Most Conducting Metal + Roughest Surface: Find Out Now

In summary, the most conducting metal is silver, with a resistivity of 0.0147x10-6ohm.m at 273K. However, if you want to keep things simple, copper is also a good choice. As for the most conducting metal with the roughest surface, it is not really a property of the metal itself, but more about how it has been worked. Some good options for composite superconductors include NbTi and 14-kt cold worked gold.
  • #1
Does anybody know off of the top of their head:
1)The most conducting metal
2)A conducting metal with the roughest surface (looking for surface area)
Paden Roder
Physics news on
  • #2
pure metal or composite?
  • #3
Off the top of my head:

1) if your talking about metals and conducters, the classic answer would be copper, if you want to keep things simple stick with his.

2)Well if you take a metal solid it's 'roughness' is not really a property of the metal you choose, more how it's been worked.
  • #4


Paden Roder
  • #5
Originally posted by jcsd
1) if your talking about metals and conducters, the classic answer would be copper, if you want to keep things simple stick with his.

Ze best conductor, she is silver, not copper.
  • #6
Tom is correct, the pure metal with the highest conductivity is silver

The standard composite superconductor is NbTi (Niobi-Titanium) at 8K.
  • #7
From Giacoletto:
@ 273 K
Ag (five 9s) 0.0147x10-6ohm.m
Ag ("normal") 0.0150
Cu (four 9s) 0.0158
Cu (O free, 99.95) 0.0153
Au (five 9s) 0.0219
(all in annealed condition --- cold working raises resistivity)

14-kt Au(cold worked) 0.0145
(annealed) 0.0150

FAQ: Most Conducting Metal + Roughest Surface: Find Out Now

What is the most conducting metal?

The most conducting metal is silver, followed by copper and gold.

Why is silver the most conducting metal?

Silver has the highest electrical conductivity among metals due to its unique atomic structure and arrangement of electrons.

What is the roughest surface?

The roughest surface is subjective and can vary depending on the measurement scale used. However, on a microscopic level, surfaces with jagged edges and bumps are considered rough.

How does surface roughness affect conductivity?

Surface roughness can decrease conductivity by creating imperfections and obstacles in the flow of electrons. It can also increase resistance and decrease the efficiency of conductors.

What is the relationship between surface roughness and electrical resistance?

Surface roughness and electrical resistance have an inverse relationship. As surface roughness increases, electrical resistance also increases, making it more difficult for electricity to flow through a material.
