Momentum probability density change in colisions (Drude Model)

In summary, this problem deals with a particle undergoing elastic collisions and the resulting equations of motion for its density of probability and average momentum. Using the definition of transport time, the equation of motion for the average momentum is derived and used to deduce the Drude conductivity for this model.
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Homework Statement

A particle suffers elastic colisions with scattering centers with a probability of colision per unit time [itex]\lambda[/itex]. After a colision the particle is in a direction caracterized by a solid angle [itex]d\Omega[/itex] with probability [itex]\omega(\theta) d\Omega[/itex], that depends only on the angle between the inicial direction [itex]\vec{{p}'}[/itex] and the final direction [itex]\vec{p}[/itex]. Assume only elastic colisions, [itex]p={p}'[/itex]

a) Obtain the folowing equation of movement for the density of probability [itex]f(\vec{p},t)[/itex]:

[itex]\frac{\partial f(\vec{p},t)}{\partial t}=-\lambda\cdot f(\vec{p},t)+\lambda \cdot \int d{\Omega}' \cdot \omega(\theta)f(\vec{{p}'},t)[/itex]

Where the integration is over the solid angle of [itex]\vec{{p}'} (d{\Omega}'=sin{\theta}' d{\theta}'d{\phi}'[/itex])

b)Show that the equation of movement of the average momentum is:

[itex]\frac{\partial <\vec{p}>}{\partial t}=-\frac{<\vec{p}>}{\tau_{tr}}[/itex]

where [itex]\tau_{tr}[/itex], the transport time is defined by:

[itex]\frac{1}{\tau_{tr}}=\lambda \int d\Omega (1-cos \;\theta) \omega(\theta)[/itex]

c)Deduce the Drude condutivity with this model.

2. The attempt at a solution

a) I can arrive at the given expression, so no problems here

b) I start by writing:

[itex]<\vec{p}>=\int d^3p \; f(\vec{p},t)\cdot \vec{p}[/itex]

And I derive this expressions with respect to t, getting from a) that:

[itex]\frac{\partial <\vec{p}>}{\partial t}=-\lambda\cdot <\vec{p}>+\lambda \cdot \int d^3 p \; \vec{p} \int d{\Omega}' \cdot \omega(\theta) f(\vec{{p}'},t)[/itex]

And from here I don't what to do, is there something that I'm missing or does it need some kind of trick?

c) Can't do it without doing b) :p
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. It seems like you are on the right track with your solutions. For part b), the trick is to use the definition of the transport time, which is given by:

\frac{1}{\tau_{tr}}=\lambda \int d\Omega (1-cos \;\theta) \omega(\theta)

You can rewrite this as:

\frac{\lambda}{\tau_{tr}}=\int d\Omega (1-cos \;\theta) \omega(\theta)

Now, using this expression, you can rewrite your equation for <\vec{p}> as:

\frac{\partial <\vec{p}>}{\partial t}=-\lambda\cdot <\vec{p}>+\lambda \cdot \frac{\lambda}{\tau_{tr}} \cdot \int d^3 p \; \vec{p} \int d{\Omega}' \cdot \omega(\theta) f(\vec{{p}'},t)

= -\lambda\cdot <\vec{p}>+ \frac{\partial <\vec{p}>}{\partial t}=-\frac{<\vec{p}>}{\tau_{tr}}

This shows that the equation of motion for the average momentum is given by the expression you were asked to prove.

For part c), you can use the result from part b) to deduce the Drude conductivity. The Drude conductivity is given by:


where n is the number density of particles, e is the charge of the particles, and m is the mass of the particles. Using the expression for \tau_{tr} from part b), you can rewrite this as:

\sigma=\frac{ne^2}{m}\cdot \frac{1}{\lambda \int d\Omega (1-cos \;\theta) \omega(\theta)}

I hope this helps you with your problem. Keep up the good work!

Related to Momentum probability density change in colisions (Drude Model)

1. What is momentum probability density change in collisions?

Momentum probability density change in collisions refers to the change in the probability of particles having a certain momentum after a collision occurs. In the Drude model, this is calculated by considering the interactions between charged particles and the surrounding lattice structure.

2. How is momentum probability density change calculated in the Drude model?

In the Drude model, momentum probability density change is calculated by using the Boltzmann transport equation, which takes into account the initial and final momenta of the particles, as well as the average scattering time and the number of particles per unit volume.

3. How does momentum probability density change affect the overall behavior of a material?

Momentum probability density change can affect the overall behavior of a material by influencing its electrical and thermal conductivity, as well as its optical and magnetic properties. This is because the movement of charged particles, which is affected by momentum probability density change, plays a major role in these properties.

4. What factors can influence the momentum probability density change in collisions?

The momentum probability density change in collisions can be influenced by factors such as temperature, impurity concentration, and the strength of the interactions between particles and the lattice structure. These factors can affect the scattering time and the number of particles per unit volume, which are important parameters in the Boltzmann transport equation.

5. How does the Drude model account for momentum probability density change in collisions?

The Drude model accounts for momentum probability density change in collisions by considering the interactions between particles and the surrounding lattice structure. It uses the Boltzmann transport equation to calculate the change in momentum probability density and incorporates factors such as scattering time and particle concentration to accurately model the behavior of materials.
