Monic irreducible polynomials in valued fields

In summary, the problem is asking for a polynomial g(X) such that b_t X^t + \cdots + b_n X^n \equiv X^t(b_t + \cdots + b_n X^{n-t}) \mod\mathfrak{p}. This can be solved by choosing b_t so that b_1, ..., b_{t-1} are all <1 in abs value, and then using Q6.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am trying to work out a solution to the following problem, where we are working in a field [itex]K[/itex] complete with respect to a discrete valuation, with valuation ring [itex]\mathcal{O}[/itex] and residue field [itex]k[/itex].

Q: Let [itex]f(X)[/itex] be a monic irreducible polynomial in [itex]K[X][/itex]. Show that if [itex]f(0) \in \mathcal{O}[/itex] then [itex]f \in \mathcal{O}[X][/itex].

I am meant to use the following result I have proved:

Let [itex]f(X) \in \mathcal{O}[X] [/itex] be a polynomial, and suppose [itex]\overline{f}(X) = \phi_1 (X) \phi_2(X) [/itex] where [itex]\phi_1,\,\phi_2 \in k[X] [/itex] are coprime. Show that there exist polynomials [itex]f_1,\,f_2 \in \mathcal{O}[X][/itex] with [itex]f(X)=f_1(X)f_2(X) [/itex], [itex]\text{deg}(f_1) = \text{deg}(\phi_1) [/itex] and [itex]\overline{f_i} = \phi_i[/itex] for [itex]i=1,\,2 [/itex] (where [itex]\overline{\cdot} [/itex] denotes the reduction from [itex]\mathcal{O}[/itex] down into the residue field [itex]k[/itex].)

So, I spoke to the person who wrote the problem sheet who said (briefly) "In this question you should clear denominators and apply Q6." (Q6 being the result I stated above).

I believe I'm meant then to multiply [itex]f[/itex] through by some constant with sufficiently large valuation to get some [itex]g[/itex] which lies in [itex]\mathcal{O}[X][/itex] (since [itex]\mathcal{O} = \{c \in K: \, v(c) \geq 0\}[/itex]), and then I'm not sure where I'm meant to go from there: do I suppose some sort of factorisation and then apply irreducibility to get a contradiction? It also isn't clear to me where the condition on [itex]f(0)[/itex] is applied. I've been confused by this for ages so please, the more help you can give me the better. Many thanks in advance :) ---M
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  • #2
Okay, so let's use the hint. Multiply your f by something from K to get a polynomial [itex]g(X) = \sum b_i X^i[/itex] that lives in [itex]\mathcal{O}[X][/itex] and, moreover, has max{|b_i|}=1. Now consider [itex]\bar{g}(X)[/itex]. It will look like
[tex]b_t X^t + \cdots + b_n X^n \equiv X^t(b_t + \cdots + b_n X^{n-t}) \mod\mathfrak{p}.[/tex]
Here b_t was chosen so that b_1, ..., b_{t-1} are all <1 in abs value. Now use your Q6.
  • #3
morphism said:
Okay, so let's use the hint. Multiply your f by something from K to get a polynomial [itex]g(X) = \sum b_i X^i[/itex] that lives in [itex]\mathcal{O}[X][/itex] and, moreover, has max{|b_i|}=1. Now consider [itex]\bar{g}(X)[/itex]. It will look like
[tex]b_t X^t + \cdots + b_n X^n \equiv X^t(b_t + \cdots + b_n X^{n-t}) \mod\mathfrak{p}.[/tex]
Here b_t was chosen so that b_1, ..., b_{t-1} are all <1 in abs value. Now use your Q6.

Ok, I think I've got it now, thanks very much for the help!

FAQ: Monic irreducible polynomials in valued fields

1. What is a monic irreducible polynomial in a valued field?

A monic irreducible polynomial in a valued field is a polynomial with leading coefficient 1 that cannot be factored into polynomials with lower degree and coefficients in the same field. In other words, it is a polynomial that cannot be broken down any further, making it a fundamental building block for constructing other polynomials.

2. How are monic irreducible polynomials used in mathematics?

Monic irreducible polynomials are used in many areas of mathematics, including algebra, number theory, and algebraic geometry. They play a crucial role in fields such as ring theory and field theory, and are essential for understanding concepts like algebraic extensions and prime factorization of polynomials.

3. Can a monic irreducible polynomial have multiple roots?

No, a monic irreducible polynomial cannot have multiple roots in a valued field. This is because if it did have multiple roots, it could be factored into lower degree polynomials, which goes against the definition of being irreducible. In other words, having multiple roots would mean it is not a fundamental building block for other polynomials.

4. How are monic irreducible polynomials related to algebraic extensions?

Algebraic extensions are created by adjoining roots of monic irreducible polynomials to a field. This means that the polynomial is used to create a larger field where it can be factored into linear factors. Monic irreducible polynomials are the key to understanding the structure and properties of these extensions.

5. What is the significance of monic irreducible polynomials in algebraic geometry?

In algebraic geometry, monic irreducible polynomials are used to define algebraic varieties, which are geometric objects defined by polynomial equations. These polynomials are used to study the geometric properties of the variety, such as its dimension and singularities. They also play a role in understanding the intersection of algebraic varieties.

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