Momentum conservation under a Gauge Parametrization in string theory

By choosing a specific gauge, we can ensure that the physical interpretation of the statement remains consistent.
  • #1
Second attempt here to get an answer, I am really lost on this.
Im reading "A first course in String Theory" by Zwiebach and it says that when applying a general [tex] \tau [/tex] gauge parametrization in the form of [tex] n_\mu X^\mu = \lambda \tau [/tex] we can take the vector [tex] n_\mu [/tex] so that for open strings connected to branes (fixed end points) [tex] n^\mu \mathcal{P}^\tau _\mu [/tex], is conserved.

But in general momentum is not conserved over the string for dirchlet boundary conditions, without taking into consideration the dynamics of the D-brane, as I understand, so how does applying the general \tau gauge make it so that it is essentially conserved? How can we choose a gauge that will conserve momentum on the string. The string is still going to be connected to a brane after all. I am trying to understand the physical interpretation of this statement.


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  • #2
The general \tau gauge parametrization is a way to choose a coordinate system that will make it easier to analyze the physical behavior of the string. The vector n_\mu describes the direction of the coordinate system, and its components are chosen such that momentum is conserved over the string when it is connected to branes (fixed endpoints). This is done by selecting n^\mu \mathcal{P}^\tau_\mu to be proportional to a conserved quantity. In this way, the momentum of the string is effectively conserved even when Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied, since the dynamics of the D-brane are taken into consideration.

FAQ: Momentum conservation under a Gauge Parametrization in string theory

1. What is momentum conservation in string theory?

Momentum conservation in string theory refers to the principle that the total momentum of a system of strings remains constant, even as the individual strings interact and change direction. It is a crucial concept in understanding the behavior of strings in various situations.

2. What is a gauge parametrization in string theory?

A gauge parametrization in string theory is a mathematical framework that allows us to describe strings in a specific way. It involves choosing a specific set of coordinates, known as a gauge, to describe the string's motion and interactions. This parametrization is important for understanding the physical properties of strings and their interactions with other particles.

3. How does momentum conservation under a gauge parametrization work in string theory?

In string theory, momentum conservation under a gauge parametrization is achieved by ensuring that the equations of motion and interactions for the strings are invariant under changes in the chosen gauge. This means that the total momentum of the system remains constant, even as the strings interact and change direction.

4. Why is momentum conservation under a gauge parametrization important in string theory?

Momentum conservation under a gauge parametrization is important in string theory because it is a fundamental principle that allows us to make predictions about the behavior of strings and their interactions with other particles. It also helps us understand the symmetries and properties of string theory and how it relates to other theories of physics.

5. Are there any exceptions to momentum conservation under a gauge parametrization in string theory?

While momentum conservation under a gauge parametrization is a fundamental principle in string theory, there are some situations where it may not hold. For example, in certain string interactions involving open strings, momentum may not be conserved due to the presence of open string endpoints. However, these exceptions are well-understood and do not contradict the overall principle of momentum conservation in string theory.

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