Momentum, impulse and force (mathematical)

In summary, the conversation discusses a question involving finding the combined velocity and force of a system after collision. Different equations and methods are proposed, including using work and energy and drawing a force diagram. The correct solution involves taking into account the weight of the combined system and using vector addition to find the net force. The correct solution is (mv)^2 + 2gh(M+m)^2 / 2h(M+m).
  • #1

Homework Statement

See the attachment
Once you read the question (attached) you'll notice that there are two different parts of the question, the first one asks to find the combined velocity of the system after collision while the 2nd one uses the result of the first part and states to find the force.

Homework Equations

Acceleration due to gravity = g
(for constant acceleration) average velocity= (v+u)/2
Impulse, I = Ft (for a constant force)

The Attempt at a Solution

I solved the first part by finding the velocity of the combined system to be "x"
x = mv/(M+m)

but i am unable to solve the 2nd part of the question.

Here is what i did :

Momentum(initial) = mv
Momentum(final) = x(M+m)
Force (with which the ground resists penetration) = (m+M)x/t

As the force is constant thus the acceleration would also be constant, thus :
average velocity = [v(initial) +v(final)]/2
v(initial) = v one the other hand v(final) = 0 [because the system comes to rest]
thus average velocity = v/2
Now, s=vt
thus h=vt/2

by solving for "t" and then substituting "t" in the Force(with which the ground resists penetration) equation we get the final result of the force.

Further Comments :

The result found by my method is wrong, instead the solution to this question involves the use of Weight of the combined system which is downward thus acting opposite to the Force(with which the ground resists penetration).
How can we take "Weight = (M+m)g" into account in this question, how do i include "g" in my answer to make it match with the correct solution ?


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  • #2
Have you considered trying to solve for the force using work and energy instead?

Edit: As an alternative, try drawing a force diagram. The force you will obtain by solving for the acceleration is the net force; how do gravity and the resistance of the ground combine to give net force?
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  • #3
Aimless said:
As an alternative, try drawing a force diagram. The force you will obtain by solving for the acceleration is the net force; how do gravity and the resistance of the ground combine to give net force?
That is exactly what i was thinking :

F(net) is the the one i just evaluated
also F(net) = F(resistance of ground) + Weight

So, by vector addition, F(net)-weight = F(resistance of ground)

the answer of F(resistance of Ground) i get is :

(M+m)[x^2 +2gh]/2h

but this is wrong, however it looks quite similar in form to the correct solution which is :

{ (mv)^2 + 2gh(M+m)^2 }/{ 2h(M+m) }
  • #4
Try plugging in the value you calculated for x into (M+m)[x^2 +2gh]/2h and see what happens.
  • #5
yeah, that does it ... Thank you :)

FAQ: Momentum, impulse and force (mathematical)

What is momentum?

Momentum is a measure of an object's motion, determined by its mass and velocity. It is calculated by multiplying an object's mass by its velocity.

How is impulse related to momentum?

Impulse is the change in an object's momentum over time. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the time it is applied. This means that a larger impulse will result in a larger change in an object's momentum.

How do you calculate force using momentum and impulse?

The equation for calculating force using momentum and impulse is F = mΔv/Δt, where F is force, m is mass, Δv is the change in velocity, and Δt is the change in time.

What is the significance of conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant. This means that in a closed system, the total momentum before and after a collision or interaction will be the same.

How does Newton's second law relate to momentum and force?

Newton's second law states that force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. This means that force and acceleration are directly proportional, and mass and force are inversely proportional. In terms of momentum, this means that an object with a greater momentum will require a larger force to change its motion, and vice versa.

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