Momentum, force, energy and impact to break something.

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between dropping a heavy object on glass and throwing a small object at high speed to shatter the glass. The focus is on how energy, change in momentum, and force relate to breaking or shattering glass. The conversation also mentions the Charpy impact test and the concept of fracture energy/toughness. Different examples with different weights and speeds are used to illustrate how the force and energy applied can affect the outcome. The conversation ends with a discussion on the role of distance in the breaking of glass.
  • #1
Ok I've been trying to figure out the difference between dropping something very heavy onto glass breaking the glass and throwing a penny at glass fast enough to cause it to shatter.

specifically what I am trying to figure out is how does energy, and change in momentum relate to force required to break or shatter glass.

for example 100kg weight moving at 1m/s would quite easly smash through glass.
momentum = 100kg -m/s
energy = .5x100x1 = 50j

it has not much change in momentum so what i don't understand is shouldn't that mean it has little force?

on the opposite side

say for example a weight 1kg is moving at 100m/s bounces of the glass but shatters it in the process ( i know must be really thick glass but stick with me)

momentum = 100kg-m/s
energy = .5x1x10000 = 5000j

it has a lot more energy and a massive change in momentum but doesn't manage to go through. why is this?

(both weights have the exact same size and shape)
Forgive me for if any of my calculations are wrong and I am completely missing something here, i haven't done physics since gcse level :/ was just pondering one day and it started bugging me that i didnt understand :*(
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  • #2
It is indeed an issue of energy, but the energy can be different for different speeds because of the way the material reacts to the impact (faster impact means higher force and less time for the material to react to the impact). Liik into the Charpy impact test and fracture energy/toughness.
  • #3
Let's say we have a 100 kg bullet moving at 1 m/s and 1 kg bullet moving at 100 m/s shooting at thick glass with the same size and shape. Both have the same momentum (meaning force required to change the direction of the moving object is same). In this case, the force required to bounce back the heavier object is equal to the force required to bounce back the lighter one. F = ma.
So we can calculate that the 1 kg bullet hits with a force of 5000 N and the 100 kg bullet with a force of 0.5 N. Therefore, I think your numbers are fine, but the glass is not the same in both cases.
It's like saying 100 kg man at walking speed broke a glass, but a 1 kg ham moving at 360 kmph just bounced off.
  • #4
Killerzone said:
So we can calculate that the 1 kg bullet hits with a force of 5000 N and the 100 kg bullet with a force of 0.5 N.

You didn't say how you calculated that, but I don't believe the answers. One Newton is about equal to the weight of an apple. So you claim a "bullet" the weight of an adult human (100kg) will "hit" with a force of half a Newton? I don't think so...
  • #5
My mistake, I meant 50 N.
Okay so Energy is force applied over a certain distance. Since the "certain distance" in this case is the same, we use the equation Work done = Force . Distance
Distance is not a factor in the case because we are simply comparing the two forces. Therefore, the proportion of the force of the two bullets is same as the proportion of the kinetic energies in this case.
  • #6
The "certain distance" is not the same. When you apply the strain to the glass slower, it bends further before breaking.
  • #7
In this case, the distance is close enough that the numbers he provided be proved inaccurate

Related to Momentum, force, energy and impact to break something.

What is momentum?

Momentum is a measure of an object's motion, taking into account its mass and velocity. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

How is momentum related to force?

According to Newton's Second Law, force is directly proportional to the change in an object's momentum in a given time period. This means that a larger force will result in a greater change in momentum, and vice versa.

What is the role of energy in breaking something?

Energy is required to break something because it is needed to overcome the internal forces holding the object together. The amount of energy needed will depend on the strength of these internal forces and the type of material the object is made of.

Does the impact force affect the likelihood of something breaking?

Yes, the impact force can greatly affect the likelihood of something breaking. The higher the impact force, the greater the stress and strain on the object, making it more likely to break.

How can we minimize the force and impact needed to break something?

One way to minimize the force and impact needed to break something is to distribute the force over a larger area. This can be achieved by making the object stronger or by using padding or cushioning materials to absorb the impact. Another way is to decrease the velocity of the object, as the impact force is also affected by the speed of the object.

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