Momentum Eigenfunctions and Definite Momentum

In summary, the conversation discussed the concept of states of well-defined momentum and the relationship between position-space and momentum-space wave functions. It was clarified that a properly normalizable wave function for a free particle is a wave packet, which is a superposition of plane waves covering a continuous range of momentum. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle can be derived from theorems about the Fourier transforms that relate the momentum-space wave function to the position-space wave function. The conversation also touched on the determination of functions of x and p as transforms of one another, with the momentum operator in the position basis being -i hbar d/dx and the Fourier transform of psi(x) being multiplied by p when it is hit with the momentum operator.
  • #1
Hi everyone,

On page 138 of my Shankar text, Shankar states:

"...since the plane waves are eigenfunctions of P, does it mean that states of well-defined momentum do not exist? Yes, in the strict sense. However, there do exist states that are both normalizable to unity (i.e. correspond to proper vectors) and come arbitrarily close to having a precise momentum. For example, a wave function that behaves as [itex] e^{i p_0 x / \hbar} [/itex] over a large region of space and tapers off to zero beyond, will be normalizable to unity and will have a Fourier transform so sharply peaked at [itex]p=p_0[/itex] that momentum measurements will only give results practically indistinguishable from [itex]p_0[/itex]."

My question is: What about momentum in the case of a free particle? Don't we have states of well defined energy here? And if we do, doesn't that imply (by E = p^2/2m) that we have states of well defined momentum as well? Perhaps I'm simply misunderstanding the distinction between "well defined" momentum and "arbitrarily close" to well defined momentum. I thought the whole point of being "arbitrarily close" was that you could have momentum as well defined as you wanted.

My whole point in asking this question is -- since we *can't* associate plane waves with a physically sensible probability distribution, how do we obtain a physically sensible probability distribution for momentum? I know we use the complex exponential [itex]\langle x|p\rangle[/itex] to create the Fourier transform [itex]\psi(p)[/itex] of some [itex]\psi(x)[/itex], but it seems so odd to me that the plane wave is simply a mathematical entity that enters the *definition* of a Fourier transform for *all* transforms but just so happens to be the eigenfunction of the momentum operator in x-space. Can someone draw the connection for me? I'm failing to see it.

Many thanks in advance.
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  • #2
jmcelve said:
What about momentum in the case of a free particle? Don't we have states of well defined energy here?

No, we don't. A properly normalizable wave function for a free particle is a wave packet, a superposition of plane waves covering a continuous range of momentum (and energy). The "width" of the momentum range, Δp, is related to the physical "width" of the packet, Δx, by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. In fact, the HUP can be derived from theorems about the Fourier transforms that relate the momentum-space wave function ##\psi(p)## to the position-space wave function ##\psi(x)##.
  • #3
jtbell said:
No, we don't. A properly normalizable wave function for a free particle is a wave packet, a superposition of plane waves covering a continuous range of momentum (and energy). The "width" of the momentum range, Δp, is related to the physical "width" of the packet, Δx, by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. In fact, the HUP can be derived from theorems about the Fourier transforms that relate the momentum-space wave function ##\psi(p)## to the position-space wave function ##\psi(x)##.

Thanks for the prompt reply. This clarifies it perfectly, actually. So the momentum space equation serves to weight the plane wave and the time dependence term in order to produce the wave packet, correct?

Also -- how exactly is it that we determined that functions of x and p are transforms of one another?
  • #4
The momentum operator in the position basis is -i hbar d/dx. Try applying that to a state psi(x), written in terms of its Fourier transform psi(p):

[tex]-i \hbar \frac{d}{dx}\psi(x) = -i \hbar \frac{d}{dx} \int \frac{dp}{2\pi\hbar}e^{ipx/\hbar}\psi(p) = \int \frac{dp}{2\pi\hbar}e^{ipx/\hbar}p\psi(p)[/tex]

So the Fourier transform of psi(x) just gets multiplied by p when we hit psi(x) with the momentum operator. We call psi(x) the position space wave function because to apply the position operator we just multiply psi(x) by x. Apparently psi(p) is the momentum space wave function in the same sense.

Related to Momentum Eigenfunctions and Definite Momentum

1. What are momentum eigenfunctions?

Momentum eigenfunctions are solutions to the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics that describe the probability of finding a particle with a specific momentum. These functions are represented by complex numbers and can be used to calculate the expected values of physical observables related to momentum, such as velocity and kinetic energy.

2. How are momentum eigenfunctions related to definite momentum?

Momentum eigenfunctions are related to definite momentum in that they represent the probability of finding a particle with a specific momentum. Definite momentum, on the other hand, refers to a specific value of momentum that the particle possesses. This value can be determined by finding the corresponding momentum eigenfunction with the highest probability.

3. Can a particle have a definite momentum for all time?

No, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, it is not possible to precisely measure both the position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This means that a particle's momentum cannot be known with absolute certainty for all time. However, it can have a definite momentum at a specific moment in time.

4. How do momentum eigenfunctions change over time?

Like all quantum states, momentum eigenfunctions evolve over time according to the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. This equation describes how the probability of finding a particle with a particular momentum changes over time. As the particle's momentum changes, the corresponding momentum eigenfunction also changes.

5. What is the significance of momentum eigenfunctions in quantum mechanics?

Momentum eigenfunctions play a crucial role in quantum mechanics as they allow us to describe and predict the behavior of particles at the quantum level. They provide a mathematical framework for understanding the probabilistic nature of particles and their properties, such as momentum. Without momentum eigenfunctions, we would not be able to accurately describe and make predictions about the behavior of particles in the quantum world.

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