Monte Carlo simulation for the classical isotropic 3D Heisenberg model

In summary, the conversation involves the implementation of a Monte Carlo simulation for the isotropic 3D Heisenberg model using Python. The code includes functions for initializing spins, performing Metropolis algorithm updates, and calculating the magnetization and susceptibility. The simulation is run for a range of temperatures, and the results are plotted in graphs of susceptibility and magnetization vs temperature.
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TL;DR Summary
I am trying build a monte Carlo simulation for the classical isotropic 3D Heisenberg model, I used Metropolis algorithm, but the results doesn't make sense and do not show phase transition
here is my attempt to implement using python

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def initialize_spins(L):

    """Initialize a random spin configuration with unit magnitudes."""

    spins = np.random.normal(size=(L, L, L, 3))

    magnitudes = np.linalg.norm(spins, axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # Calculate magnitudes

    spins /= magnitudes  # Normalize spins to unit magnitudes

    return spins

def metropolis_step(spins, J, k_B, T):

    """Perform one Metropolis algorithm update step."""

    L = spins.shape[0]

    i, j, k = np.random.randint(0, L, size=3)

    spin = spins[i, j, k]

    # Calculate the initial energy difference

    neighbors = [

        spins[(i+1)%L, j, k], spins[(i-1)%L, j, k],

        spins[i, (j+1)%L, k], spins[i, (j-1)%L, k],

        spins[i, j, (k+1)%L], spins[i, j, (k-1)%L]


    initial_energy = -2 * J *, np.sum(neighbors, axis=0))

    # Flip the spin

    spin *= -1

    # Calculate the final energy difference

    final_energy = -2 * J *, np.sum(neighbors, axis=0))

    # Calculate the energy difference

    dE = final_energy - initial_energy

    # Metropolis acceptance criteria

    if dE <= 0 or np.random.rand() < np.exp(-dE / (k_B * T)):

        spins[i, j, k] = spin

    return spins

def calculate_magnetization(spins):

    """Calculate the magnetization per spin."""

    magnetization_sum = np.sum(spins, axis=(0, 1, 2))  # Sum all spin vectors

    magnetization = np.linalg.norm(magnetization_sum)  # Calculate the magnitude of the sum

    return magnetization

def calculate_susceptibility(magnetizations):

    """Calculate the susceptibility (variance of magnetization per spin)."""

    return np.var(magnetizations)

L = 10

J = 1.0

k_B = 1.0

sweep = L**3

num_steps = 1000000

equilibration_steps = 100000

T_min = 0.1

T_max = 2.5

T_step = 0.1

temperature_range = np.arange(T_min, T_max + T_step, T_step)

susceptibilities = []

avg_magnetizations_per_spin = []

def run_simulation(L, J, k_B, T, num_steps, equilibration_steps):

    """Run the Monte Carlo simulation for the isotropic 3D Heisenberg model."""

    spins = initialize_spins(L)

    magnetizations = []

    for step in range(num_steps):

        spins = metropolis_step(spins, J, k_B, T)

        if step >= equilibration_steps:

            if step % sweep == 0:

                # Calculate and append the average magnetization per spin

                magnetization = calculate_magnetization(spins)


    avg_magnetization_per_spin = np.mean(magnetizations)

    avg_magnetization_per_spin /= L ** 3

    susceptibility = calculate_susceptibility(magnetizations)

    return avg_magnetization_per_spin, susceptibility

for T in temperature_range:

    avg_magnetization_per_spin, susceptibility = run_simulation(L, J, k_B, T, num_steps, equilibration_steps)



    print("Temperature: {:.2f} K, Average Magnetization per Spin: {:.4f}, Susceptibility: {:.8f}".format(T, avg_magnetization_per_spin, susceptibility))

# Plot susceptibility vs temperature

plt.plot(temperature_range, susceptibilities)

plt.xlabel("T (K)")

plt.ylabel("𝜒")  # Greek letter chi (MATHEMATICAL ITALIC SMALL CHI)

plt.title("Susceptibility vs. Temperature")


# Plot magnetization vs temperature

plt.plot(temperature_range, avg_magnetizations_per_spin)

plt.xlabel("T (K)")

plt.ylabel("<M>/L³")  # <M>/L^3 with superscript 3

plt.title("Magnetization vs. Temperature")


Mentor's Note: Code tags added.
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FAQ: Monte Carlo simulation for the classical isotropic 3D Heisenberg model

What is the Monte Carlo simulation method?

The Monte Carlo simulation method is a computational algorithm that relies on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results. It is often used to model complex systems and processes that are difficult to analyze using deterministic methods. In the context of the classical isotropic 3D Heisenberg model, it helps in understanding the statistical behavior of spin systems in three dimensions.

What is the classical isotropic 3D Heisenberg model?

The classical isotropic 3D Heisenberg model is a theoretical model used in statistical mechanics to describe the magnetic properties of materials. It consists of spins located on a three-dimensional lattice, where each spin can point in any direction in 3D space. The interactions between neighboring spins are isotropic, meaning they have the same strength in all directions.

How is the Monte Carlo method applied to the 3D Heisenberg model?

In the Monte Carlo method applied to the 3D Heisenberg model, one typically uses algorithms such as the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to simulate the spin configurations. The process involves generating random spin configurations, calculating the energy of each configuration, and then accepting or rejecting the new configuration based on a probability that depends on the temperature and energy difference, thereby sampling the equilibrium distribution of spins.

What are the main quantities of interest in Monte Carlo simulations of the 3D Heisenberg model?

The main quantities of interest include the magnetization, susceptibility, specific heat, and correlation functions. These quantities help in understanding phase transitions, critical behavior, and other thermodynamic properties of the spin system. They are typically calculated as averages over many Monte Carlo steps.

What challenges are associated with Monte Carlo simulations of the 3D Heisenberg model?

Challenges include dealing with critical slowing down near phase transitions, ensuring sufficient sampling to achieve accurate results, and managing the computational cost associated with large lattice sizes. Advanced techniques like cluster algorithms or parallel computing are often employed to mitigate these issues and improve the efficiency and accuracy of the simulations.

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