2
An interesting question, according to the diagram, they want you to solve for [tex] \theta [/tex]


Then please label the 40 degrees.
  • #3
what do you mean "Then please label the 40 degrees"?

If you're implying that the answer is 40 degrees, I can assure with certainty that it isn't. I input these values into my homework online, and it returns with either an "OK" or "NO". I've tried 40 degrees, that was my first guess. =/

So, there's something else going on in the problem that I'm not understanding.
  • #4
The question is asking you to solve for theta in the diagram. Is this correct or not?

If this is correct. Then where is the 40 degrees in the diagram and what does it represent.
Your description states that q = 40 degrees. However q is not mentioned anywhere before or after that statement. What is q?
  • #5
q is typically the letter they use to denote theta, since I cannot input a theta symbol into my answer field.

The field asks for "qground="
  • #6
These are the hints they give me, I just don't understand at all what to do. I now believe though that the velocity I'm finding in the x-direction is incorrect, but I'm not sure why.

HELP: Because the cannon is moving, you must find the speed of the projectile with respect to the ground.
HELP: Recall from Lecture 3 (Relative Motion): The velocity of the projectile with respect to the ground equals the velocity of the projectile with respect to the cannon plus the velocity of the cannon with respect to the ground. Remember that velocity is a vector, so be careful of components and signs.

FAQ: Momentum (Cannon fires at angle & recoils)

1. What is momentum and how is it related to cannon firing at an angle and recoiling?

Momentum is a physical quantity that measures the motion of an object. It is directly related to the mass and velocity of an object. In the case of a cannon firing at an angle, the momentum of the cannonball is determined by its mass and initial velocity. The recoil of the cannon is also affected by the momentum of the cannonball.

2. How does the angle at which the cannon is fired affect its momentum?

The angle at which the cannon is fired can affect the direction and magnitude of its momentum. When fired at a lower angle, the cannonball will have more horizontal momentum, while a higher angle will result in more vertical momentum. The angle also affects the direction of the recoil of the cannon.

3. Does the mass of the cannonball affect the recoil of the cannon?

Yes, the mass of the cannonball plays a role in the recoil of the cannon. This is because the momentum of the cannonball is directly related to its mass. A heavier cannonball will result in a greater recoil for the cannon.

4. How does the recoil of the cannon impact its accuracy?

The recoil of the cannon can impact its accuracy by affecting its stability and aim. If the recoil is too strong, it may cause the cannon to move or shake, leading to a less accurate shot. This is why cannons are often designed with measures to absorb or reduce recoil.

5. Can the momentum of the cannon and cannonball be calculated?

Yes, the momentum of the cannon and cannonball can be calculated using the equation p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. By plugging in the values for the mass and velocity of the cannonball, we can determine its momentum. The recoil of the cannon can also be calculated using this equation, taking into account the mass and velocity of the cannon itself.

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