Momentum cutoff equivalent to discretizing space?

In summary, the question being discussed is whether having a momentum cutoff implies that space must be discretized. The analogy given is that if fields are put in a box with periodic boundary conditions, momentum is discretized with the relationship k=\frac{2\pi n}{L} and \lambda=\frac{L}{n}. It is then asked if the same is true for space if the fields are considered in momentum space. The possibility of starting from the action as an integral in position space, Fourier transforming it to momentum space, and imposing a momentum cutoff is also mentioned. It is then questioned whether a finite interval of a function implies a discrete Fourier transform, and whether a system being in a box implies the use of discrete or continuous Fourier
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Does having a momentum cutoff require space to be discretized?

As an analogy, suppose you put your fields in a box of size L, and require periodic boundary conditions. Then momentum is discretized. The relationship is [itex]k=\frac{2\pi n}{L}[/itex] and [itex]\lambda=\frac{L}{n}[/itex]

If you consider your fields in momentum space, and put it in a box of size [itex]\Lambda[/itex], is space discretized? Would the relationship be [itex]x=\frac{2\pi n}{\Lambda}[/itex] and
[itex]\lambda=\frac{\Lambda}{n}[/itex], where [itex]\lambda[/itex] here is the wavelength in momentum space?

If this is the case, then would it make sense to start from the action as an integral in position space, i.e., [itex]\int \phi(x)^2 d^dx[/itex], then Fourier transform the action to an integral in momentum space [itex]\int \phi(-k)\phi(k) d^dk[/itex], then impose a momentum cutoff? Because if you had a momentum cutoff to begin with, [itex]\int \phi(x)^2 d^dx[/itex] should really be a sum over discrete values of x rather than an integral.

Also, in general, just because the interval on which a function is defined is finite, must this imply the Fourier transform is discrete? Can you still use a continuous Fourier transform (i.e., integral) and consider all [itex]\phi(k)[/itex] such that [itex]\phi(x)=\int \phi(k) e^{-ikx} dk [/itex] satisifies the differential equation in position space and the boundary conditions [itex]\phi(x=0)=\phi(x=L) [/itex]? There seems to me a big difference between having a discrete [itex]\phi_k[/itex] rather than a continuous [itex]\phi(k) [/itex], and just saying that your system is in a box of length L doesn't tell you whether to use discrete or continuous Fourier transforms to momentum space.
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Related to Momentum cutoff equivalent to discretizing space?

1. What is momentum cutoff equivalent to discretizing space?

Momentum cutoff is a term used in physics to refer to the limitation of the range of momentum values in a system. This is equivalent to discretizing space, which means dividing space into smaller units or grids. In other words, momentum cutoff is a way to discretize or divide the possible values of momentum in a system.

2. Why is momentum cutoff important in discretizing space?

Momentum cutoff is important in discretizing space because it allows us to simplify complex systems and make calculations more manageable. By limiting the range of momentum values, we can reduce the number of possible states and make it easier to analyze and understand the system. This is especially useful in quantum mechanics, where the concept of momentum cutoff is frequently used.

3. How does momentum cutoff affect the behavior of particles?

The effect of momentum cutoff on particles depends on the specific system and the chosen cutoff value. In general, a lower cutoff value means that particles are restricted to lower momentum values, resulting in slower movement and less energy. On the other hand, a higher cutoff value allows for a wider range of momentum values, leading to faster movement and more energy.

4. Is momentum cutoff equivalent to discretizing time as well?

No, momentum cutoff is not equivalent to discretizing time. While both concepts involve dividing a continuous variable into discrete units, they are not interchangeable. Discretizing time means dividing time into equally spaced intervals, while momentum cutoff involves limiting the range of momentum values. However, both discretizing space and time are important tools in simplifying complex systems for analysis.

5. How does the choice of momentum cutoff value affect the accuracy of calculations?

The choice of momentum cutoff value can significantly affect the accuracy of calculations. A lower cutoff value may simplify the system, but it can also lead to inaccuracies if the chosen value is too low. On the other hand, a higher cutoff value may provide more accurate results, but it can also make the calculations more complex. Finding the optimal cutoff value is crucial in achieving accurate and meaningful calculations.

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