More a question to some conceptual understanding of combinatorics. The

  • #1
More a question to some conceptual understanding of combinatorics. The number of ways of picking Na elements to be in a box A, Nb to be in a box B and Nc to be in box C is given by:


One can proof this by saying: Suppose we start by putting Na in box A and so on. Now I have always wondered why on a deeper level you get the same result no matter on which box you start to put in your elements. Do all physical systems obey this kind of counting logic?

Edit: hmm.. maybe this is all gibberish..
Physics news on
  • #2

aaaa202 said:
More a question to some conceptual understanding of combinatorics. The number of ways of picking Na elements to be in a box A, Nb to be in a box B and Nc to be in box C is given by:


One can proof this by saying: Suppose we start by putting Na in box A and so on. Now I have always wondered why on a deeper level you get the same result no matter on which box you start to put in your elements. Do all physical systems obey this kind of counting logic?

Edit: hmm.. maybe this is all gibberish..

Actually, this is not gibberish, but, rather, an important question. The short answer is: classical objects obey the counting above (called Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics), but atomic-scale (quantum) objects might not. In fact, for integer-spin objects (Bosons) the formula for the number of ways of packing N identical objects into three "boxes" would be very different, while for half-integer-spin objects (Fermions) it would be impossible to pack more than one object into each "box" (depending on exactly what you mean by a 'box'). See–Einstein_statistics for a more detailed discussion, and see the links therein to Maxwell-Boltzmann and Fermi-Dirac statistics.

We know that in order to have results that agree with experiment, it is crucial to do the counting properly, because classical counting can lead to results very different from what we see in the lab.

Essentially, the classical approach assumes that while the objects are not distinguished, they are in principle distinguishable (so, for example, it makes sense to speak of object1, object2, etc., even if your counting formula _ignores_ the actual ordering). However, in the quantum world at the atomic or subatomic level, particles may be truly indistinguishable, so you cannot even speak of particle1, particle 2, particle3, etc.---you can just say you have three particles.


FAQ: More a question to some conceptual understanding of combinatorics. The

1. What is combinatorics?

Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that deals with counting and arranging objects or elements in a systematic way.

2. How is combinatorics used in science?

Combinatorics is used in science to analyze and understand complex systems, such as in biology, computer science, and physics. It is also used in statistical analysis and probability calculations.

3. What are some common applications of combinatorics?

Some common applications of combinatorics include cryptography, network analysis, genetics, and game theory.

4. How does combinatorics relate to probability?

Combinatorics and probability are closely related, as combinatorics helps calculate the number of possible outcomes in a given situation, which is then used to determine the probability of a specific outcome occurring.

5. What are some key concepts in combinatorics?

Some key concepts in combinatorics include permutations, combinations, binomial coefficients, and the inclusion-exclusion principle.

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